Chapter 281
Lan Shuang looked up and saw that it was the director, so she let go of Xiao Xu's hand, gave her some instructions in a low voice, and walked over by herself.

The director seemed to be in a good mood today, with a smile on his face all the time. After he called Lan Shuang over, he introduced everyone, "These are the leading actors, and you should know most of them. This is Lan Shuang, she Playing the role of the oiran Xiangling in the play."

The leading actors immediately wore professional smirks and shook hands with Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang also went back politely. Even after saying hello, the director said: "I put a lot of effort into this movie. I hope everyone can cooperate well and polish it carefully. Strive to create another masterpiece.”

As he spoke, he raised his glass: "Come on, have a toast, and wish us a good start."

There was a table of champagne next to it, Lan Shuang raised her hand to pick up a glass, everyone toasted and clinked, and then drank with a smile.

During this period, Gu Han's eyes kept falling on Lan Shuang, and an inexplicable undercurrent surged in his eyes.

"Okay, the producers are here, I'm going to talk to them, Gu Han and Ji Yan come with me."

"it is good."

Gu Han and Ji Yan are the male and female protagonists, they followed the director and left, but within a few steps Gu Han turned his head and smiled meaningfully at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes and found a secluded place to sit.

She doesn't want to drink, her body can't hold alcohol, drinking too much will cause trouble, she is also tired of these hypocritical social interactions, and doesn't want to waste time and energy making a group of friends who block you first when you are not doing well.

Soon, a waiter in a tuxedo came and leaned over and whispered in Lan Shuang's ear: "Miss Lan, Miss Gu is waiting for you in the lounge, please come with me."

Lan Shuang looked up, and sure enough, she saw Gu Han push open a door and nodded towards her.

The action begins.

Lan Shuang smiled, and said to the waiter, "Okay, I see, thank you."

"You're welcome." The waiter led the way, and Lan Shuang followed behind. When she reached the door of the lounge, the waiter said to her: "Miss Gu is inside, please, Miss Lan."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

Lan Shuang looked at the closed door and did not open it hastily, "Little Baba, what's going on inside, is Gu Han the only one?"

"Yes, the host, there is only Gu Han in it. I checked, and there is no audio and video recording equipment."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang raised her hand and knocked on the door: "Is anyone there?"


The door was opened from the inside, and Gu Han's face with exquisite makeup was revealed, "Be so careful, it seems that you are really scared."

Lan Shuang ignored her yin and yang aura, and went straight in, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

"Don't you know?" Gu Han closed the door with his backhand, stood at the door and looked at Lan Shuang with folded arms, "After all these years, you still like my brother, right? Otherwise, why would you follow me when I called you? ?”

Lan Shuang didn't admit it or deny it: "So you called me here to laugh at me?"

In Gu Han's eyes, her attitude is tantamount to acquiescence.

So she looked at Lan Shuang with even more disdain, and she curled her carefully groomed long curly hair with her fingers and pushed it behind her ears, "Since you like him so much, then I will give you this chance. It is up to you whether he can seize the opportunity to attract him."

"Are you so kind? Didn't you look down on me at the beginning?"

Lan Shuang didn't show any happy expression because of this, but it made Gu Han a little surprised: "You really have a brain, indeed, I didn't have such a good intention, and even today I still think you are not worthy of stepping into the door of my Gu family, but ——Compared with the surname Bai, I think you are more pleasing to the eye, if you can win my brother to divorce her, I will give you 200 million."

She's really rich, as expected of a rich young lady who doesn't have to worry about food and clothing, she actually spends money to find someone to poach her sister-in-law's corner, this family is really one of a kind.

"Oh." Lan Shuang looked at her lightly: "Let's talk about it when your brother comes."

"Don't worry, I'll be here soon." Gu Han raised his hand and looked at his watch, "It's almost time, just wait here."

With that said, she opened the door and walked out.

Lan Shuang sat on the sofa and looked around the lounge.

Said to be the lounge, everything is very complete, sofa coffee table TV bed, everything is available.

She stood up and walked around, standing in front of a whole floor-to-ceiling window and watching the neon lights flickering outside, feeling illusory and luxurious.

However, she didn't wait long when there was a sound at the door, "Is Hanhan here?"

"Yes, Mr. Gu."

This is the voice of Gu Han's assistant, Lan Shuang's heart tightens, it's coming!

She didn't look back, she just stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The room was dark, and the lights were not turned on, so she couldn't see anything clearly.

After Gu Ting opened the door and came in, he didn't notice anything wrong at first, and he asked, "Why don't you turn on the light?"

His voice sounded softer than usual, as if he had drunk too much, with a hint of tipsiness.

The door was closed from the outside at this time, Gu Ting reached out and groped on the wall: "What's wrong with you again, you didn't pay me much attention today."

This kind of gentle and intimate tone had never existed in the original owner's memory, so Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, almost thinking that it was not Gu Ting who came in, but someone else.

But the moment the dazzling light came on, the man's figure was clearly reflected on the glass, and it was indeed Gu Ting.

Seeing that the person standing in front of the window was silent, Gu Ting's body tensed instantly, and the illusion of gentleness disappeared. He held the doorknob with one hand, and asked vigilantly, "Who are you?"

Lan Shuang turned around slowly, the red crystal earrings refracted bright light under the light, and against her fair and delicate side face, she looked very seductive.

"Gu Ting."

Gu Ting's pupils trembled slightly, "It's you."

"It's me." Lan Shuang walked over to the sofa and sat down, raised her chin at the opposite seat: "Sit down and talk?"

"I don't think there's anything we need to talk about."

Gu Ting's attitude did not relax, and he didn't even move.

Lan Shuang thought to herself: It really is difficult.

She raised her hand to show him: "I didn't bring anything in. It was your sister who asked me to come. You also know that if she doesn't deal with me, she will definitely not leave any hidden dangers."

Hearing this, Gu Ting's eyes softened a little, "Did she ask you to come?"

Lan Shuang picked up the sober red wine on the table and poured it into a goblet, "Can we sit down and talk now?"

Gu Ting stared at her carefully for a moment, then walked over condescendingly and sat down opposite her, but did not touch the glass of red wine.

Lan Shuang didn't care, picked up her glass and shook it, "Your sister really loves you as a brother, even the wine here is your favorite."

Gu Ting's eyes fell on her hands, "What did she say to you? She always loses her temper, which is a headache. If it has brought you a bad influence, I'm sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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