Chapter 282
Lan Shuang took a sip of the red wine and put it down again. She casually rested her chin on her hand and looked at him, "I didn't say anything, I just said that she hates this sister-in-law, Bai Moran, and doesn't want you to be together, so I hope I can help."

Gu Ting didn't change his expression, "Really? It's true that she and Moran didn't get along very well, but I don't plan to divorce for the time being. Just listen to these words and I'll take care of my family affairs."

As he got up and was about to leave, Lan Shuang said calmly: "Really? You mean that I, an outsider, have no right to interfere, right? Gu Ting, do you still remember what happened back then?"

Gu Ting paused and sat back down again.

"At the beginning, you were the one who chased me first, saying that you liked me and would treat me well, and you said that I looked very good-looking on the stage, and hoped that I could go on forever, but you didn't tell me that you were married. "

As Lan Shuang said, she slowly raised her eyes, the mist had already formed in her beautiful eyes.

Beauty is indeed very lethal at certain times, pear blossoms with rain, I feel sorry for him, but Gu Ting couldn't help being slightly startled, and then his tone softened: "I'm sorry, I didn't handle this matter properly. .”

"But I think after so many years, you should look away, not to mention that at the beginning, I thought we had made it clear."

"Clarified? Are you threatening me to swallow my anger or let the company hide me, or the 300 million breakup fee that you paid for me?"

Lan Shuang was a little emotional, "In your eyes, is our relationship just a transaction from the beginning to the end?"

Tears were eager to try on the edge of the eye sockets, but in the end the eyelashes were overwhelmed and released the teardrops.

Gu Ting's eyes moved slightly. At the beginning, he wanted to marry Bai Moran's sister, but that woman didn't like him, so he ran away with his sweetheart on the wedding day, and disappeared into the vast crowd. In order not to make this marriage a joke, The Bai family asked that illegitimate daughter to marry him instead. He was dissatisfied and wanted to resist, but at that time he was fledgling and couldn't compete with the family, so he could only make this angry.

But after he got married, it was his freedom whether he could go to bed or sleep with that woman, and no one cared about him, so he lived outside openly and didn't look at that woman much.

During that time, he always drank his sorrows. His agent felt that this was not going to work, so he decided to take over a job for him on a talent show and asked him to be a mentor. It was on that show that he first met Lan Shuang, who just debuted not long ago.

At that time, Lan Shuang was like a rose in bud, seductive without knowing it, confident and dazzling on the stage, very beautiful, and caught everyone's attention almost as soon as she appeared.

Gu Ting is no exception, he even resembles the white moonlight in his heart in the misty light and shadow, so everything is logical, he approached her with a different mind, using various tricks to pursue her who is not deeply involved in the world.

He skillfully used all kinds of romantic techniques, weaved a big net with hypocrisy, and bound Lan Shuang firmly.

They will secretly go out on dates, watch the sunrise on the sea-sky line together, and watch the moon on the fifteenth day together.

Because of that white moonlight, he was always gentle towards Lan Shuang, he didn't gobble up so violently, and the most extreme was not just a passionate kiss. He didn't develop to the last step. He planned for that night, and he must be happy. His wish for so many years.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, his underground love affair with Lan Shuang was exposed, public opinion exploded, and everything was developing in an unfavorable direction. In the end, he had to abandon Lan Shuang to save himself.

At that time, he was too anxious and his methods were not so mature, so he dealt with the matter too harshly. If it were now, he might choose a more gentle method to deal with Lan Shuang...

Gu Ting thought about it endlessly, and when he smelled the faint scent of wine, he suddenly came back to his senses and found that Lan Shuang had sat beside him at some point.


"So, those good memories are all my wishful thinking, right?" Taking a closer look, Lan Shuang's exquisite face had a greater impact, and Gu Ting suddenly realized that she and Bai Yueguang were actually not very similar.

Under her focused and sad gaze, Gu Ting's disguise and armor began to disintegrate, and his wavering heart finally betrayed him. He lowered his eyes to avoid Lan Shuang's overly enthusiastic gaze, "I'm sorry, I was the one who couldn't handle it at that time." Well, I didn't mean to hurt you, it's just that the situation at that time was very special, and it involved my family, so I could only do this, but my feelings for you are indeed not fake, I chased you because I like it."

Lan Shuang smiled suddenly when she heard the words, with tears in her smile: "Your liking is to lie to me that you are not married, you are single, let me be with you without any scruples, and that we are both on the rise, so it is not easy to disclose , let me keep having an affair with you, right? Gu Ting, it's really hard for me to trust you."

She leaned on the back of the sofa, covered her face with her hands, her shoulders trembled slightly, and she seemed to be very broken.

Gu Ting pursed his lips, and reached out to give her a hug: "Shuangshuang, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have lied to you. I also had reasons for marrying Bai Moran at that time."

"It's too late to say this now, do you know how I've lived these years?" Lan Shuang put down her hands, revealing her red eyes and the tip of her nose.

Gu Ting felt a twinge in his heart, "I don't know."

"Both my parents passed away! During my most difficult time, they both left. During that time, I suffered from severe depression and almost died, but if I left, my sister would have no one to take care of, So I gritted my teeth and got through it, and I stepped into the circle again."

"What?" Gu Ting was taken aback, "Your parents..."

"They have a very serious disease that cannot be cured."

Lan Shuang sighed, calmed down, and stood up, "Gu Ting, I came today because I wanted an answer. Now that I have the answer, I give up. Goodbye."

With that said, she turned around and walked out.

Gu Ting hurriedly stood up: "Wait - I was wrong before, if you need any help, you can come to me."

"No, I'm not that cheap. For so many years, I've survived the infamy. I haven't looked for you once. It doesn't make sense to look for you now, but you'd better look after your wife. She used the recording to frame me. I haven't asked her to settle it yet, if I have a chance, I will make her repay double."

Lan Shuang dropped the harsh words, opened the door and left.

Gu Ting: "Wait..."

The door closed, and Lan Shuang's back completely disappeared.

Gu Ting slowly retracted his hand, "Don't be so deadly, what if..."

He frowned, and the phone rang just in time. When he saw that it was Bai Moran's call, he hung up immediately.

In another lounge separated by a wall, Gu Han stood in front of the window, slowly puffed on a cigarette, and then spit it out, holding a mobile phone in the other hand, "Did you take a picture of everything?"

 At present, the code word rehabilitation is going well, but there is one thing... I don’t really remember what I wrote before, and my brain is empty every day\(`∆’)/

(End of this chapter)

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