Chapter 283
When Lan Shuang entered, Gu Han asked the paparazzi who had been ambushing on the opposite side to find the right angle and took a photo of Lan Shuang and Gu Ting. The more intimate and ambiguous the better, of course, these two people may not be able to do it. What ambiguous behavior, but as long as the angle is found well, gossip and gossip are inevitable.

Paparazzi: "It's all done, let's talk about it, these two seem to be a good match."

Gu Han stopped smoking, and his face suddenly became sullen, "Stop talking nonsense, send the photo to your email address, and the remaining money will be credited to your account on time, but if you are dishonest, you dare to keep it." Negatives or something, I have a way to make you disappear from this world without anyone noticing."

She used a voice changer, and the mobile phone was not her own, so the paparazzi didn't know her real identity, so naturally they didn't know why the other party was angry, but if they could find him, the other party would not be a good person at first glance. The paparazzi didn't want to get angry. Don't be too greedy when taking money to do things, he immediately promised: "I will definitely deal with it cleanly. Don't worry, the donor, I have a guaranteed reputation in the industry."


Gu Han hung up the phone, threw the phone on the sofa casually, lay down on the railing and took a deep breath of the cigarette, the psychedelic smoke rose up, covering her face with a veil, making her The beautiful appearance became faintly visible.

Her sometimes calm and sometimes distorted expression looks quite strange.

"Bai Moran, Lan Shuang, I will not let them go."

After taking the last puff of the cigarette, she crushed the cigarette butt, picked up her bag and mobile phone, and turned to go out.


When Lan Shuang returned to the restaurant, everyone was chatting in full swing, but not many people noticed her. She tidied up her makeup in the toilet, and there was no trace of crying, so she came out. After finding Xiao Xu, she whispered Said, "Let's go."

Xiao Xu nodded: "OK."

The two left from the side. Gu Ting happened to see it when he came out, but he didn't stop him. He just called the waiter and asked Xia Lanshuang's room number, and ordered a big fruit plate for her.

When the waiter knocked on the door and came in with a large fruit plate, Xiao Xu was stunned, "We didn't order a fruit plate? Did you deliver it by mistake?"

The waiter smiled and said, "That's right, Mr. Gu ordered it for Miss Lan."

Lan Shuang changed into her regular clothes and came out, smiling inexplicably, "Thank you, I will give one to Mr. Gu by the way, and tell him to return it to him."

The waiter wrote it down and turned to leave.

Xiao Xu walked in with a fruit plate, put it on the table, and couldn't help asking: "Sister Shuang, why did you accept his fruit plate? If people know about it, I'm afraid they won't be able to explain it clearly."

Lan Shuang said, "So I ordered another one and returned it to him."

Xiao Xu was at a loss: "So why?"

"If I refuse directly, Gu Ting may think that I am playing hard to get and throwing a fit at him. I accept it frankly and give him back. This is drawing a line. I hope he can understand."

Lan Shuang took a cherries and ate it, Xiao Xu suddenly realized: "Then what if he doesn't understand?"

"That's because he's short-sighted." Lan Shuang didn't want to mention Gu Ting's matter anymore, and waved to Xiao Xu: "I can't finish it by myself, it happens that we didn't eat much at night, let's eliminate it together."

"it is good."


Sure enough, Gu Ting was silent for a while after receiving the fruit plate, and then put it on the table.

As soon as the door was closed, when he was sitting on the sofa, Lan Shuang's appearance kept flashing in his mind. He thought that those things were in the past, but now that he thought about it, it seemed like it was still yesterday.

She is still so beautiful, even after tempering, she has faded from the initial greenness and innocence, and now she is the best and most colorful rose in the rose garden, so beautiful that people can't help but want to pick it off and take it for themselves have.

Gu Ting's eyes dimmed, with a cigarette between his fingers, he took a deep breath after lighting it up, there were some things he hadn't tasted, just looked at, didn't know the taste, and didn't know what to do.

But once you have tasted the delicious taste, but you can't eat it happily, it will make people dream and scratch their hearts and livers with longing.

Gu Ting thought, he still had to taste it, otherwise he would not be reconciled.

And Bai Moran...he was the one who was careless last time, but this time, she will never catch him again!

After having an idea in his mind, Gu Ting and his assistant told him to stay for one more day and leave the day after tomorrow.


Lan Shuang didn't know what Gu Ting was thinking about, she got a message from Gu Xiao after she took a shower and went to bed.

Haha: [Is the dinner party over?nothing happened? 】

Lan Shuang looked at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock, this person wouldn't have been waiting, could he?

Tiantian: [talked to Gu Han for a while, met Gu Ting again, and talked to Gu Ting for a while]

Haha: [Gu Ting?He didn't do anything to you, did he? 】

Tiantian: [You should be worried that I didn't do anything to him]

Ha ha:【……】

Haha: [also]

Haha: [You didn't beat him to death, did you?The Gu family's property hasn't been divided yet, he can't die yet, you leave him a breath first]

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing when she saw this.

This guy is really naive and helpless sometimes.

While digging into the quilt, she sent him a voice message: "We didn't start a fight, don't worry, Gu Han hooked us up to let us meet, I used some tricks to record our conversation."

Gu Xiao was sitting in the study and drowsy, when he saw the voice, he immediately sat up straight and opened his body, Lan Shuang's voice slowly poured out from the receiver, like uninvited moonlight, suddenly filled him territory.

He stared at the ground in a daze, and waited until the voice was over before realizing what did she just say?

Looking at the darkened screen, he listened to it again after he turned it on, and his face sank immediately: "How did you record it? Didn't he find out?"

"No, he didn't find out, I did it very covertly."

Can the hair recorder not be hidden?

Lan Shuang laughed mockingly, "I guided him to tell the truth. Once this recording is released, Gu's reputation will drop to the bottom in an instant."

"Are you going to release it now?" Gu Xiao also initiated a voice.

"No, releasing it now won't have much impact on Gu Ting. The Gu family is standing behind him. He has the best public relations team in his hands. It's not difficult to clean up. Moreover, a scandal of this level will soon come to an end. He will be forgotten, and his foundation will not be shaken."

Lan Shuang was very calm. She didn't plan to attack Gu Ting so quickly from the beginning. If she wanted to take revenge on him, she had to kill him with one blow, so that he would never get up again. Otherwise, what kind of revenge is that?
After Gu Xiao heard this, his brows slowly relaxed, "It's really amazing that you can still maintain your sanity."

Lan Shuang scratched her hair: "It's up to you, Mr. Gu."

Gu Xiao sat on the chair and chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, my people have already set up a trap, just wait for him to sneak in, he won't be successful for long."

(End of this chapter)

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