Chapter 285
It was very difficult for the director, but Lan Shuang did it. The staff present looked at Lan Shuang a little differently.

Lan Shuang didn't care, because the next shot was about to start soon, and her scenes were very small, and the filming was basically finished in one day.

When work was over in the evening, she was already tired and her back was sore. After changing her clothes, Xiao Xu helped her to go out. The director happened to be talking to the staff. Seeing her coming out, she sent the staff away and walked over by herself.

"Director Jiang."

Lan Shuang greeted him, Director Jiang nodded, and said kindly: "You have worked hard today, go back and have a good rest tonight, and you may need to shoot a few more shots tomorrow, and you can go back after shooting."

"Okay, I'll be there on time tomorrow."

After saying this, Director Jiang didn't leave. Lan Shuang sensed that he might have something to say to her, so she asked Xiao Xu to wait in the car first, and Xiao Xu left wisely.

Director Jiang then said: "Lan Shuang, after spending time together, I can see that you are a good boy, you are very talented, and you are very spiritual. There are not many people like this in the circle, and you are very rare."

Lan Shuang said neither humble nor overbearing: "Director Jiang has won the award."

"It's not an award, I usually don't praise people, because I rarely meet people I want to praise, you are different, I have been in this circle for so many years, I have seen too many things, so the relationship between you and Gu Ting I'm not going to comment, but just from the perspective of an actor, you are a good seed, willing to put your heart into it, willing to keep your feet on the ground, and your future achievements will be limitless."

Jiang Daoyu said earnestly: "Of course, you choose the road yourself. What happens in the future is all up to you. I just want to remind you, young people, your future is still long. I hope you can find the road you want to take." road."

After saying that, he patted Lan Shuang on the shoulder, his eyes were full of generosity and love of the elders.

Lan Shuang's heart trembled suddenly, and she said emotionally, "Thank you Director Jiang, I will try my best to be a good actor."

"Okay, go back."

Director Jiang smiled and waved his hands, Lan Shuang bid him farewell and got into the car.

After the car door was closed, Lan Shuang saw Director Jiang's figure gradually shrinking and disappearing outside the window, exhaled with emotion, and said to 888: "In fact, there are still many good people in this world, but in many cases, kindness is hidden deep in my heart, and it is difficult to see. , so people always feel that the maliciousness is overwhelming.”

888 is at a loss; "Why does the host suddenly have such feelings?"

The corners of Lan Shuang's lips curled slightly, revealing a relieved smile, "Because I suddenly figured out something."


"Don't be stingy with kindness, even if it's for strangers, a little more kindness may change a person's fate."

As the voice fell, a message suddenly popped up on the screen in front of 888, "Host, the resentment value has decreased again—the female support's resentment value has been reduced by ten, leaving 75, come on!"

The light from the street lamp was cut into fragments, but Lan Shuang thought it was very beautiful. She took out her mobile phone and took a picture and sent it to Moments. By the way, she sent a message to Gu Xiao: [It's finished, let's eat, I'll treat you. 】


"Ah Xiao, where are we going? What are we going to eat?"

Huo You was dragged out by Gu Xiao as soon as he got off work, without even having time to change his clothes, he followed him out of the car and went straight to a shop on the outskirts of the city.

Looking at the unfamiliar surroundings, Huo Youzhi frowned: "Is there anything delicious in this place?"

Gu Xiao glanced at him: "When someone invites you to dinner, it's your turn to be picky? You can eat whatever you want, there are so many things to do."

Huo Youzhi: "..."

"It's not time for you to be hypocritical, is it? When I invited you to dinner, you either thought the decoration of this restaurant was ugly, or the table of that restaurant was ugly, and there was a lot of shit about eating. How dare you dislike me?"

Gu Xiao: "..."

He coughed lightly, "That's a lot to talk about."

Huo Youzhi: "..."

After walking for a while, finally arrived at the destination, Gu Xiao signed to Huo You: "Here, this is the one."

Huo Youzhi looked up at the weather-beaten plaque and murmured, "Hot pot restaurant?"

"Shall we eat hot pot?"

His eyes widened in surprise, which was beyond his expectation.

"Go in." Gu Xiao pushed the door first and entered.

"Hey, wait for me!"

Huo Youzhi followed, and as soon as they entered, they smelled a strong smell of hot pot. Fortunately, they were not celebrities. Although they were outstanding in appearance, what other people cared more about was the suits they were wearing.

Wearing a suit to eat hot pot, this match is really a bit strange, Huo Youzhi was a little embarrassed to be seen by others, he followed Gu Xiao to the second floor box and heaved a sigh of relief.

Just as he was about to complain, the waiter had already opened the door, revealing Lan Shuang who was sitting inside.

"You guys are here—"

Lan Shuang stood up and stretched out her hand to him: "You are Mr. Huo? Nice to meet you."

Huo Youzhi stared blankly at Lan Shuang, his ears turned red all of a sudden, and he carefully reached out his hand to shake it: "Fortunately, glad to meet you."

Gu Xiao watched coldly. After dismissing the waiter, he took off his suit jacket and said with a blank expression, "I recommended your number last time, did you call?"

Huo Youzhi pointed at himself blankly: "Me?"


"What phone did you recommend me?"

Gu Xiao sneered: "You stutter."

Huo Youzhi: "..."

"You're the one who stutters, your whole family stutters, don't spread rumors!"

He angrily rolled up his sleeves, turned to Lan Shuang and said, "Miss Lan, don't get me wrong, I don't stutter, it's all his nonsense."

Lan Shuang looked at him with a smile: "I can hear it."

Huo Youzhi was relieved, and stared at Lan Shuang with good eyes, not noticing that the nearby volcano was on the verge of erupting.

"Miss Lan is even more beautiful than what I saw on TV. I didn't believe what Ah Xiao said before, but after seeing the real person now, I think I really misunderstood you."

Huo Youzhi said it very sincerely. Most of his understanding of Lan Shuang before came from other people's mouths, which was highly subjective and would naturally affect his judgment. But this meeting, Lan Shuang's temperament and eyes were completely different from those in the gossip. He didn't realize that he was wrong until the little goblin in the middle of the night couldn't touch it.

Besides, Lan Shuang happens to be the type that Huo Youzhu likes.

After saying these two sentences, not only his ears turned red, but his face also turned red, like a shy tomato.

Gu Xiao: "..."

What are you talking about?
"There are many people who misunderstand me. I am used to it. If I can change after seeing me, I will be very pleased."

Lan Shuang raised the juice glass and asked, "I didn't order any wine, do you want some?"

"No, no, no, no drink."

Huo Youzhi waved his hand, "Juice is fine, thank you."

He handed over the cup, Lan Shuang nodded and poured it for him, getting closer, Huo Youzhi blushed even more.

Gu Xiao finally couldn't stand it any longer, and reached out to snatch the cup.

Huo Youzhi: "??? What are you doing?"

Gu Xiao glanced at him while holding the cup: "I'm thirsty, so I'll drink first."

 Some bastards, superficially aloof and aloof, actually steal juice from others, right Gu Gou?
(End of this chapter)

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