Chapter 286
After Gu Xiao finished speaking, he drank the whole glass of juice in one breath, and finally said with disgust: "Sour."

Huo Youzhi: "If you think it's sour, spit it out. Lan Shuang poured it for me!"

He glared at Gu Xiao angrily, reaching out to grab his cup.

Gu Xiao raised his hand up, and Huo Youzhi was helpless. He was short and his arms were short.

Lan Shuang couldn't help but glance at Gu Xiao: "What are you bullying him for?"

Gu Xiao squinted his eyes and said in a bad tone: "I bullied him? We have a good relationship."

Lan Shuang: "..."

You say yes.

Gu Xiao saw that she poured juice into another glass, put down the glass, rang the bell to call the waiter, and asked him for wine.

Huo Youzhi was puzzled: "Aren't you not drinking?"

"I've changed my mind. It's hard to come out. How can I not drink?"

"If you drink, who will drive?" Huo Youzhi leaned on the chair and scratched his hair in embarrassment: "I will definitely drink with you."

Gu Xiao looked at Lan Shuang as a matter of course: "Her."

Lan Shuang: "???"

Huo Youzhi was taken aback for a moment: "You let the girl drive you, are you embarrassed?"

"Excuse me, she owes me." Gu Xiao said with confidence, Lan Shuang immediately reacted, and said to Huo Youzhi: "Yes, I owe Mr. Gu, it's okay, I can drive."


Seeing that Lan Shuang also agreed, Huo Youzhi didn't struggle anymore, and the three of them began to put vegetables and meat into the pot. The hot pot was bubbling and steaming, and the atmosphere came in an instant, and the distance between the three of them was pulled closer unconsciously. , First chatting about some things, Huo Youzhi finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and started gossiping.

"Lan Shuang, why did you think of inviting us to have hot pot?"

Huo Youzhi was panting from the heat, so he couldn't help asking.

Lan Shuang said without changing her expression, "Because of being poor."

Huo Youzhi accidentally choked on the chili pepper, turned his head and coughed earth-shatteringly, Gu Xiao glanced at him in disgust, then reached out and patted him on the back very perfunctorily, "Is it strange? She doesn't have much money."

"No, it's not surprising, I just didn't expect her to be such a simple and unpretentious person."

The reasons are so straightforward.

Huo Youzhi, who finally regained his strength, looked at Lan Shuang with tears in his eyes.

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, and took a tissue and handed it to him: "Wipe your tears, it looks so pitiful."

"Thank you." Huo Youzhi took it shyly and wiped his face, "But people like you are rare, I like it."

"You're pretty cute too." With a conscience in heaven and earth, Lan Shuang's words came from her heart in her approval of Huo Youzhu's appearance.

Huo Youzhi actually looks like a baby dog, with slightly drooping eyes, big and bright eyes, giving people a very innocent feeling when he focuses on looking at people, and making people want to pet the dog's head because he looks so pitiful after crying.

However, when these words fell into Gu Xiao's ears, no matter how they heard them, they didn't sound right.

He watched the two talking and laughing with deep eyes, and couldn't help pulling his lips and snorting coldly.

This sound was not loud, drowned in the sound of the hot pot boiling, no one heard it.

Soon the topic turned to private detectives, Huo Youzhi lowered his voice and asked, "Aren't you afraid of being discovered by Gu Ting when you hire a private detective to investigate Bai Moran?"

"Isn't your recommendation very reliable?"

Lan Shuang asked back, Huo Youzhi was at a loss for words, "I'm talking about hypotheses."

"Don't be afraid, after you find out, I don't like making meaningless assumptions."

"That's right." Holding the wine glass, Huo Youzhi nodded, "If you encounter something that you can't solve, you can come to Ah Xiao, or you can find me!"

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone excitedly: "Come on, we have eaten together, we are also friends, let's add a WeChat."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang didn't refuse, she took out her phone and was about to scan the QR code when a very good-looking hand stretched out and grabbed Huo Youzhi's phone.

Huo Youzhi raised his head blankly: "Ah Xiao, what are you doing?"

"Go back and add more, your hairy belly is getting old."

With a cold face, Gu Xiao reminded him in a cold tone.

Huo Youzhi screamed, hurried to save his belly, and then forgot about adding WeChat.

Lan Shuang looked at Gu Xiao suspiciously, Gu Xiao calmly withdrew his hand, leaned on the back of the chair with raised eyebrows and looked at her deeply: "Huh?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "It's okay, let's eat."

Gu Xiao felt subtly upset, and chatted with Huo Yousign, so will he be all right here?

What do you mean?
He picked up the wine glass and drank it dry in one gulp, poured another full glass, turned to Huo Youzhi and said, "Drink."

Huo Youzhi: "Oh oh oh."

He froze and started drinking with Gu Xiao, drinking more and more vigorously, Lan Shuang couldn't stop her, and finally gave up altogether, watching them drink.

Finally, after eating and drinking, Huo Youzhi got down on the ground.

Gu Xiao looked quite normal, but his face was slightly flushed, but he was good-looking, and he didn't look embarrassed when he was drunk and blurred, but he was inexplicably sexy.

Seeing him staring at her, Lan Shuang couldn't help but ask, "Are you still awake?"

Gu Xiao looked at her steadily, and said in a slow and relaxed tone, "Of course."

"That's good." Lan Shuang got up to pay the bill, and then handed Gu Xiao a candy when she came back.

Gu Xiao stared straight at the hand stretched out in front of him, "What is this?"

"Chewing gum, do you want to eat?"

Lan Shuang sent her hand forward again, Gu Xiao's eyes paused for a moment, then slowly moved up, and landed on Lan Shuang's face.

"Huh?" Lan Shuang was about to ask if he would not eat it?I saw this man standing up, his movements were slow but steady.

He walked past Lan Shuang and said softly, "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Oh." Lan Shuang didn't take it seriously, and tried to pat Huo Youzhi on the shoulder, but this man was really drunk and passed out, even snoring.

Lan Shuang: "..."

After about 5 minutes, Gu Xiao came out of the bathroom steadily, and said to Lan Shuang, "I'll help you get him down."

"Oh good." Lan Shuang watched him get Huo Youzhi out with half-support and half-stretch, and said to 888 with emotion: "Gu Xiao's drinking capacity is really good, I think he drank more than Huo Youzhi, but Huo Youzhi The sign is dizzy, he has nothing to do, it's scary."

888: "Really? I think he might be drunk too, but it's not obvious."

Lan Shuang's eyes fell on Gu Xiao's straight legs, "Well, maybe."

After getting Huo Youzhi out, Gu Xiao calmly called his assistant, and within 10 minutes, he arrived in a car. Gu Xiao pushed Huo Youzhi over in disgust, "Send him back to his villa, Then don't pick me up."

Assistant: "Ah? Then Mr. Gu, how are you going?"

Gu Xiao turned to look at Lan Shuang: "She sent me off!"

There was inexplicable pride in his tone.

The assistant and Lan Shuang looked at each other, and a row of question marks appeared above their heads.

However, in the next second, the question mark on the assistant's head turned into a row of exclamation marks, and he picked up Huo You's sign and slipped away at the speed of light.

Lan Shuang: "????"

Gu Xiao turned his head and stuffed the car keys into her hand, proudly raised his chin at his car, "Send me off."

(End of this chapter)

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