Early on Sunday morning, as soon as Lan Shuang opened her eyes, she heard 888 say: "Host, I just received a message that the system needs to be overhauled. Recently, there is a problem with the database, so I may need to upgrade it."

Lan Shuang woke up immediately, "So are you going to leave? How long will you be away?"

888: "I don't know either. If it is quick, it will take a day or two. If it is slow, it may take ten days and a half a month. It depends on the situation. I will come back as soon as possible."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Lan Shuang blew him a kiss: "What~"

888: "Bye bye, host~"

After the words fell, Lan Shuang suddenly seemed to have a barrier in her mind, cutting off her connection with 888, and she could no longer feel the existence of the system.

"Xiao Baba?"

There was silence in the space.

"It's really uncomfortable to leave so soon."

Lan Shuang closed her eyes and took a rest, got up to wash up, although she only had one scene today, it was a very important scene, because the second girl saw through the fact that she was deceived, she was disheartened and died for her country , It is better to be broken jade than to be complete, which just confirms the title of the play.

To put it bluntly, what she is going to shoot today is the scene of jumping off the city wall.

The staff arrived at the scene early in the morning, checked the equipment repeatedly, and made sure that there was nothing wrong before they dared to let Lan Shuang go up.

Lan Shuang was wearing a phoenix robe with gold patterns on a black background and a golden crown on her head. She stood on the city wall and looked down at the thousands of troops below.

"Okay, the actors are in place, let's start—"

Lan Shuang stood a little forward and walked to the city wall. Her eyes were slowly moistened. After her emotions were brewed, she said loudly: "I am the princess of the Yan Kingdom. I will never turn my back on Dayan at any time. Today the city is broken. , I will die with the kings!"

As she said that, she jumped off the city wall amidst an exclamation.

The original plan was very good, she would land safely, but suddenly, a rope on Wia suddenly loosened, her figure plummeted, and she fell straight down!

This time the exclamation of the people below was more genuine.

"Lan Shuang!"

Lan Shuang hugged her head and face in time, tried her best to turn around, let her legs touch the ground first, and then clicked, a burst of severe pain came, she gasped, her face turned pale from the pain, she must have sprained her ankle .

The moment she landed on the ground, she thought bitterly, fortunately, only one rope was loose, if the whole thing was loose, she might break her leg if she fell like this.

On the first day when 888 was away, I missed it.

"Lan Shuang, are you alright?"

"Come on, call 120!"

"Stand apart, don't get so close, she can hardly breathe!"

Lan Shuang was dizzy and wanted to say something, but before she had time, she passed out directly.


When she regained consciousness, she heard someone asking the doctor, "How is it? Is it serious?"

"Fortunately, she landed in a good posture, so she only twisted a bit. The rest of the place was impacted, and there may be bruises, but no bones were hurt. The most serious thing is the ankle. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of bed and walk for a month. , I have to observe it later, but taking good care of it won’t affect my future life.”

"That's good, thank you."

this voice...

"Gu... Gu Xiao?"

Lan Shuang's weak voice sounded, and Gu Xiao, who was following the doctor out, immediately turned around and rushed to the bedside, "Are you awake?"

Lan Shuang slowly opened her eyes, looked at Gu Xiao who was kneeling by the bed, and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Gu Xiao frowned, looking a little fierce, "Who will come if I don't come? I arrived at the set early and planned to surprise you, but who knew it would surprise you instead."

Lan Shuang couldn't laugh or cry.

"I didn't expect it either."

She struggled to sit up, but Gu Xiao held her down, and said fiercely: "Don't move, your muscles and bones will be hurt for a hundred days, and your feet will have to take care of themselves for a while, just lie down for me."

Lan Shuang didn't move anymore, she stared at him for a while, and said with some disgust, "You are so fierce."

Gu Xiao: "..."

He hesitated to speak, and finally slowed down, "Sorry."

"I don't blame you. I had agreed to talk to you, but now the plan has failed. I should say I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry for?" Gu Xiao shook his head, "This matter is still to be blamed on the crew, I have asked my assistant to handle it."

"By the way, what about the director?" Lan Shuang asked.

"Boom boom boom——"

Said that the director arrived, Gu Xiao went to open the door, his face sank when he saw the director, staring at him quietly, the director was carrying a big fruit basket in his hand, his face was slightly red, "Can I go in and talk?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Director, come in, Gu Xiao."

Only then did Gu Xiao get out of the way, and the director breathed a sigh of relief after entering. The man's eyes were too terrifying, as if he wanted to pounce on him and bite his neck off!
"I'm so sorry, I asked the staff to check it before, who knows that something went wrong, I'm really sorry, the medical expenses are borne by the crew, including the follow-up recuperation—"

"No need, you keep the money for yourself, I will take care of it," Gu Xiao walked over and sat down on the chair beside the bed.

"That won't work. There is still compensation that should be paid. Fortunately, nothing major happened."

The director had lingering fears, Lan Shuang comforted: "Fortunately, I was only sprained, and the director doesn't have to blame himself too much. In the future, we should pay more attention to the safety of props, but I am injured now, so I can only postpone the shooting of my scenes, I am afraid it will drag down the crew. progress."

"It's okay, it's okay! Your part in the future is mainly about memories, you can shoot other people's first, and we can talk about it after you get out of the hospital."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang nodded. The director wanted to say something more, but Gu Xiao hurried away: "She needs to rest now, please communicate with my assistant if you have something to do, and leave first if you have nothing to do."

The director hesitated to speak, and looked at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang smiled helplessly at him.

The director understands, this is tacit consent, is this a boyfriend and girlfriend?It doesn't look like it.

He scratched his heart and liver curiously, but he didn't dare to ask, so he could only walk away in despair.

Gu Xiao closed the door, his face pale, "You are not reliable director at all."

"His attitude is not bad." Lan Shuang suddenly thought of something and asked him, "Where is my mobile phone?"

"Oh, at your assistant's."

"Where's my assistant?"

"It's with my assistant."

Lan Shuang: "..."


Xiao Xu was stopped outside the door, and glanced towards the ward from time to time, worried, "Assistant Lu, can I go in? The director has come out."

Assistant Lu is a man in his twenties who wears glasses and is very refined. Hearing this, he smiled slightly and resolutely refused: "No."

Xiao Xu: "...Why? The one inside is my Sister Shuang."

Assistant Lu: "Because there is my boss inside, and I can't do anything if he says no, but don't worry, my boss will take good care of Miss Lan."

Xiao Xu showed doubts: "Are you sure?"

Assistant Lu nodded: "You can still ring the bell if you don't take good care of her."

Xiao Xu: "..."

Are you afraid it is poisonous?

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