However, no matter what Xiao Xu said, Assistant Lu was strictly on guard and wouldn't let her in. It was a joke, disturbing the two-person world of the boss and his sweetheart. Do you want his salary?
Is he the boss's dog?
No, he was defending his wages!

The only happiness of being a worker!
Gu Xiao obviously knew the abilities of his subordinates. He stood at the end of the bed with his arms crossed, his eyebrows raised slightly, and he looked at Lan Shuang with a little complacency: "Don't worry, no one will disturb us casually except doctors and nurses."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She lowered her eyes to look at her ankle with a plaster cast, and then thought about 888 who had already left. This scene is not good for her no matter how you look at it.

"In this situation, do I want to shout, don't you come over?"

Lan Shuang looked at Gu Xiao warily.

Gu Xiao: "..."

He couldn't hold back, and gave a low laugh, and the image of a bully he pretended to be was instantly shattered, "Then don't move around, I won't come over."

As he spoke, he sat down on the chair beside the bed, his eyes gradually calmed down, "You are looking for your mobile phone and Xiao Xu, are you trying to contact the company?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "I'm in the hospital, the manager will at least let me know, so as not to cause trouble on the Internet."

"Don't worry, I've dealt with all of these as soon as possible, and people are watching the public opinion on the Internet, so there's nothing wrong with it for the time being."

Gu Xiao took out his mobile phone and glanced at it.

Lan Shuang: "Ah? When will you..."

"I did it as soon as I sent you to the hospital."

Seeing that there was no important news, Gu Xiao put the phone on the table and put it aside.

"You don't have to think about anything now, I'll take care of everything for you, you just need to rest in peace and recuperate."

Lan Shuang thought for a while, then said softly, "Thank you."

"You don't have to be so polite with me." Gu Xiao fell silent, and a pair of sharp eyes just stared at her for an unknown amount of time. The surface of the lake full of broken stars sparkles when the wind blows.

"It happens that we are all free now, can we talk about our past?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "What's the matter?"

Gu Xiao leaned forward slightly, "Pretend to be stupid? How about I help you recall it again?"

His eyes slid up along Lan Shuang's hand little by little, and finally landed on her lips. He didn't move for a long time, and he almost saw a flower on it.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She inexplicably felt a little itchy, couldn't help but pursed her lower lip, and saw the corners of Gu Xiao's lips slightly raised, with a somewhat ambiguous smile.

"Got it, don't look at it."

Lan Shuang pressed the center of her eyebrows helplessly, "So you figured it out?"

"Well, I figured it out." Gu Xiao straightened his face, "To be honest, I have been pursued and admired since I was a child. I have never actively pursued anyone, and I have never dated anyone. Either I feel boring, or I don't think they deserve it."

Such a loud tone, really worthy of what Gu Xiao can say.

Lan Shuang listened with a flat face.

"Even when I saw the people around me falling in love and dying, I dismissed them very much, and felt more and more stupid until I met you." Gu Xiao paused, his eyebrows frowned slightly, as if he was a little awkward , a little shy.

Such an expression appeared on this old man's face, which had a somewhat terrifying effect. If Huo Youzhi was at the scene, the roof would have to collapse on him!

Lan Shuang was not so uneasy, but she looked at it a few times with a feeling of freshness.

"Perhaps love is one thing and one thing. It sounds vulgar, but... I really like you, my heartbeat, and my instinctive reaction can't lie to others, especially to myself."

Gu Xiao stood up as he spoke, and walked to the bedside step by step. He held Lan Shuang's hand hanging by the bedside, and slowly leaned over and knelt down on one knee, his eyes were just at the same level as Lan Shuang.

The impeccable and handsome facial features were close at hand, Lan Shuang looked at him for a moment, and her heart beat faster.

"This is the conclusion I have pondered over and over for so many days."

"Our encounter was a collision of arrogance and prejudice, but fortunately, we met, and only then did we have the following story. I like you, and I want to get to know you well and protect you. I don't know if you will give me this opportunity. Can you make me like you?"

Gu Xiao asked very seriously, and after asking, he branded a warm kiss on the back of her hand.

Lan Shuang curled up her fingertips, reflexively wanting to shrink back, but Gu Xiao held on tightly, not giving her a chance to shrink back.

"It's okay if you don't think about it now, let me chase you, and promise me when you think it's okay."

Gu Xiao retreated and watched her eagerly.

Lan Shuang didn't think for too long, she held his hand behind her back and pulled it to her lips, and pecked on it, "Stamp it, temporary boyfriend."

Gu Xiao was taken aback for a moment, then opened his eyes wide in surprise, "You agreed?"

"Yeah." Lan Shuang said calmly: "It's just temporary, just treat it as a probation, and I'll make you a full-time member after the probation is over."

"Why is it a trial?" Gu Xiao was both happy and slightly upset.

Lan Shuang smiled slyly: "Because this is the punishment of prejudice."

She always owed you before, and if you don't make up for it, she won't be the Lan Shuang who must take revenge!
Gu Xiao: "..."


He obediently sat down beside the bed, and couldn't help but want to stare at Lan Shuang, and then began to smile inexplicably.

Lan Shuang felt helpless, "Is there a psychiatric department in this hospital? Why don't you go and have a look? Everyone is here."

"Cough, it's okay." Gu Xiao put his fist on his lips and coughed lightly, restrained himself a bit, turned to pick up his mobile phone, and was about to check the news when Lan Shuang suddenly remembered something: "By the way, help me My sister is calling."

Gu Xiao handed her the phone: "Here, you can type it yourself, the password is four ones."

Lan Shuang: "Your password is so random?"

Gu Xiao chuckled: "No one would take my phone normally."


After Lan Shuang unlocked it, she found that the interface was still on WeChat, and there was a top one on the top. She didn't want to look at it, but when she glanced, she saw a familiar profile picture.

This seems to be her chat box?
She paused with her fingertips, and then saw the note behind her profile picture - Tian Tian.

Lan Shuang: "????"

She glanced at Gu Xiao who didn't know anything by the bed, that fool was peeling an apple there, the flesh and skin fell off together, and the apple lost a lot of weight.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She laughed inexplicably, and first called Lan Xue to report her safety.

Lan Xue's vigilance was quite high. She didn't answer the unfamiliar number the first time, and the second time, and only got through the third time. She asked in a tense voice, "Excuse me, did you make a mistake?"

Lan Shuang: "It's me, sister."

"Sister?" Lan Xue was stunned for a moment, and then asked excitedly: "Sister, are you okay? Where are you? I saw on Weibo that you were injured, is it serious?"

- off topic -

It's the last day of 2022, have all your wishes for this year come true?How are you going to spend tonight?I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting older. I always like to pay attention to the sense of ritual these days. I plan to hold my keyboard and pass it. I will work hard to code in the new year. You can post pictures in the comments. I want to show off my keyboard~ You can also leave your 2022 summary or 2023 goal wish, I will come first, and finish two million-word books in 2023 (`)

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