Chapter 299
As soon as he opened his mouth, the boundary between dream and reality blurred.

Gu Xiao looked at himself opposite, feeling that his soul would be sucked away, those red eyes were like gems soaked in blood, clear and gloomy.

"you are me."

What Gu Xiao said was not a rhetorical question, the facts were right in front of him, it was too stupid to ask such a question.

The white-haired Gu Xiao's fingertips slowly brushed across his bright red lips, and his slightly narrowed eyes naturally revealed a sinister look.

"Yes, to be precise, you are me without a mortal." He waved his hand lightly, and the mist turned into steps, spreading from his feet to Gu Xiao's.

"Since you can see me here, it means that your consciousness has awakened."

Gu Xiao looked at the road under his feet, stepped on it calmly, and walked towards the throne step by step. When he got close, he looked up at himself with white hair, and couldn't help but gasp, "Who am I?"

White-haired Gu Xiao raised his hand and pressed on his heart weakly, his long eyelashes covering his eyes, he whispered, "It's a god, a guilty god."

"Why are you here?"

"Because the laws of the world are useless to me."

Gu Xiao's eyes sharpened suddenly: "What do you mean it's useless?"

"That is, my consciousness is gradually awakening, and my strength is returning. It will take longer and longer to come out in the future, and you will gradually merge with me."

When his hand fell to the ground, Gu Xiao's heart suddenly tightened, as if someone had pinched it out of thin air.

This sense of crisis made his body tense up, his eyes darkened, and a flash of red could be seen faintly.

"So what is your purpose in coming to see me?"

Gu Xiao held Baifa's wrist.

Baifa slightly leaned over to look at him, with a faint smile, "It's just an accident, I was sleeping to accumulate strength, but you are not honest, you always have a heartbeat, and I was woken up by you."

"Heartbeat?" Lan Shuang's face suddenly flashed in Gu Xiao's mind, and he was dazed for a moment.

White hair looked at him in a daze, and suddenly moved his hand up to clamp his chin, and said in a cold voice, "Go back."

Before Gu Xiao could say anything, he felt his body suddenly floated into the sky, and was swallowed by the black mist bit by bit.

Seeing his own figure disappear into the mist, the white-haired Gu Xiao pulled his lips, and the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Isn't it because I'm with Lan Shuang temporarily? It's really an eyesore."

It seems that he has to wake up quickly and take control of his body, otherwise he will always be watching in the dark, which is really uncomfortable.


Gu Xiao didn't know that his other self was jealous. In his dream, he seemed to have stepped on the ground and fell down the stairs. The feeling of weightlessness made him jump up, his heart was pounding, almost bursting out of his chest.

He was breathing quickly, his eyes were empty and blank, "Lan Shuang..."


Before he could recover, a message came first on his phone.

He picked it up faster than his brain and took a look to unlock it. It was sent by the eyeliner he planted in Gu's house, [Mr. Gu, Gu Han has a strange movement, she is not mentally normal, be careful]

"Gu Han?" Gu Xiao put down his phone, rubbed his face, and finally returned to reality.

He let out a long breath, trying to ignore the impact of the dream on him, looked around, he was still in the office, and the electronic clock on the wall showed that it was seven o'clock in the morning.

"Sleeping for so long?" Gu Xiao stood up and moved his stiff body, went to make a cup of coffee, then picked up his mobile phone and called Assistant Lu.

"Hey, it's me. You have someone to look up Gu Han's recent itinerary, keep an eye on her, and notify me as soon as there is any change. Yes, send a few more bodyguards to follow Lan Shuang secretly, so she doesn't need to find out. Just follow around, there is no need for special circumstances... that's all for now, come up and bring me a breakfast later."

After hanging up the phone, Gu Xiao was still worried, so he sent Lan Shuang a WeChat message: [Be careful of Gu Han]


When Lan Shuang woke up, the sun was already high, and there was no role for her this morning, so she turned off the alarm clock, slept through the night, and got up to eat when she was very hungry.

After washing up, she charged her phone and saw Gu Xiao's WeChat.

"Be careful about Gu Han? Is she not dead?" Lan Shuang asked 888 in her heart while eating steamed buns.
888: "It's very possible that Gu Han is a bit crazy in the original plot. Her thinking can't be deduced by common sense, especially when it comes to Gu Ting, she is irrational at all. The host should be careful."

Lan Shuang ate the steamed bun in one gulp, and snorted, "I'm not afraid that she's crazy, but I'm afraid that she's not. She took the initiative to attack, so I can send her in. None of the members of the Gu family can escape. "

In the afternoon, she was full of energy to go to the filming, but nothing unusual happened, and it continued until Friday, her last scene of the play.

This can be regarded as the climax of the whole play. The director took the filming very carefully, after a lot of tossing and turning, it was already dark when Lan Shuang got off the wire.

"Teacher Lan has worked hard, congratulations!"

The director greeted him with a sincere smile on his face.

Other staff members and rival actors also gathered around to congratulate Lan Shuang, and Lan Shuang bowed back: "Thank you, thank you, everyone has worked hard, thank you for your care during this time!"

"Let's have a wrap-up banquet tonight. The crew treats guests. The director is poor and has no money. Let's go to the nearby barbecue restaurant to eat!"

"it is good!"

Everyone packed up happily, and Lan Shuang followed Xiao Xu to the dressing room to change clothes and remove makeup.

The dressing room is nearby, and Lan Shuang moved quickly. After changing her clothes, she walked around with the makeup remover and found that it was full of people, "Forget it, let's go to the bathroom outside."

There is a large public toilet near the studio, which is very clean and has a sink. It is estimated that there are not many people going there.

Lan Shuang took Xiao Xu there with her makeup bag.

"Hiss, why is it so dark? I remember that there are street lights here?" Looking at the darkness around him, Xiao Xu couldn't help feeling a little scared, and shrank towards Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang frowned, "No, there is a street light near here. I took a look here yesterday and it was fine."

At that moment, the instinct of anticipating danger played a role, Lan Shuang grabbed Xiao Xu's wrist suddenly, and said in a deep voice: "Let's go back."

Although Xiao Xu didn't know what happened, she believed in Lan Shuang unconditionally. It seemed unsafe here. She pulled Lan Shuang and turned around and was about to run away. A few dark shadows appeared!


The leader is a girl!

Xiao Xu's scalp tightened, and he subconsciously pushed Lan Shuang back: "Sister Shuang, run!"

How could Lan Shuang run away by herself?She threw the makeup bag to Xiao Xu, and pushed him out with her backhand, "Call the police!"

"Okay!" Xiao Xu took out his mobile phone and shouted as he ran, "Help! Someone! Help! There are hooligans!"

"Don't care about her, grab Lan Shuang!"

The visitor had a clear goal and went straight to Lan Shuang.

(End of this chapter)

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