Chapter 300
Lan Shuang had seen many strong winds and waves, so she didn't panic at this time, and even took the time to count. There were five people on the opposite side, except for the leader who was a woman, the other four were all strong men.

"Gu Han, you are really haunted, does your brother know that you came here to block me?"

As soon as the woman opened her mouth, Lan Shuang recognized it.

"Oh, my brother doesn't know, and I don't need him to know. He will be happy when I avenge him."

Gu Han wore a hat and a mask to cover it tightly, staring at Lan Shuang with red eyes, and growled, "What are you waiting for? Get on!"

Four strong men surrounded them from different directions. Lan Shuang stepped back and observed, and tried to persuade them: "Did Gu Han give you money? How much? Do you know that Gu Han has mental problems? If she is here Kill me, you are all accomplices, she will not go to jail if she is mentally ill, but you will not, not only will you not get money, but you will spend the rest of your life in jail, do you think it is appropriate?"

Xiao Xu has already run to a safe place and called 110.

But the production team is a bit biased, it will take time for 110 to come over, Lan Shuang can only deal with these few people.

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't want your life, Lan Shuang, your mouth is really eloquent, no wonder you play us all around."

Gu Han took out something out of his trousers pocket, flicked it, the bright blade reflected the moonlight, and it hit Lan Shuang's eyes.

Lan Shuang's expression suddenly turned cold, tsk, this guy is serious!


an hour ago.

"This is the end of today's meeting. The shares in Gu Ting's hands will be dealt with according to the original plan. -"


Gu Xiao's cell phone on the table suddenly vibrated, which was especially obvious in the silent conference room.

Everyone's eyes fell on his mobile phone, and those who were close saw the words on it: Assistant Lu.

Gu Xiao frowned, gestured, picked up the phone and turned around, "Hey, what's going on?"

"It's not good, Mr. Gu. Just now, Gu Han suddenly got rid of his assistant and manager, got into a van, and went straight to the highway. The person in charge of tracking caught up with her. Looking at her route, it is very likely that she was looking for Ms. Lan is gone, but as soon as I get on the highway, another van that is exactly the same appears, and now our people are lost, Mr. Gu, what should we do?"

Gu Xiao's face suddenly turned cold, "Did you lose it? Are their eyes used to vent their anger? Can you lose it?"

Assistant Lu wanted to cry, but he wasn't there, so he didn't know!

"Let them continue to follow, try to stop Gu Han's car, and at the same time inform Lan Shuang's bodyguards, be on guard at all times, drive my car downstairs to the company immediately, hurry up!"


After hanging up the phone, Gu Xiao strode back to the meeting room, his face covered with frost, "This is the end of today's meeting, you can do whatever you want after you go back."

He picked up the coat on the back of his chair, and hurriedly walked out while putting it on.

The people who didn't know why were scared by the low air pressure on his body and didn't dare to breathe. Gu Xiao walked for almost 5 minutes before they got up from their seats.

"What happened? Mr. Gu's eyes just now are really scary!"

"I don't know, my legs are weak after just one look."

"A silent tribute to those who offended him, I always feel that Mr. Gu is going to draw his gun the next moment..."

Gu Xiao strode out of the elevator and arrived at the entrance of the company. Before Assistant Lu had time to talk to him, Gu Xiao walked around to the driver's seat, put on his seat belt, turned on the ignition, and kicked the accelerator as soon as Assistant Lu had time to talk to him.

With a sound of "Woo--", the low-key luxury car drove into the night and disappeared into the traffic like a flash of lightning.

Assistant Lu: "..."

Mr. Gu, have you forgotten someone?
"Gu, Han—" Gu Xiao gritted his teeth while driving the car, his eyes were gloomy and terrifying. If Gu Han was in front of his eyes, he would kill her alive!
Sweet, wait for me!


"Fuck, it's pretty good!"

Lan Shuang was already fighting with those people here, Xiao Xu went back to rescue the soldiers, and saw the staff shouting in the middle of the run: "Come on! Someone wants to arrest Sister Shuang over there!"

The staff was stunned for a moment, and then several boys rushed over, "What's going on?"

"where is it?"

"It's right in front! Hurry up!" Xiao Xu was so anxious that tears were about to fall.

"Go! Go and have a look!"

"Hey - who is over there?!" The staff shouted while running.

The four strong men didn't notice well, and asked Gu Han: "What should I do? Someone is here."

Gu Han gritted his teeth, "Trash, can't you catch her as a woman? Drive her into the alley over there!"

Four strong men drove Lan Shuang to the alley, Lan Shuang gritted her teeth, "888..."

However, before they could pass by, three people suddenly emerged from the alley and rushed towards them.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, "What's the situation?"

888: "The host seems to be Gu Xiao's person. He is worried and has left a few bodyguards by your side."

Hearing this, Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, "President Gu is really thoughtful."

"Be careful!" 888 exclaimed, and Lan Shuang felt a gust of cool wind blowing by her ears. She raised her hand reflexively to grab it, but someone was one step faster than her.

The dazzling headlights came from the opposite side, Gu Han subconsciously raised his hand to cover his eyes.

The next moment, the sound of the wheels rubbing against the ground was heard, the door was slammed loudly, someone flew over from the car, and the powerful big hand pinched Gu Han's wrist with precision. As soon as it was folded, the switchblade fell to the ground.

"Gu Han, you really don't know how to live or die."

He kicked Gu Han in the stomach and kicked him out.


Gu Han fell to the ground, the palms of his hands were scratched on the ground, and the pain was burning.

"This..." The staff who rushed over were stunned, and for a moment didn't know which side was the good guy.

"Catch them! They are people brought by Gu Han and they want to harm me." Lan Shuang immediately identified the strong men, and the staff stepped forward to help the bodyguards restrain them.

"Sister Shuang! Are you alright? Woohoo, you scared me to death!" Xiao Xu stumbled over and ran over, before she fell into Lan Shuang's arms and cried loudly, when she was cut off halfway.

Under the light of the car lights, she clearly saw Gu Xiao grab Lan Shuang's chin, forcefully turn Lan Shuang's face away, and wrap her other hand around Lan Shuang's waist, holding him tightly. buckle in his arms.

"Are you okay? Is there any injury?"

He was too anxious, his breath was short of breath, and his tone sounded fierce and hoarse.

Lan Shuang's waist and chin hurt a little from being held together by him.

But she could understand Gu Xiao's mood, and didn't care about him, she put her hand on Gu Xiao's back and patted it softly, "I'm fine, why are you here?"

Gu Xiao's heart was beating fast and aching, he gasped twice, took a breath, managed to control his trembling hands, he lowered his head and bit Lan Shuang's lips restraintly, "I'll call when I receive the call." Come here, if it's later, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you."

- off topic -

High-energy warning ahead, if there is no update at midnight tomorrow, it will be locked, spread your hands

(End of this chapter)

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