Chapter 301
"Gu Xiao?! You really sent someone to follow me!" A shrill voice sounded, breaking the warmth between Gu Xiao and Lan Shuang.

Both of them turned their heads to look at Gu Han.

Gu Han still didn't give up, he got up and wanted to grab the switchblade, Gu Xiao's eyes sharpened, he raised his foot and stomped it hard, Gu Han quickly withdrew his hand, almost being stomped too.

Gu Xiao looked at her condescendingly, and said ruthlessly: "You are really lawless by the Gu family, and you dare to hurt people with a knife. I was worried that I would never have a chance to punish you and Gu Ting, so it's nice of you to come here yourself. , you brothers and sisters go to prison to spend the rest of your life together."

" are not allowed to touch my brother!"

Gu Xiao knew where it hurt, so he stepped on it. Gu Han bit him like a mad dog. Lan Shuang broke away from Gu Xiao's hand and grabbed Gu Han's hat and hair. Gu Han stretched out his arms to scratch her. Lan Shuang twisted her. Gu Han screamed and turned around, Lan Shuang sneered, kicked her on the buttocks and kicked her into the green belt.

Gu Xiao raised his eyebrows, turned his head to look at Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang raised his fist, "Don't underestimate me."


"Don't move! Police!"

The sound of police cars pierced the night sky, breaking the stalemate.

Gu Xiao glanced at them and didn't say any more. The most urgent thing is to settle Gu Han's matter first, and they can talk slowly after going back.

So when the police came to inquire about the situation, Gu Xiao was the first to stand up and told the more specific ins and outs, including the fact that Gu Han was here for revenge, plus the switchblade and the strong man, all the witnesses and material evidence Now, Gu Han couldn't deny it and was directly taken away by the police.

Gu Xiao, Lan Shuang and the others also followed to make a statement, but because they belonged to self-defense and had witnesses, they could leave after finishing the statement.

Xiao Xu was the first to come out. She was sitting on the bench outside buttoning her cosmetic bag nervously, and after a while she picked off the skin of the cosmetic bag.

When Lan Shuang came out, she looked at the cosmetic bag that had changed from "furry" to "bald", and couldn't laugh or cry: "Why are you still holding it?"

Xiao Xu stood up all of a sudden and looked at her excitedly: "Sister Shuang! How are you doing?"

"It's okay, Gu Han's people are taking care of Gu Han, she can't run away." Lan Shuang comforted Xiao Xu's head, Xiao Xu didn't hold back, and cried out with an "oh", "Scared to death!" I'm so old, I've never encountered such a thing..."

"Okay, okay, you are very brave tonight, and you did a good job. If it weren't for your cleverness, I don't know what would happen." Lan Shuang patted her on the back to comfort her.

"I didn't help much, it's a pity that Mr. Gu came in time, that Gu Han is such a lunatic, he even used a knife!" Xiao Xu still had lingering fears when he thought of the switchblade.

Just as he was talking, Gu Xiao also finished his notes and came out from the inside, followed by Assistant Lu, Gu Xiao's eyes instantly locked on Lan Shuang in front of him, he turned his face and said to Assistant Lu: "You can arrange the next thing. , I will send Lan Shuang back first."

Assistant Lu glanced at Lan Shuang and nodded, "Okay."

"Assistant Lu is here too?" Lan Shuang watched Gu Xiao approaching, and asked casually.

"Well, he drove here after me."

Gu Xiao looked at Xiao Xu, and gave her an almost gentle expression: "You have worked hard tonight, and I will ask Assistant Lu to wrap you with a red envelope to calm your shock."

Xiao Xu didn't expect such an unexpected joy, he waved his hands again and again: "No need, Mr. Gu!"

"Take it, it's not much, besides, Tiantian will join the Gu Corporation in the future, and you are also an employee of the Gu Corporation, so it's only natural for me to give you a bonus."

Xiao Xu: "Huh?"

She blinked and looked at Lan Shuang, when did she become a member of the Gu family?
Lan Shuang was also a little dazed, and just about to ask, Gu Xiao had already grabbed her hand and led her out, "We'll talk about it when we go back."

However, after going back, Lan Shuang didn't have a chance to speak. After entering the hotel, just as Lan Shuang opened the door, someone pushed her from behind. She staggered into the room and was grabbed by Gu Xiao's wrist. He crossed his head and pressed against the door panel, and the fiery and quick kiss was domineering and violent.

The offensive was too strong, and Lanshuang retreated steadily and was completely defeated.

She was able to stand still at first, but she could only rely on the door panel to borrow strength from behind, but she still couldn't stop her sliding body.

Gu Xiao let go of her wrist, picked her up and threw her into the big bed inside.

When it was pressed down, the bed yelled in protest, but it was quickly covered by other rustling voices.

I don't know what went wrong, Gu Xiao's mood was not right, Lan Shuang could feel that in the tight space, she pressed against Gu Xiao's shoulder and tried to back away, but was dragged by the ankle by the dissatisfied Gu Xiao go back.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Let's fall in love freely, don't do it like a coercion, okay?
"Wait... wait, Gu Xiao!"

When Lan Shuang spoke, her voice was hoarse and weak, and Gu Xiao's eyes dimmed.

Lan Shuang: "...cough, cough, cough." She tried her best to clear her throat, pinched Gu Xiao's lips, and asked helplessly, "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Xiao took a deep breath, his eyes were wild and fierce, as if he was looking at his prey.

"I want you."

Lan Shuang: " are not in the right mood."

Gu Xiao was silent for a moment. In fact, something was wrong with him at the beginning. He knew it himself. When he saw Gu Han stabbing Lan Shuang with a switchblade, a scene suddenly flashed through his mind. A long time ago, on the dark stairs In the meantime, someone reached out to Lan Shuang, trying to push her down.

That scene coincided with Gu Han holding a knife. He was a little confused to tell the truth from the fake, but his panic increased exponentially. But because the police needed to deal with it, he kept suppressing his uneasiness until he came back and couldn't suppress it anymore. , he urgently needs to do something now, verify the existence of himself and Lan Shuang, and pull himself out of the abyss of fear.

He was unconsciously calling for help.

Lan Shuang saw this signal from his eyes, and her expression softened.

Anyway, they are going to be together, they are also adults, and they can do anything.

She gently wrapped her arms around Gu Xiao's neck, straightened up and whispered in his ear, "I'm here, you can feel me to your heart's content, take it easy."

After speaking, she kissed Gu Xiao's earlobe.

It's like turning on a taboo switch, and everything after that is out of control. The crazy tide of love and intertwined love makes people addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

When Lan Shuang opened her eyes again, it was already early morning.

She moved her body slowly, and her expression changed immediately.


She gasped, not daring to move again.

The next moment a warm hand stretched out, pressed on her waist, and rubbed her with moderate strength.

There were also thin kisses coming from her ears, slowly moving towards her face.

Lan Shuang was a little itchy, turned her head and buried herself in the pillow, and asked sullenly, "Didn't I tell you to take it easy?"

Gu Xiao came over, and hugged her intimately, and said with a satisfied face: "I thought you should listen to what you said on the bed."

Lan Shuang: "..."

If you drive again, your driver's license will be confiscated! ! !

- off topic -

Is it released?
(End of this chapter)

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