Chapter 303
Gu Xiao's roar was really deafening, and Qin Shou heard it clearly from over there. After a long silence, he asked again without fear of death: "You don't really look for ducks, do you? Who is that?"

Gu Xiao: "..."

Lan Shuang: "..."

A second of silence for Qin Shou.

Gu Xiao directly snatched Lan Shuang's mobile phone, smiled angrily, gritted his teeth, and said with a ferocious face, "I——is your father."

Qin Shou: "Hey - you!"

Lan Shuang stroked her forehead with a headache, and patted Gu Xiao: "Speak well."

Gu Xiao suppressed his violent temper, and said in a deep voice, "I'm not joking with you, I'm Gu Xiao, Gu from the Gu Group, Xiao from Gu Ting's uncle."

Qin Shou was shocked: "Gu Gu Gu Gu—Mr. Gu?"

Gu Xiao snorted and said, "Your pigeon spirit is reincarnated? What are you talking about? I will solve what happened last night without you getting involved. This is someone fishing in troubled waters. What is your company's public relations department and legal department doing? The next time something happens, I will just ask the artist, if it can't be solved, Lan Shuang, you guys just leave it alone."

"Mr. Gu, what do you mean?" Qin Shou digested for a while, and finally thought of the key question: "Why are you at Lan Shuang's place?"

"What do you mean we don't care about Lan Shuang anymore? Lan Shuang is an artist of our company, no matter what happens—"

Gu Xiao stood up, lazily supporting the table with the other hand, his eyes fell on Lan Shuang, and he raised his eyebrows at her, "It won't be soon."


"Your small broken company, the boss is a no-brainer, and the company won't go far in his hands. Gu has plans to develop entertainment projects recently. It's too troublesome to start a company by yourself. You go back and tell your boss, and I will try it as soon as possible." Contact him to discuss the acquisition, and from now on, Lan Shuang will be the first batch of artists that the company will vigorously cultivate, and she will no longer be under your control."

Qin Shou was taken aback by the words, and subconsciously asked, "Who cares about that?"

Gu Xiao tugged at his collar, unbuttoned it with one hand, with a natural yet arrogant attitude: "Mine."

Qin Shou: "..."

Before he could ask again, Gu Xiao hung up the phone.

Lan Shuang looked at Gu Xiao in surprise: "Are you really going to buy that unlucky company of mine? That company isn't very good. If you want to buy it, it's better to choose a safer company, otherwise it's not worthwhile to help them clean up the mess. .”

Gu Xiao put a small steamed bun in Lan Shuang's bowl: "No, although your company is far behind other entertainment companies in the industry, it is still much better than my start-up company. It is not difficult to reorganize various departments after the acquisition."

He calmly analyzed it to Lan Shuang, "I made this decision after having someone do an evaluation. It's not a temporary joke."

"That's good." Lan Shuang was really afraid that he would be in love.

"And..." Gu Xiao took a sip of the juice, his brows and eyes softened, "I really want to lure you from that company, acquisition is not a bad thing for me, but for you to stay in that little broken company It will affect your development very much, but your contract will expire for a while, and the compensation will be beyond your ability to afford if you terminate the contract. Instead of this, it is better for me to buy it directly. When the time comes, you will directly sign the contract with me, and the liquidated damages will also be saved. Yes, kill two birds with one stone.”

"Actually, it's almost due." Lan Shuang said, "I'm counting the days."

"I can't wait." Gu Xiao reached out and wiped the crumbs of pastry from her lips, "I want to take you under my wings as soon as possible to protect you from the wind and rain."

Lan Shuang's heart skipped a beat, and she sighed helplessly, "Mr. Gu, let's publish a book."

"Huh?" Gu Xiao was puzzled: "What book?"

Lan Shuang suppressed a smile and said, "One hundred and eight styles of straight ball love."

Gu Xiao: "..."

He looked at Lan Shuang, his eyes met, and the two couldn't help laughing.


After eating, Gu Xiao called his other assistant and asked him to deal with the rumors on the Internet.

Lan Shuang logged into the microblog account, looked at the so-called revelations, and couldn't laugh or cry.

It's really an opening picture, and the rest depends on editing.

A paparazzi took a photo of her and Gu Xiao following the police into the police car, but it was probably too far away, the pixels were a bit poor, and it was dark, so the picture was very blurry, only her profile and Gu Xiao's outline could be seen , I can tell it's a man, but I can't tell who it is.

Then these marketing numbers began to play.

Gu Xiao asked someone to check, and found out that there was a production crew who was at the same time as "Jie Chun". He was afraid that he would not be able to compete in the future, so he started with the "Jie Chun" crew, and first ruined the crew's popularity.

However, the relationship over there was not strong enough, and they didn't know about Gu Han, so they took Lan Shuang for surgery.

After Gu Xiao found out, he contacted the company's legal department and asked them to deal with the rumors of the marketing account, and at the same time the contact person withdrew the trending search.

Influenced by Gu Han, "Jie Chun" was going to change the heroine. Gu Xiao explained this matter to the director in advance, and told him to look for a new candidate as soon as possible. After the director found out, he greeted Gu Han's family.

Fortunately, the show hasn't aired yet, otherwise it would be even worse if it was blocked halfway.

After Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao discussed it, they logged on to Weibo to clarify.

[I didn't recruit ducks. There was an accident yesterday. You can wait for the police to report the specific situation later. As for the man with me, let me explain to you here. He is my boyfriend. We have a stable relationship. Now we are in love. Okay, thank you for your concern, but please give us a little private space, pay more attention to my work, and I will make an official announcement when the time is right. 】

As soon as this Weibo post came out, it once again hit the trending searches, and immediately diverted everyone's attention, who were all guessing who this mysterious boyfriend was.

It wasn't until the next day that the police reported that Gu Han had attempted to wound someone with a knife, and netizens exploded again.

Because of Gu Ting, everyone's impression of Gu Han has dropped sharply, but because of the support of diehard fans, Gu Han's data is pretty good, but once this incident happened, there is no way to wash it away. A large number of fans lost powder.

With Gu Xiao behind the scenes, the brother and sister Gu Ting and Gu Han couldn't get up at all, and Gu Han was directly sent in. After a series of turmoil, the Gu family finally settled down and ushered in the era of Gu Xiao.

After the turmoil subsided, Lan Shuang signed them under Gu Xiao's name with the company. Gu Xiao didn't take them into the Gu family. The management team was completely reshuffled, and the capable ones were retained, and people with good reputation in the industry were hired with high salaries, and a new team was reorganized.

Lan Shuang was the company's focus on cultivating artists. Gu Xiao invited her a manager who was not well-known but very capable, and Xiao Xu also stayed as her personal assistant.

The new manager is a vigorous young woman, and she gets along very well with Lan Shuang. After meeting, the two had an in-depth exchange. After confessing each other's ambitions, they hit it off right away and made the next plan. Lan Shuang devoted himself to busy work again.

This busy to the second year.

(End of this chapter)

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