Chapter 304
For more than a year, Lan Shuang devoted herself to her acting career. She chose good scripts for TV dramas and movies, and tried her best to perform them, striving to be the best.

Although the number is not large, the quality is high. During the period, I also participated in one or two variety shows, brushed my face, answered interviews, and ensured my topicality, and the traffic of Kung Fu in a year came back.

Although she has not reached her peak state, her fans are more viscous than ordinary stars. Although she did not take the initiative to fuck or abuse her fans, fans who know the truth love her, and instead they become a bond. In addition, this year Li Lanshuang also reported on her manager and the boss who tried to plot against her in the bar before, and also called the discipline inspection committee of the entertainment industry.

Although Lan Shuang didn't admit it, everyone called it that, so they acquiesced.

At the end of the second year, Lan Shuang's hard work finally paid off, and the TV series and movies she starred in were all shortlisted for the year-end awards.

In the past year, the ratings of the two dramas have all exploded, and the male actors who participated in the drama have also soared.

Lan Shuang was very busy at the award ceremony that night.

The makeup artist put on an unusually delicate makeup for her. The dress was a high-order gown from a certain famous brand. It was a white v-neck long dress with a diamond necklace. It looked simple and grand, but the simpler the style, the more demanding the figure Gao, during this period of time, Lan Shuang was strictly on a diet, just for this moment to shine on the red carpet.

Gu Xiao was fine tonight, so he drove her here personally. Before entering the venue, he was surrounded by all kinds of guns and short cannons. Get in the way of their zeal for catching gossip news.

Looking at the crowded crowd outside, Gu Xiao frowned, feeling suffocated, and at the same time slightly uncomfortable, he turned his head to look at the lively and fragrant Lan Shuang, the co-pilot beside him, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly asked a serious question : "Can we claim the prize online?"

Lan Shuang checked her lipstick in the mirror, stretched out her hand dumbfounded to Gu Xiao's dog's head, "Don't make trouble, tonight is very important to me, I can't be absent, it's impossible to accept the award online, but..."

Gu Xiao's eyes lit up: "What?"

Lan Shuang blinked slyly: "You can watch it online."

Gu Xiao: "..."

In the end, President Gu got out of the car first, walked around to the co-pilot and opened the car door for Lan Shuang with a sullen face and the flashing flashing lights. The gentleman protected her head and helped her hand to get out of the car.

Lan Shuang held up her skirt and swung it down, immediately attracting the nearby media reporters and paparazzi, and the microphone almost hit her in the face.

"Lan Shuang, is this your boyfriend?"

"Teacher Lan took him on the red carpet today, are you planning to make it public?"

"Lan Shuang..."

Questions came one after another, Gu Xiao closed the car door with a "bang", his face was slightly gloomy and his aura was fully opened, looking very fierce, the noisy crowd gradually quieted down, only the occasional "click" sound could be heard .

Lan Shuang smiled and said: "Good evening everyone, the weather is quite cold, so don't huddle here and freeze. I have already made arrangements for my personal relationship issues, and I will make them public when the time comes. Thank you for your concern, Hong The blanket is about to start, I'll take a step first, see you in the field."

She waved her hands gracefully, took Gu Xiao's arm and walked onto the red carpet with her skirt lifted.

Gu Xiao snorted uncontrollably, and Lan Shuang knew that he was possessive again, so she pinched the flesh on the inside of his arm soothingly (Gu Xiao: Do ​​you call this appeasement?)
After entering the infield, Lan Shuang separated from Gu Xiao, Gu Xiao went to find a seat first, and Lan Shuang had to walk the red carpet.

A female star on the red carpet had just stepped off, Lan Shuang just picked it up, took the signature pen with both hands, left her name on the signature wall, and then smiled and posed for the photographer to take pictures.

Gu Xiao stood aside and watched Lan Shuang calmly answer the host's question, shed the innocence at the beginning, became more at ease, and was happy for Lan Shuang when he was possessive.

She can finally stand in the spotlight openly and fully bloom her beauty.

Although he doesn't want his beloved rose to be coveted by so many people, being recognized and liked by more people is also a happy thing for his rose, right?Since she likes it, there is nothing he can't bear.

After the process was over, Lan Shuang entered the infield and sat with Gu Xiao.

Xiao Xu sneaked in from the other side, and handed Lan Shuang a beige shawl: "Sister Shuang, it's cold in the venue, so wear it better, and be careful of catching cold."

"Thank you." Gu Xiao reached out to take it and put it on for Lan Shuang.

Xiao Xu saw that he had nothing to do, so he went back the same way and slipped away.

This small action of Gu Xiao and Lan Shuang did not hide from the all-round cameras, and was directly photographed. This is a live broadcast, and all the netizens squatted in the live broadcast room to watch online. This scene was also switched to the big screen. Everyone You can see everything clearly.

Lan Shuang and Gu Xiao are handsome and beautiful, with outstanding temperament, sitting side by side is simply not more eye-catching!From time to time, he tilted his head and whispered, his posture was very intimate.

The audience in the live broadcast room immediately ate melons.

【what's the situation?Does this handsome guy look familiar?He's not a celebrity, but he looks so handsome! 】

【Really handsome!Is it Shuangshuang's boyfriend?I was fed a mouthful of dog food———]

[Open from upstairs, my wife is beautiful! 】

[Isn't this person the current president of the Gu Corporation?When Gu Ting had an accident, he apologized in person, and his attitude was very sincere, but at that time he was only looking at his face, did he and Lan Shuang get together?]

[Fuck, the upstairs has a good memory!It really is!Wait... I remember this is Gu Ting's uncle?So Lan Shuang kicked her nephew to be with her uncle?Good guy, a big show from a wealthy family, awesome! 】

[Stop arguing, the awards ceremony is about to begin! 】


After the red carpet was over, the stars entered the arena, the screen lights in the infield hit the center of the stage, the host appeared, and after saying a few words, the main event of tonight began—the awards ceremony!
The infield suddenly became quiet, and everyone listened intently with bated breath, quite nervous. They have been busy all year round, and many people are looking forward to this moment, hoping that they can win the grand prize and become gods in one fell swoop.

As the host announced the awards one by one, the people below slowly boiled up again.

Gu Xiao secretly held Lan Shuang's hand on his knee, and asked in a low voice, "Are you nervous? Pinch me if you're nervous."

Lan Shuang smiled: "Doesn't it hurt to pinch you? Actually, I'm not very nervous. I might have been a little bit before, but at this time, I suddenly feel that it's not that important. I haven't wasted this year, and everyone can see the progress. That's it. enough."

"It's a good mood." Gu Xiao squeezed her palm.

"Of course, if I didn't have a strong heart in this line of work, I would have been sprayed to death by those Heizi keyboard warriors long ago. I..."

"This year's Best Actress is Lan Shuang! Congratulations!"

Lan Shuang hadn't finished speaking when suddenly the spotlight shone on her body. She was stunned for a moment, and after a moment of silence, there was a roar of applause like a mountain roaring and tsunami.

- off topic -

It’s almost Chinese New Year, and we’ve organized a small event, everyone can take a look at the QQ reading comment area and actively participate in it~!

(End of this chapter)

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