Chapter 305
Gu Xiao let go of her hand, patted the back of her hand with a smile, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Congratulations, Teacher Lan, I got my wish and won the crown of Best Actress."

The thing she always wanted was suddenly available at her fingertips, Lan Shuang still didn't realize it, she looked at Gu Xiao in a daze and asked again: "Me?"

Gu Xiao smiled and nodded, "It's you."

The host on the stage also joked: "It seems that Lan Shuang can't believe it. We didn't expect that you won such a weighty award at such a young age. This is a recognition of your efforts and a recognition of your efforts. Please come to the stage to receive your honor."

Under the eyes of everyone, Lan Shuang stood up, untied the shawl and handed it to Gu Xiao, then strode towards the podium.

She held up her skirt, swaying gracefully, and the spotlight made a light path under her feet, and she walked from the darkness to the bright and bright stage like that.

Everyone's eyes fell on her, she stood in front of Limai with a decent smile, the award was presented by a prestigious senior, and when she handed the wing-shaped crystal trophy to her, she said : "Congratulations kid, I watched your award-winning movie, I saw a rare aura in you, your eyes are also very tough, I believe you will be a good actor, I hope I can still be here next year see you."

"Thank you teacher, I will work hard." Lan Shuang took the trophy with both hands, and raised it high, her voice was clear and clean, like a gust of wind instantly blowing away the restlessness in the infield.

"I am very honored to be here today and get this award. This is my dream and the goal I strive for. So it is my surprise to get it, but I am not very surprised. I think that if you work hard, there will always be rewards." What I have gained, and I am now accepting the results of my year."

She smiled brightly, her eyes gleaming, "Looking back on my acting career this year, I give myself four words—lucky enough to live up to my fate."

As she said that, she covered her chest with one hand, took a step back and bowed to everyone, Gu Xiao immediately applauded.

"Then I would like to thank the director who gave me this opportunity—Director Liu, for her hard guidance, which allowed me to perform such an impressive role, and also to my agent, my assistant, and my one-year Running around and working hard, it was not in vain."

As she spoke, she bowed again.

"Finally, I would like to thank my fans and my family. Thank you for always cheering me up and supporting me to this day. I thank my sister for understanding me. Because I am very busy with work, I have little time to accompany her. Shame on her, but she never complained and always put my career first, I'm lucky to have a sister like her."

Speaking of this, her eyes couldn't help getting slightly moist, and the camera gave a close-up, but Lan Shuang didn't cry in front of everyone, she just held back, she smiled and sighed to calm down and continued: "Finally, I I would like to thank my boyfriend for his tolerance, understanding and support. He was the one who accompanied me through the most difficult times. This year we get together less and leave more, but he always squeezes in during his busy schedule. If you have time, come to visit my class, or watch a sunrise with me, or build a snowman with me for dinner, he loves me very much, and I love him too."

She once again bowed to the audience. Even though there was a sea of ​​people, the eyes of the two still met for the first time. Gu Xiao's heart tightened, he was sore and weak, and he was almost defeated. The big man actually wanted to cry a little bit .

Lan Shuang straightened up and smiled at him, Gu Xiao suddenly had a bad feeling.

The next moment I heard Lan Shuang holding up the trophy and saying: "So I decided to give him a public identity at this very important moment in my life. Before I came, I thought, if I win the prize, I will give this trophy to him." He, as my wedding present."

The host exclaimed from the side, and then asked very politely: "Then if you don't win the prize, wouldn't this plan be ruined? Is there a plan B?"

Lan Shuang smiled a little embarrassedly, "Yes, if I don't win the prize, I plan to go home and propose again, secretly."

Everyone in the audience laughed kindly, Gu Xiao couldn't help but reach out to touch the box in his trouser pocket.

How come he was robbed alive?

"Then after talking for so long, do you want to invite this boyfriend to come on stage? Has he come?"

The host started to look down the stage, Gu Xiao's heart was lifted, and he rarely felt nervous.

Lan Shuang nodded: "He is here."

Her eyes fell on Gu Xiao, she stretched out her arms in his direction, and said with a smile, "Mr. Gu, are you here for a marriage proposal?"

The spotlight immediately fell on Gu Xiao, Gu Xiao stood up quickly, and took the shawl onto the stage, with a helpless expression on his face, but there was wind when he walked.

After he came to the stage and stood still, he and Lan Shuang looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing, Lan Shuang also laughed, and the host asked suspiciously, "Is this some kind of couple code?"

After asking, she handed the microphone to Gu Xiao, who took it over and licked her dry lips and said, "Actually, I also prepared a surprise for Teacher Lan today, but Teacher Lan gave me such a surprise before me. A big surprise, it seems that I am a bit redundant."

As soon as these words came out, Lan Shuang opened her eyes slightly, and asked in surprise, "You won't..."

"Yes, I'm also planning to propose today." Gu Xiao said as he took out a blue velvet box from his trousers pocket.

Holding the microphone in one hand, and the shawl and box in the other, Gu Xiao was a little unable to free his hands, so he gave the box and the microphone to the host first.

The host took it over and held it carefully, "Am I going to witness history today? I'm a little excited, I've never seen a marriage proposal on this stage! One can imagine that after the awards are over, the trending searches will definitely explode. .”

There was a smile that couldn't be hidden from the corners of Gu Xiao's eyes and brows, he shook off the shawl and put it on Lan Shuang's bare shoulders.

After putting it on, he took the velvet box and knelt down on one knee. Today, he specially wore a white suit to cooperate with Lan Shuang. Now he knelt on the ground, like a prince in a fairy tale.

The host raised the microphone to his mouth with a wink.

Gu Xiao opened the box with this posture, revealing the beautiful diamond ring inside, which was specially designed by him. It is unique in the world and belongs only to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang looked at the diamond ring, and gave a low laugh, "Is this a good understanding between us?"

Gu Xiao smiled brightly: "Of course, I have been waiting for this day for a long time. I have always wanted to give you an unforgettable marriage proposal ceremony. Finally, I feel that it is the best time when your career is at its peak. It is a good time for both love and career. It was the happiest moment of a person, but something went wrong."

Everyone laughed along.

"But it doesn't matter," Gu Xiao straightened his face, and said sincerely to Lan Shuang: "A marriage proposal is only once in a lifetime, and women are usually given priority. Let me come this time. Miss Lan Shuang, would you like to marry me? Divide me equally The honor and wealth, possess all of me, and all of my love, and share with me the joys and sorrows of the rest of my life?"

Lan Shuang stretched out her hand and said solemnly, "I am willing."

"Mr. Gu Xiao, are you willing to share the honor and wealth with me, joy, anger, sorrow and joy?"

She also handed her trophy to Gu Xiao.

Gu Xiao smiled and took out the ring for Lan Shuang to put on, then leaned over and kissed the wings of the trophy, looked up at Lan Shuang, and said slowly: "I am willing."

"Okay, I announce the success of the marriage proposal. Let us congratulate the couple! Congratulations to everyone present tonight who witnessed history with me!!"

The host was also very emotional, and his voice spread through the speakers throughout the venue. After a moment of silence, everyone suddenly cheered and stood up, with thunderous applause.

Grand fireworks were set off around the venue at the right time. At the moment of brilliance, Gu Xiao got up and hugged Lan Shuang, and turned around twice. Lan Shuang put her hands on Gu Xiao's shoulders and faced him. Looking around, the voice of 888 just happened to sound in my mind: "Congratulations to the host, all the hostess' resentment points have been cleared, and the task is completed!"

Lan Shuang leaned over to Gu Xiao's ear and said, "That's great."

Then one side of his face kissed Gu Xiao's lips. This scene was captured by the camera and uploaded to the Internet in real time, triggering another online carnival of thousands of people.

(End of this chapter)

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