Chapter 307 World Seven: Don't Lick Me 1
Lan Shuang has now transmigrated into a fantasy novel. She was originally the female supporting role of this article. Counting the male lead's Bai Yueguang, because the original owner's death stimulated the male lead, this inspired the male lead to work hard to avenge the original owner and practice crazily , He and the heroine experienced a series of love-hate splits and reunions, and then HE became a generation of monster-hunting masters.

It looks very inspirational, but all of this is based on the death of the original owner. The male lead is under the guise of avenging her, but in fact, the original owner was killed by the male lead.

The original owner is a fledgling cat demon who has just cultivated nine lives. He is an out-and-out cultivation master. He only knows cultivation and doesn't care about worldly affairs, so he is as simple as a blank sheet of paper.

Not long after adapting to human life, she accidentally picked up the male protagonist who was kicked out of the house and beaten to death in an alley, and took him back to her home to heal his wounds. The male protagonist was blind and couldn't see anything Seeing that, the original owner relented and left him behind, and supported the two of them by being a gourmet anchor.

In the beginning life was pretty good, the male lead didn't find out her identity, the original lead saw that the male lead was handsome, and as time went by, she became in love with him, and he became better and better to the male lead.

But the good times didn't last long, the hero's mother was seriously ill and was in urgent need of money, the hero had no choice but to go out and resume his old job, hunting monsters to make money, the original owner saw that he was working too hard, so he gave him all his savings.

The male protagonist is very grateful to the original owner. When he took the money home to find his mother, he was blocked by a group of people. Not only did he rob him of the money, but he also found a faint evil spirit on him. The male protagonist discovered it because of his lack of cultivation. No, but other people have higher cultivation bases than him, and after they found out, they forced him to ask him about the trace of the big monster.

The male lead didn't say anything about beating him to death at first, but this group of people directly took his mother to the family. Under the coercion and temptation of the elders in the clan, the male lead confessed to the original owner for his mother.

Then this group of people fell in love with the original owner.

Their Ling family has lived by hunting monsters for generations. It is a family of monster hunters and is in charge of guarding a monster locking tower. Recently, the big monster in the tower has changed, and it seems that it is about to break out of the tower. The head of the Ling family wants to strengthen the formation. , but the magic power is weak, there is no way to do it, so he has a crooked mind, learned a forbidden technique, and needs a person to sacrifice to the ancestors in order to summon the soul and suppress evil, but his family either has insufficient magic power, or the parents are not willing, so the original owner becomes the best candidate.

They lied to the male lead that they only wanted a little blood from the original owner to strengthen the formation, and the male lead believed it, and confessed the original owner's whereabouts. The Ling family went ahead and laid a net to beat the original owner back to his original form and brought him back.

However, the so-called little blood is actually to drain the blood of the original owner, and then sacrifice her soul to support the forbidden technique.

It's a coincidence that Lan Shuang came, and it's not a coincidence.

Now is the time for bloodletting, if it is too late, the soul of the original owner will be lost. However, the pain of bloodletting is not something ordinary people can bear. Before that, the original owner struggled hard and fought with this group of people. hurt.

After receiving the memory, Lan Shuang gritted her teeth and said, "It's not bad. The hero is not a fool. He is also a demon catcher. How could he not have thought of what the original owner would encounter? It's just that he chose his mother between his mother and the original owner. Just admit it."

888 nodded indignantly: "That's right! This is the most useless male protagonist I've ever seen!"

Lan Shuang struggled to open her eyes, her eyes were blurred, and gradually turned red as the light came in.

She froze for a moment before realizing that it was blood.

"What is the original owner's wish?" She moved her body slowly.

888 spoke quickly, "Revenge on the Ling family, live well away from the hero, and blind the hero's eyes."

Lan Shuang: "Wait - isn't the hero's eyes already blind?"

888: "Later, he was healed by the original owner. This is a side plot, so I didn't pass it on to you. Now that the male lead is not blind, the original owner probably thinks it's not worth it, so he wants to take back everything he gave to the male lead. "

"It's easy to say, I like it." Lan Shuang opened her eyes completely, and stared fiercely at the ominous red pattern on the ground, "If it hadn't been for meeting the male lead, the original owner wouldn't have suffered all this, and without the original owner, the male lead wouldn't have suffered all this. The owner may have died a long time ago, let alone healed the eyes, this is what he owes to the original owner, so he should pay it back."

"Look, she's awake!"

"It's good if you don't die. If you die, the effectiveness of this formation will be greatly reduced. It will only be effective if you sacrifice the soul. Now we are going to find out her soul! Back off!"

A young voice and an old and majestic voice sounded successively. Lan Shuang looked up with difficulty, and saw the red runes projected by the formation in the air, which were constantly circulating, and behind the runes stood a group of people, headed by There was an old man and a young man, the old man had white hair and was wearing an old-fashioned gown. The black looked quite stable, but it made his face extremely gloomy.

The young man next to him is in his early twenties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks good, but the tails of his eyes are slightly raised, showing a bit of domineering attitude.

The old man should be the head of the Ling family, and most of the young people are the more outstanding children in the direct line.

Needless to say, the entire Ling family, except for the hero Ling Feng, is probably here.

The old man gave Shang Lanshuang a look full of hatred, and smiled slightly, "Cat demon, it is your supreme honor to sacrifice for the ancestor, now, let's go!"

He was making a formula in his hand, and he was muttering something in his mouth.

Lan Shuang pulled her lips, such a slight movement made her already weak body worse.

"Xiao Baba, give me a dose of stamina recovery potion, and get points deducted."

"Okay! Twenty points, the host wait a moment!" 888 keyboard was typing quickly, and the next moment Lan Shuang felt a gentle force pouring into her body, warming her limbs, coupled with pain shielding, she now I feel very good.

She stood up from the center of the formation, her snow-white body trembled slightly, and the nine tails suddenly jumped out wildly from behind, swept out, and severely smashed a hole in the formation, which was the weak point of the formation.

Then she shrank her body, became the size of a palm and rolled out of the hole.

"Master, it's not good, the cat demon is about to run away!"

The young man's complexion changed, and a golden light suddenly appeared in his hand, which suddenly turned into a bundle of ropes, and he went straight to Lan Shuang.

Master's expression became serious: "Oh, I underestimated her. I didn't expect to have the energy to escape! It doesn't matter, she is seriously injured and can't run far, chase after her!"

Lan Shuang ran forward at the fastest speed in her life, but when she first came to this body, she was not used to landing on all fours, and she became dizzy after running for a while.

"Xiao Baba, have they caught up?"

"Hurry up, host, run away!!"

"I can't run anymore!" Lan Shuang took a quick breath, gritted her teeth, turned around and ran into the tower with an idea.

"Hey, host, where are you going?"

Lan Shuang's eyes shone with faint blue light, "Hold your thigh!"

(End of this chapter)

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