Chapter 308 Don't Lick Me 2
The members of the Ling family thought that Lan Shuang would definitely run out after getting rid of the formation, so most of them went to block the exit. Who would have thought that Lan Shuang suddenly slammed on the brakes, turned around and ran into the tower.

The members of the Ling family who had just set up their posture: "???"

Where are you going?Don't die?
"Master, why did she go into the tower? There is a big monster over there! If she runs in, she won't be eaten, and there will be no leftovers?" The young man held the golden rope and looked at the master blankly.

Grandmaster narrowed his eyes, "Stop her quickly! If the Nine-Life Cat Demon is eaten by the one inside, this tower will not be able to restrain him at all!"

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth, swallowed the fishy sweetness in her throat, and ran vigorously, her body turned into a phantom in the air, like a silver-white lightning, piercing the darkness and going straight to the depths of the tower.

The ancestor behind him was chanting a mantra, his hands kept moving, and the hand gestures made people dazzled. The next moment, he saw a pale golden mark slowly detach from his palm, rising against the wind, spinning and getting bigger, and finally it was as tall as a person. Quickly cover the past towards Lanshuang.

Before getting close, Lan Shuang could already feel the scorching temperature on his back that seemed to burn his soul.

There is faint smoke on the snow-white fur, and a faint burnt smell can be smelled.

Lan Shuang: "..."

If you catch a cat, you catch the cat. What does it mean to set fire to it? !

It was too late to feel sorry for her hair, and Lan Shuang's eyes had already started to look like gold stars. Seeing that she was dying, 888 cheered her up: "Hurry up, host, the big monster is ahead! Go through this door!"

Lan Shuang looked at the bronze door, there was a crack at the bottom, just enough to accommodate her current size body to pass through, she pouted her tail immediately after slamming the brakes, tried to lower her body, and squeezed in through the crack.

Lan Shuang didn't quite believe that cats were liquid animals before, because she had never raised them before, but at this moment, she deeply realized how correct this is!
She actually slipped through the crack!

The moment she put her tail back in, the pale golden mark had approached her eyes, burning a small part of her tail tip, and Lan Shuang meowed in pain.

Looking at the small cluster of flames on the tail, Lan Shuang hurriedly hugged it with her paws, and she was still not used to being a cat for the first time. It becomes gray.

"Damn old man Ling! I will beat him up when I go out to find a chance!" Lan Shuang let go of her tail with tears in her eyes, raised her tail and shook it.

888 weakly raised his hand: "Well, you don't seem to be able to beat Old Man Ling now..."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Nobody thinks you're dumb when you don't talk, really.

She turned around and took a cautious look. The imprint was blocked by the bronze door. I don't know who put the restriction on the bronze door. It was obvious that old man Ling didn't have enough power to break it, so the imprint hit the door and flickered twice. It gets dark.

At the same time, the restriction on the door became shallower.

Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, her tense nerves suddenly relaxed, her head was aching, and it was time for the pain shielding prescribed by 888, the stinging pain rolled up overwhelmingly, making her breathless.


She lay on the ground all of a sudden, breathless, her eyes as pure as sapphires were covered with mist, and she looked at the front blankly and aggrieved.

In the darkness, something suddenly moved, and then there was a slight sound of footsteps in the room.

Lan Shuang tensed her body vigilantly, but she didn't have much strength to stand up.

"Xiao Baba, is this the big monster? What kind of monster?"

888: "It's a tiger demon, host, be careful."

"Tiger demon?"

Lan Shuang was dying: "I think I can't do it anymore, he can trample me to death with one foot, okay?"

888 wiped off his sweat, "Host, come on! I believe you can do it."

"I..." Lan Shuang was about to say that she couldn't, when a white light swept across the corner of her eyes.

She looked blankly, and saw a white tiger that seemed to be glowing coming out of the darkness. Only then did Lan Shuang noticed that the darkness was not because of the dim light, but because it was full of black monsters, so she covered it up. caught her sight.

That white tiger is very big, it can reach the chest of a grown man when standing up, it is white from a distance, but when you get closer, you can find that its hair is smooth and silvery, and there are faint spots on its four paws. The auspicious cloud-like pattern is very beautiful.

Upward is a pair of dark red eyes, as if thick blood has been congealed, forming a stark contrast with the holy silver and white, the holy and the evil are strangely harmonious and beautiful together.

Lan Shuang stared at it in a daze, what a beautiful tiger!

And this familiar feeling, even if it's not a human form, and she didn't see the little mole, her intuition told her that it was him!

The idea of ​​forcibly forming a master-servant contract was given up. Seeing that the other party had no intention of attacking her, she tried her best to get up and prepared to have a talk with him.

However, just as she sat up, the expressionless tiger suddenly raised its paw, and gently pawed at her head.

The gray kitten fell to the ground with its paws upside down.

Lan Shuang: "..."

are you human?

Oh, excuse me, really not.

In the dead silence, a deep and magnetic laughter suddenly sounded, it sounded like a grown man.

"Little thing, if you dare to run here, I think you are capable."

Lan Shuang gritted her teeth, turned around, gathered her momentum, and opened her mouth to scold him, but a nasty, nasty "meow—"

It didn't sound threatening at all, but rather like being coquettish.

Lan Shuang petrified on the spot, wishing she could find a crack in the ground to get in.

The tiger laughed again, Shi Shiran sat down, looked down at her, then pawed at her again, the tip of the claw was retracted very well, Lan Shuang was not hurt, and he only used the pads to circle the person towards him .

Lan Shuang wrapped her tail around his paw, stood on the back of his paw and stepped on it, "What's your name?"

Tiger looked at her playfully, "Ning Yufeng."

"Good name." Lan Shuang nodded very humanely, then curled up on his paw, closed her eyes and said something, her body trembled slightly, and then a drop of blood appeared between her eyebrows, It flew straight towards Ning Yufeng.

Ning Yufeng was taken aback, but before he could hide, the blood bead swished into the center of his brow, it was hot and hot, and spread along the center of the brow to his heart, and then he felt the blood bead merged with his own heart blood. Together, something wonderful happened.

In an instant, a circular magic circle emerged from the bottom of his feet, with complicated and complicated inscriptions circulating on it, and the sound of ancient bells could be faintly heard in his ears, as if some kind of ritual had been completed.

Ning Yufeng squinted his eyes, suddenly turned around and pinched Lan Shuang by the nape of her neck and brought her to his eyes, and asked dangerously, "What did you do to me?"

Lan Shuang tilted her head, "It's nothing, I tried a formula for forming a bond, to see if it works."

She spoke with a smile, but her voice gradually weakened, " seems to be easy to use."

- off topic -

This is a story about a proud tiger who makes a dog for love (bushi)

Everyone who participates in the activity in the comment area will see my reply! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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