Chapter 309 Don't Lick Me 3
"You are so courageous. If you dare to plant a contract on me, aren't you afraid that I will directly crush you to death?"

Ning Yufeng finished speaking sadly, closed his eyes to feel it, tried to mobilize his demon power, and found that he was not restrained by any means, it was very smooth, he tried to grab Lan Shuang's neck, but just tightened his hand, he I felt like I was suffocating for a while, as if I was strangled by someone.

Lan Shuang struggled and coughed: "I gave you a life-and-death deed, if I die, you will not live, if you die, I will not live, anyway, they are bound together, you can figure it out. "

This method is a bit rogue, but Lan Shuang has no better choice now. When she can't figure out the details of the other party, it is safer to tie the person to her own boat. At worst, she will find a way to solve him in the future.

Don't tell him there is a solution now, so as not to ask him.

Lan Shuang closed her eyes and fainted.

When consciousness returned to her body, Lan Shuang, who looked like a villain, let out a long breath, "Finally, I don't have to worry about losing my life. This world is so exciting!"

888: "Host, you are so bold! I was scared to death, but fortunately you can form a bond... Wait, when did you learn to form a bond?"

Lan Shuang was paralyzed on the ground, and waved her hands weakly: "Ah, I have entered the world of high-level cultivators before doing tasks, and learned from there. There are many ways to form bonds, most of which must be done with the consent of the other party, and there are also compulsory ones. It’s done, as long as you get the blood of your heart.”

888 touched his chin and thought for a while, "That is to say, Ning Yufeng was unprepared at the time, and he didn't know the formula for forming a bond, so he was successfully attacked by you? Host, your reaction is really fast."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment when she heard the words, and then smiled softly, with a strange light in her eyes.

Actually it wasn't, Ning Yufeng wasn't defenseless, it was just that his soul automatically opened the line of defense for her, otherwise with her cultivation level, she couldn't force him to do anything at all.

But there is no need to tell 888 this.

Lan Shuang lay paralyzed with peace of mind, and didn't worry about her body, since Ning Yufeng was there anyway.


Seeing that Hui Tuanzi fainted while talking, Ning Yufeng frowned, and stared at her with dark red eyes for a long time, as if he was thinking about where to start his mouth. After performing a cleansing technique, a cloud floated towards Lan Shuang.

The fur on Lan Shuang's body immediately stuck to her body, making her look even uglier.

Ning Yufeng: "..."

"Ugly to death."

He brought in another gust of wind, which abruptly dried Lan Shuang dry.

The white fur became fluffy, and it looked a lot bigger, and its appearance was much higher.

Only then did Ning Yufeng's brows loosen.

It was also at this time that he discovered that Lan Shuang's front and rear paws were injured, and her tail was also bald, revealing a little flesh pink.

He stood silently for a while, thinking of something, and smiled lightly, which sounded inexplicably eerie and eerie, "After the bond is formed, you don't want to run away. What I give you now, I have to pay back double in the future."

After finishing the words, a milky white light appeared in his palm, covering Lanshuang, and it gradually dimmed after a quarter of an hour, revealing Lanshuang who was safe and sound.

As if feeling comfortable, Lan Shuang hugged Ning Yufeng's hand and rubbed against it.

Ning Yufeng's face turned pale, he grabbed her tail and pinched it, "It's not impossible to keep her, but—"

His gaze fell on the bronze door, and he was slightly chilled, "I've had enough of this damn place."


"Master, why is there no movement inside? Could it be that it was eaten directly?"

"Can't we get in? There are restrictions on this door."

"What to do, if it is really eaten by the things inside, our Ling family will be the first to suffer!"

A group of people chattered around the old man Ling, and his face became darker and darker due to the quarrel. He said in a low voice, "Shut up! You mess up yourselves before anything happens. What's the use of you?"

Everyone shut their mouths in embarrassment.

Old man Ling looked at the bronze door in front of him, and his eyes flashed fiercely: "Go and bring that brat, since the sacrifice has escaped, someone has to take it up, as long as the formation can be done, the things inside won't come out!"


Someone turned around and walked forward at the command, but just as he raised his foot, before he could step out, there was a loud noise behind him.

They turned their heads in horror, and saw that the master who had always been calm showed the same expression as them, staring at the bronze door.




After three loud bangs, old man Ling suddenly reacted, turned around and shouted at everyone: "Run!"

The Ling family was stunned for a moment, and ran away, but it was too late, the restraint on the bronze door suddenly shattered, scattered like a broken mirror, and then disappeared into the void.

And the bronze door was split into two and split from the middle, and fell to the ground.

The moment the smoke and dust rose, a white tiger rushed out of it, holding a lifeless kitten in its mouth.

But no one cares about that now, they're scared out of their wits.

"Ah ah ah ah - it's over, it's over, the tiger demon has come out!"

"The prohibition has completely failed, what should I do?"

"Help! Master!"

Ning Yufeng's scarlet eyes looked at the Ling family fleeing in all directions, with a flash of disdain. Sure enough, one generation is not as good as the next generation. The ancestor of the Ling family can draw with him anyway. What kind of trash are the current ones?
Not intending to entangle with them, Ning Yufeng ran out and walked directly on the wind, shattered the lock demon tower with a flick of his tail, and went straight to the southeast.

His speed was as fast as the wind, no one could catch up to him, and he disappeared completely in the blink of an eye, leaving only ruins to prove what happened just now.

"Master, he ran away!" The young man who had been following old man Ling reminded him.

Old man Ling took a breath, looked at the southeast coldly, and clenched his fists, "Go, inform the other monster-hunting families, and say that the lock-up tower has fallen, and the Yinfeng Tayunhu inside escaped. The whereabouts are unknown, issue a demon killing order, let everyone come to the Ling family to talk!"

"it is good!"


When Lan Shuang woke up again, all she saw was a vast expanse of whiteness. She blinked, but it was still white, "Little Baba, do I have something wrong with my eyes?"

888: "Ah, no, you were crushed in Mao Mao by a tiger."

Lan Shuang: "... No wonder I'm still a little out of breath."

She raised her head and pulled herself out of Ning Yufeng's fur, but before she succeeded, she was pulled aside by a paw.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She opened her mouth and bit Ning Yufeng's paw.

Ning Yufeng: "Tsk, the teeth are quite sharp."

He lazily opened his eyes, put his huge head in front of Lan Shuang, and stared at her with emotionless eyes: "I brought you out of Ling's house, how can you thank me?"

Lan Shuang licked the hair on her body, then stopped suddenly, she can transform into a human being, why did she lick her hair?

She turned around twice in place, and after finding the feeling, she activated her demon power, a white light flashed, and she slowly turned into a young girl.

(End of this chapter)

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