Chapter 310 Don't Lick Me 4
The girl was slender and well-proportioned, and she looked seductive. Her eyes were big, but they were not pure black, but dark blue. When the sun shone in, she seemed to be looking at the sea, very beautiful.

A head of slightly curly long hair was casually scattered behind her, looking youthful and a little lazy.

The white dress just wrapped her body perfectly.

Ning Yufeng lay on the ground, raised his upper body slightly, and his eyes shone with an inexplicable light.

Lan Shuang looked at her body and clenched her fists, only to find that all the monster power in her body had recovered.

"Xiao Baba, did you do it?"

888 asked blankly: "What?"

"It seems that it's not you, it's Ning Yufeng." Lan Shuang walked in front of the beautiful tiger, leaned slightly with her hands behind her back and looked at him, "Ning Yufeng?"

Ning Yufeng replied lazily: "Huh?"

"Thank you for helping me heal."

Lan Shuang spoke very seriously, and when she smiled, there were two dimples on her lips, which looked very sweet.

Ning Yufeng's eyes moved slightly, "I don't trade at a loss."

"Then what do you want in return?"

Lan Shuang was not angry, and asked gently.

Ning Yufeng stared at her for a moment and then said, "I'll talk about it when I think about it."

"Okay, the promise is valid at any time, I owe you a favor." After speaking, Lan Shuang stood up and looked around, taking a panoramic view of the surrounding scenery, and then her expression was a little subtle.

"This is... where?"

Ning Yufeng fiddled with his hair, and turned back into a human form, but his eyes were not covered, they were still dark red, which was very eye-catching.

"Can't you see it? Forest."

"What did you bring me here for?"

Looking at the towering trees around her and the weeds up to her knees, she felt a little headache.

Ning Yufeng was wearing a wide-sleeved brocade robe that was incompatible with modern times. It looked like the sash was fluttering, and it carried an immortal air, but when he saw his face, that immortal air disappeared.

He hooked his lips and smiled evilly, "Otherwise where should I go? I lived here before, but..."

Speaking of which, he paused, spread his hands and said, "After 1000 years, I can't find the exact location of the cave."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Years have changed, the sea has changed, and it is strange to find it.

She pressed her eyebrows and said, "Then you come home with me."

"Going home with you?" Ning Yufeng looked at her with a half-smile, "Are you really not afraid of death, and you're not afraid that I'll eat you up on a whim?"

Lan Shuang wanted to talk about the life-and-death contract, but Ning Yufeng raised his hand to her lips, leaned closer, and said quietly: "I am much stronger than you, if you want to forcibly terminate the contract, it is not impossible."

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you." Lan Shuang pulled his hand down, and said helplessly: "I acted helplessly at that time. If I couldn't restrain you, I would suffer from the enemy, and I really couldn't survive. I didn't take revenge. don't want to die."

Ning Yufeng straightened up, stared at her silently for a moment, and said condescendingly: "You are smart, let's go, take me to your house."

After finally coaxing this person, Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief. After recovering her demon power, it was not difficult for her to get out of the forest, and she took Ning Yufeng to find the town in a short while.

However, her home is far from the town, either by car or by foot.

For her penniless, she couldn't choose either of these two.

Seeing her standing still under the big tree by the side of the road, Ning Yufeng had a look of pain and hatred on her face, and couldn't help but ask, "What's the matter?"

Lan Shuang sighed faintly, "Do you mind being a puppy?"


Ning Yufeng looked at her in disbelief.


Half an hour later, a snow-white kitten with blue eyes and a little white dog with red eyes jumped over the puddle side by side and walked into the deep alley.

Ning Yufeng looked at his hair that was wet with water, feeling very unhappy, he gritted his teeth and said: "Your family better satisfy me, otherwise I will pluck all your hair!"

Lan Shuang was not very comfortable, but she could bear it. She turned to Ning Yufeng and said, "Then do you have a better way?"

Ning Yufeng: "..."

"My ID card, mobile phone and wallet are at home. If I walk back, it will take three hours. Would you like to?"

Ning Yufeng: "No, it's too stupid."

"Tigers are ferocious beasts. If they appear in the town, they will alert the police and special departments. At that time, we may be arrested and locked up in other places. Are you sure you want to go?"

Ning Yufeng: "No..."

"We can't tear the space apart, so, do you have any other options?"

Ning Yufeng kept silent with a stinky face.

The big demon is in the human territory, so he still has to abide by the human rules.

The two who turned into kittens and puppies were much faster. They only chose secluded paths and entered the city in a short time. An hour later, they were standing downstairs at Lan Shuang's house.

Ning Yufeng looked at the densely packed tall buildings and frowned: "What is this?"

Lan Shuang rested on the ground, and said weakly, "My family."

"You live in such a strange place? Is this a tower? Doesn't it look like it? That little thing is a window?"

The big demon, who has been imprisoned for thousands of years, has never seen modern society, and it is difficult for him to accept modern products for a while. He is surprised by everything he sees.

Lan Shuang patted his back with a paw, stopping his urge to grab the door, "Go, change back to human form first."


Hiding in a secluded place, Lan Shuang and Ning Yufeng both turned back into humans. Lan Shuang pressed her leg, "It's been a long time since I've walked so much, my legs are so sore."

Ning Yufeng glanced at her, "Squeamish."

"Aren't you sour?" Lan Shuang looked at his legs suspiciously.

Ning Yufeng snorted, turned around and squatted down, "Come up."

Lan Shuang: "Huh?"

"Didn't you question me? I'll carry you on my back to see if I can do it."

Ning Yufeng turned his head and urged: "Hurry up."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, "Okay, you said it yourself."

She leaned over on Ning Yufeng's back, and wrapped her hands loosely around Ning Yufeng's neck. Ning Yufeng got up, supported her legs and walked steadily forward, without any signs of fatigue.

"You are so amazing." Lan Shuang sighed from the bottom of her heart. Ning Yufeng, who was also a monster with four legs, also ran for an hour, was really enviable.

Ning Yufeng's mouth twitched slightly when he heard the words, "Otherwise, why do you think I was suppressed?"

Lan Shuang put her chin on his shoulder, and replied lazily: "Yes, you are the best, you are the strongest, so - do you know where the gate of the community is? Just go forward? You are almost going to the opposite community. "

Ning Yufeng: "..."

Don't say it sooner.

Lan Shuang pointed in one direction and said, "Turn around, go there, see that little house? That's where the guard is."


Ning Yufeng walked over with her back on his back, the guard poked his head out of the window, and took a look curiously, suddenly he was startled by Ning Yufeng's dark red eyes, the newspaper in his hand was scattered all over the floor, he pushed Pushing his glasses and taking another look, he asked worriedly, "Young man, what's wrong with your eyes? Pink eye?"

Ning Yufeng stared at him expressionlessly: "...naturally."

- off topic -

Ning Yufeng: Come on, are red eyes really cool?
(End of this chapter)

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