Chapter 311 Don't Lick Me 5
Lan Shuang could imagine Ning Yufeng's expression at this time without looking at it, because after he finished speaking, the guard shrank his neck.

She patted Ning Yufeng's head: "Don't scare people."

Ning Yufeng: "???"

Do you dare to touch a tiger's head?

His eyes widened in surprise, and he looked even more fierce.

Uncle doorman: "..."

He was silent for a moment, took a step back, away from the window, but after a few seconds, he recalled that the voice was somewhat familiar, and leaned out to look behind Ning Yufeng, "Is it Xiaolan?"

Lan Shuang also looked at him, and greeted him with a smile: "Uncle Zhang, it's me."

"Oh, this is... this is your boyfriend?" The doorman looked gossipingly at Ning Yufeng, "The young man is very handsome, it's his eyes..."

Fearing that he would say something that Ning Yufeng didn't like to hear, Lan Shuang quickly explained: "He was just playing around with you, it wasn't born with him, he wore colored contact lenses, that's why he did that."

"Oh, I know the colored contact lenses. There are colorful ones. Your boyfriend likes them too?"

Uncle doorman's expression was indescribable.

Lan Shuang stroked Ning Yufeng's hair and smoothed it out for him, "Yeah, who hasn't got a little fetish yet, he just thinks it's cool, you're young, you know."

The uncle doorman suddenly realized: "Ah!"

Lan Shuang smiled and nodded, "Uncle Zhang, please open the door for me. I'm too anxious to go out today, and I left my keys and mobile phones at home."

Uncle Zhang readily agreed, "No problem, this is you, I don't give it to ordinary people."

The original owner and Uncle Zhang got along well, and they always brought Uncle Zhang some homemade food, and the relationship between the two of them became better after going back and forth.

So many times when he saw her face, Uncle Zhang would let people in directly.

After the electronic door was opened, Lan Shuang waved at Uncle Zhang: "Then let's go, see you, Uncle Zhang."


Uncle Zhang responded with a smile, then bent down to pick up the newspaper humming a little tune, and muttered: "The young man has a good relationship, and he even came back with his girlfriend on his back. Tsk tsk tsk, the boy looks good with Xiaolan, but maybe a little Secondary illness..."

Ning Yufeng couldn't understand many words, and after entering the door, he followed Lan Shuang's instructions and entered the unit building, and asked suspiciously: "What are colored contact lenses? Did he just scold me?"

"Also, who asked you to touch my head?"

Mentioning the aura on Ning Yufeng's body became dangerous.

Lan Shuang didn't care, she got off Ning Yufeng in front of the elevator, pointed to the operation panel and said to him: "Learn, this is called an elevator, press this button to open the door, this to go up, and this to go down."

As she spoke, she pressed the door open, and the elevator door opened with a "ding", and two people just walked out of it. Ning Yufeng saw his body tense up suddenly, and stared at them vigilantly.

What came out was a young couple, the girl was terrified by Ning Yufeng's eyes, she grabbed her boyfriend's hand and hesitated to come out.

The boy was also afraid, but he still kept his girlfriend behind him and asked tremblingly, "You, you, what are you going to do? We have no money!"

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He frowned, with an expression of "what nonsense are you talking about, are you scolding me".

Lan Shuang: "..."

Seeing that the girl was about to call the police, Lan Shuang quickly took Ning Yufeng's hand, and kissed his side face lightly, "I'm sorry, my boyfriend is facial paralyzed, there is no malice, you go out first , The elevator doors are about to close."

Ning Yufeng didn't have time to think about the meaning of her words, he was confused by the short soft touch.

He turned to look at Lan Shuang blankly, did she kiss him just now?Are you courting?
How can you be so bold and straightforward?

Lan Shuang didn't know that his head was full of pornographic waste, and after fooling the young couple away, she finally realized the seriousness of the problem, and after pulling Ning Yufeng into the elevator, as soon as the door closed, she looked at Ning Yu very seriously. Feng said: "When you go out in the future, don't keep staring at people. It's not polite, and your aura is too strong, which will make people think that you are going to do something. This will bring you some unnecessary troubles."

Ning Yufeng didn't speak, and stared at her, but his eyes were a little erratic.

"Where am I talking to you? Ning Yufeng? Are you listening?"

Lan Shuang reached out and waved her hand in front of his eyes, Ning Yufeng immediately grabbed her wrist, and said uncomfortably, "Got it."

His attitude was too perfunctory, Lan Shuang was about to say a few more words, but saw him tilt his head, revealing a pair of red ears.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes suddenly, this guy is... sorry?
888: "That's right, the host, he's just being embarrassed, just now, Ning Yufeng's favorability has been increased by ten~"

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, and then realized that a favorability function was added after the previous system update.

"I didn't say to choose Ning Yufeng's favorability. Isn't this only based on one person?"

888 scratched his hair, and said uncertainly: "In principle, this is correct, but you are bound to him by a life-and-death deed, and the system also defaults that you are bound together, so he took the initiative to show his kindness." Sensitivity, and..."

He looked at the value on the data panel, and said suspiciously: "Ning Yufeng has an initial favorability for you?"

"With initial favorability?" Lan Shuang was surprised: "How many?"

888: "Twenty, counting the increase of ten points just now, Ning Yufeng's favorability is now thirty, so strange, is there a bug?"

Thinking of Ning Yufeng's identity, Lan Shuang couldn't help but glance to the side, and it happened that Ning Yufeng was also looking at her, peeking at her being caught, Ning Yufeng didn't feel embarrassed, but looked Lan Shuang up and down.

"It shouldn't be a bug. Maybe the cat and tiger are relatives. Tigers are cats. Maybe they feel very kind when they see me. Besides, I'm the first one of their kind that he has seen in so many years. Isn't it normal to have a good impression?"

Lan Shuang's tone was natural and her attitude was calm. 888 was well persuaded, "You are right, it should be like this."

"Ding——" the elevator arrived, Lan Shuang took Ning Yufeng's hand and led him out, walked to the door of 801, took out the spare key from the interlayer of the hanging advertising box, and opened the door.

"This is my home, wait a minute, I'll find you slippers."

Standing at the door, Lan Shuang took out a pair of unworn men's slippers from the shoe cabinet, and gestured at Ning Yufeng's feet, "Well, it should be about the same size, try it."

Ning Yufeng looked at the pair of men's slippers, frowned and pondered what to try.

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she also realized that she turned around and demonstrated to him in a squatting position: "That's it, just take off the original shoes and put these on."

Lanshuang's slippers are pink and white, with two cute kittens painted on them, fluffy like clouds.

She let out a sigh of comfort as soon as she stepped on it.

Following her example, Ning Yufeng also put on slippers, moved his toes uneasily, and turned his legs as soon as he stretched out.

Lan Shuang watched from the side, and leaned against the wall with a smile, "Hahahahaha - relax, there is no danger."

(End of this chapter)

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