Chapter 312 Don't Lick Me 6
Ning Yufeng had a gloomy face and did not speak, he looked like a big boss, but his restless feet froze in place, with his toes rising and falling, which fully showed the master's anxiety.

Lan Shuang's gaze paused on it for a moment, and she couldn't help but lean on the wall and walk in, patted him on the shoulder, and then felt the body under her hand tighten suddenly.

"Relax, Ning Yufeng, it's safe here."

Lan Shuang walked towards the bedroom while talking, and added at the door, "It's safe for now."

Ning Yufeng looked at her with a frown, pursed his lips, and looked at the structure and furnishings of the room vigilantly. In fact, there were not many decorations, because Lan Shuang had just started his business. After renting this house, he only bought air conditioners and washing machines. None of the necessary appliances, not even a TV.

There was a row of very old sofas in the living room, but the sofa covers and pillows were washed very clean. There were glass jugs and glass water glasses on the coffee table, and one of the glasses was still half full of water, as if someone had drunk it before.

Ning Yufeng's eyes fell on the quilt and he paused for a moment, then he walked over to pick it up and sniffed it in an awkward posture. His nose moved slightly, and he smelled something that didn't belong to Lan Shuang.

His eyes sank in an instant, and the already dark red looked more like two bottomless pools of blood, which made people tremble with fear.

He sniffed it carefully again, the smell was a bit weak, it must have been out for a long time, but he could still smell the smell of a man.

The five senses of the monster race are different from ordinary people, let alone an ancestor-level monster like Ning Yufeng?
His jaw line tensed instantly, and with a little force on the hand holding the cup, the cup was smashed into pieces.

Lan Shuang found that her mobile phone was out of battery, and after searching around, she found a charger to charge her mobile phone.

"Are you hungry? How about I..."

In the middle of her words, she met Ning Yufeng's cannibalistic gaze, and blood slowly flowed from between his fingers, dripping onto the broken glass on the ground.

"What are you doing?"

She quickly walked over, bypassing the shards of glass on the ground, and carefully took Ning Yufeng's hand, Ning Yufeng didn't resist, and let her look at it with her palm.

There are several bloodstains criss-crossing on the white palm, the wounds are of different depths, and there are fine broken glass stuck inside.

"Did you not control your strength? The glass is very fragile, just handle it lightly."

Lan Shuang sighed, raised her eyes and looked at him helplessly: "You have been derailed from this world for too long, and you still have a lot to learn. Be obedient, okay? I will teach you slowly."

Ning Yufeng was taken aback by her coaxing tone and the tenderness in her eyes, and then she relaxed her brows a little, and let out a reserved "hmm".

Forget it, I will ask these things later, I have lived for so many years, and it would be out of style to compare with a junior because of a human male.

Lan Shuang turned to get the home medicine box, "Sit down."

Ning Yufeng glanced at the strange-shaped sofa, hesitated for a moment, sat on half of his buttocks, and straightened his back.

Lan Shuang: "..."

No need, why do you look like a lady in ancient times?

"Aren't you tired like this?" Lan Shuang picked out a small tweezers from the medicine box, and gestured in front of Ning Yufeng.

Ning Yufeng's eyes narrowed slightly: "Why are you tired?"

"The sofa is soft and it's not easy to use it. If you sit on half of your buttocks like this, don't your legs feel sore?"

Ning Yufeng glared at her with a stinky face, "What do you know? This is demeanor and etiquette. People used to sit like this."

Lan Shuang: "...All right, whatever you say is what you say, just stretch out your hand."

Ning Yufeng stared at her suspiciously, then stretched out his hand slowly, Lan Shuang held his fingertips, leaned close to her lowered eyes and carefully picked out the crumbs from the wound.

She used the tweezers very nimbly, and picked them up in a short while. Lan Shuang straightened up and breathed a sigh of relief, blinking, her eyes were slightly red.

Ning Yufeng's face froze, "You...are you crying?"

Lan Shuang blinked again: "Huh?"

She was too focused just now, her eyes were staring at Ning Yufeng's hands well, and now her eyes feel a little uncomfortable.

However, Ning Yufeng obviously didn't realize this, he stared blankly at Lan Shuang, as if someone had pinched his heart, it was sore and numb, he has lived for so many years, and no one has ever cried for him.

The beating and crying by him didn't count.

The person in front of me is the first.

Did she feel distressed seeing herself hurt?
Ning Yufeng carefully looked at Lan Shuang's expression, seeing that her eyes were getting redder, he turned around and wiped them, becoming more determined.

Well, she must be distressed!
Alas, as expected of a little cat demon, she has a soft heart, crying when she sees such a small injury.

Ning Yufeng thought very big, and the more he looked at Lan Shuang, the more pleasing to his eyes.

She looks pretty good, clean, and pretty. I'm not afraid that I will feel sorry for myself. It's not bad if I accept it. Anyway, they are tied together now. It's a bit troublesome to cancel the contract, but if the contract is changed, it shouldn't be difficult...

He subconsciously squeezed his chin with his hand, Lan Shuang turned around and immediately grabbed his wrist, glaring at him: "I told you to be good, why are you disobedient?"

"You—" Ning Yufeng opened his mouth to reprimand him, but he couldn't speak to Shang Lanshuang's big watery eyes.

He was silent for a moment, then stretched out his hand irritably, "Got it."

With a sullen face, Lan Shuang disinfected him with a lotion, and after applying the good medicine, wrapped him up with gauze and tied a standard bow.

Looking at the bow tie, Lan Shuang was in a trance for a moment, thinking of Jiang Han's world, when he was injured, she always tied a bow tie for him, and after going around for a few lives, this skill came in handy again.

"What are you thinking?" Ning Yufeng's voice suddenly sounded nearby, and his scorching breath blew over, Lan Shuang stepped back uncomfortably: "It's nothing, I was thinking about how long it will take for your wound to heal."

Ning Yufeng was silent for a moment, then leaned back, Erlang raised his legs, and looked at her with a half-smile: "Did you forget?"

Lan Shuang was at a loss: "What did you forget?"

Ning Yufeng stretched out a slender and beautiful finger and pointed at himself, "I am a demon, this little injury, as long as I think about it, it will be healed immediately."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Oops, people have been doing it for too long and suddenly become a demon. This kind of thinking really can't be changed!
Seeing that she was silent, Ning Yufeng narrowed his eyes immediately: "Why do you look so guilty?"

Lan Shuang blinked, "I'm not guilty, I just want you to experience what it's like to be a human being. After all, we will live among the crowd in the future. If we get injured and heal casually, we will be arrested."

888 saw her blindfolded without changing her face, and raised her thumbs up in admiration: "Just go for a six."

When Ning Yufeng heard the words, his attention was indeed diverted. He straightened up a little and stared at Lan Shuang, "What do you mean living in a crowd? That's it?"

He looked around, his distaste was beyond words.

Lan Shuang: "..."

You are really an ancestor, what's wrong with that?

(End of this chapter)

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