Chapter 313 Don't Lick Me 7
Lan Shuang packed the medicine box, put it under the tea table, turned around and sat down beside Ning Yufeng, as if she wanted to have a long talk with him.

Ning Yufeng's eyes fell on the distance between their legs.

She really likes me, right?Get so close to me.

"Ning Yufeng."

"En." Ning Yufeng lazily replied, and suddenly felt that his name sounded pretty good.

"Do you know how many years it is?"

"do not know."

Lan Shuang turned over the calendar on the coffee table and showed him: "It is 20xx, the modern age of rapid technological development, not the ancient times with abundant spiritual power, the decline of the demon clan, the collapse of the immortal world, the collapse of the heavenly world, only the ghost world and The human world is still connected, and it is now the world of the human race."

Ning Yufeng raised his eyebrows unhappily: "This group of trash from the Yaozu actually let a group of mortals step on their heads?"

"Don't look down on mortals, racial discrimination is out of the question!" Lan Shuang quickly corrected him, "It is the result of natural selection that humans and monsters can live to this day, and the rapid development of human beings has also provided great convenience to the monster race. As a demon, if you want to live a good life in this world, you can't cause trouble for humans, and you can't shout and kill all day long, otherwise you will be punished by law..."

Lan Shuang spent an hour telling Ning Yufeng the current situation and basic rules of the world, the importance of the law, and what would happen if the Yaozu broke the law.

Ning Yufeng's face turned darker the more he heard it, until it was almost like the bottom of a pot that had been used for three years.

"Trouble, it's too much trouble, human beings always have so many rules, the enemy is killed, and there is still a trial, what's the point of being locked up?"

Lan Shuang said that her mouth was dry, she went to the refrigerator and took out two bottles of mineral water, handed a bottle to Ning Yufeng, and drank most of the bottle in one gulp before saying weakly: "Because the law is moral. Bottom line, it takes leniency and strictness in order to convince the public. Some people are not big villains. If they make mistakes and go in and reflect on them, you can give them a chance to reform themselves, so that they won't let them do everything in the first place. "

She fell back into the sofa, looked up at the ceiling and said to herself: "The legal protection restricts most people. It is not easy to achieve fairness and justice on a large scale. If it is true If you do something heinous, you will still die."

Ning Yufeng listened thoughtfully, "There is some truth to what you said."

"In short, it's good that you can listen to it. If you are not sure, just ask me. Don't act on your own. After you get used to life in the human world, I will let you do it yourself."

Lan Shuang was still a little tired after all this tossing. She stood up and yawned, pointed to the opposite room and said, "I'll tidy up the guest room for you in a while, so you can live there. I'm in the room opposite you. Knock on the door if you need something."

Ning Yufeng watched her pull on the slippers, and got up to follow her. As soon as the door of the guest room opened, a strange smell came over his face. Ning Yufeng's eyes turned cold, "Who lived in this room before?"

Lan Shuang paused when she opened the door, "'s a human being."

Ning Yufeng sneered, leaned against the door and folded his arms and looked down at her, "Is he a man?"

"Now it's the enemy."

Lan Shuang shrugged indifferently, "It's all thanks to him that I will end up that way."

"He? Who is he?"

Ning Yufeng's mood was even worse.

Lan Shuang went in and took off the sheets and quilts, threw them on the ground, and there was Ling Feng's coat on the bedside table.

"His name is Ling Feng, and he is a wandering child of the Ling family."

Lan Shuang grabbed the coat and threw it outside the door, even looking at it was bad luck.

Ning Yufeng raised his eyebrows: "Ling Feng? Heh, he also deserves to use the word Feng?"

Lan Shuang paused, "That's right, you also have wind in your name, what a coincidence."

"In the future, if he falls into my hands, this name will be gone."

Ning Yufeng's eyes flashed an undisguised killing intent, and he stared at Lan Shuang closely.

He is probing, he wants to know what is the relationship between Ling Feng and Lan Shuang.

However, to his surprise, Lan Shuang hugged the sheet and laughed, with a bit of ruthlessness in her eyes, "I can't die."

Ning Yufeng's tone was dangerous, "Are you reluctant?"

"I wish he would fall into the pit when he goes out tomorrow, but his life is not over yet, so he can't die by our hands, otherwise our merit will be ruined, and this deal is not worthwhile."

Lan Shuang said and threw all the sheets and the like outside the door, turned around and went to the closet to take out new sheets and quilt covers, smoothed the wrinkles and looked back and smiled, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"I will get back what he owes me one by one, but not now." Lan Shuang yawned again, "I'm very sleepy, I have to wash up and go to bed, I've changed my things for you, and I'll take you out to buy them at night Clothes, there are small cakes and fruits I made in the refrigerator, if you are hungry, fill your stomach first."

Speaking of which, Lan Shuang walked past Ning Yufeng, kicked the sheets aside, and transferred them to the washing machine with her demon power.

Just as she was clapping her hands and preparing to leave, someone grabbed the collar of her clothes from behind, and Lan Shuang shrank her neck suddenly.

Lan Shuang: "???"

"What are you doing?"

She turned her head to look at Ning Yufeng hard, and Ning Yufeng leaned closer and smiled in her ear and said, "Good boy."

Lan Shuang: "...I'm eighteen years old as a human, and the demon age is 430 two!"

Ning Yufeng rubbed her smooth long hair, "Oh, I am three thousand two hundred and one."

Lan Shuang: "..."

The chat is over, goodbye.

"In the future, don't get too close to other men, you are my cat now."

Ning Yufeng let go of her collar, pinched the back of her neck, Lan Shuang froze suddenly, "When did it happen, why don't I know?"

"It's fine if I know it. I don't like to smell other men on you. I don't care about you this time. If I let other men get close to you next time..."

Ning Yufeng threatened but smiled.

Lan Shuang asked back: "How?"

"I'll just smear your hair all over with my scent."

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, her whole body turned red.

"Ning Yufeng, get out—"

Ning Yufeng laughed softly, seeing Lan Shuang's hair frizzed, he put it away as soon as he saw it, turned around and lazily entered his room.

Lan Shuang slammed the door shut with her backhand, grinding her teeth.

888 was puzzled: "The host, why did you react so strongly? Is there anything wrong with what he said?"

Lan Shuang rubbed her arms, "Do you know what cats like to do most?"

888 was at a loss: "I don't know."

"Fur licking! This guy said that my whole body of hair will be covered with his smell. Thinking about that scene makes your scalp go numb, okay?"

888: "...Well, it's a bit perverted."

"Don't even think about it! It's impossible to lick hair. I'm a big living person, and I will never give in to his despotic power!" Lan Shuang clenched her fists and set a flag.

(End of this chapter)

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