Chapter 314 Don't Lick Me 8
After Lan Shuang left, Ning Yufeng stood in the room and looked around. This guest bedroom was even smaller, with only a single bed, a wardrobe and a bedside table.

One was erected against the wall, and the other was squeezed together with the bed, occupying almost two-thirds of the space, making the room look cramped.

It is far worse than his previous cave, but people are... Ah no, the tiger is under the eaves, so he has to bow his head.

He took off his slippers and lay down on the bed, instantly surrounded by the faint scent of laundry detergent, which was very similar to that of Lan Shuang, he couldn't help but turned over, buried his face in the quilt and took a deep breath.

"Finally, I don't smell like that man anymore."

The depression in his heart dissipated, and his mind was able to function normally. He turned around and looked at the ceiling and began to think about his current situation.

He is a tiger demon who has lived for thousands of years. He is extremely powerful. He was plotted by the ancestors of the Ling family back then, and was locked in the demon lock tower to absorb his luck. Only then can they prosper forever and become a big family in the world of catching monsters in one fell swoop, which has been brilliant until now.

But now that he is gone, the luck of the Ling family will definitely be affected.

But this is far from enough, Ning Yufeng's eyes flashed with murderous intent, he is very vengeful, he is small-minded, he has been used by the Ling family for so many years, how could he let them go so easily?

Revenge is a matter of time.

It's just that there are more important things to do now, Lan Shuang is right, now is the world of humans, if he wants to live well, he has to get used to adapting to the rules of humans.

For example, the weird bed he was lying on, the square transparent glass window, and the flower-like desk lamp on the bedside table.

"Is it a desk lamp?" Ning Yufeng glanced uncertainly. Lan Shuang had indeed introduced him in this way before, but how to use it...

He turned over and sat up impatiently, picked up the plug of the desk lamp and frowned for a moment, aimed at the three-hole socket on the wall and was about to poke it in, but he failed to poke it in several times, and he "tsk" impatiently One sound, "What trash?"

The big demon was in a bad mood, he used force with one hand, and with a "click", two of the three legs on the plug snapped, and electric sparks flickered in the socket, Ning Yufeng's fingers were suddenly stiffened by the electricity, and the current spread along his arms to his whole body.

He trembled uncontrollably, "Ah——"

As the stinging pain hit, he quickly hit with a wave of monster energy, breaking the socket and making a hole in the wall.

"What's wrong? What happened to...?"

As soon as Lan Shuang lay down on the opposite side, she was woken up by his exclamation. The poor sound insulation of the house is also a problem.

But fortunately, the sound insulation is not good, otherwise the wall would have to be pierced by this ancestor.

Lan Shuang saw the tragic situation in the room, leaned against the doorframe, and raised her hand helplessly to caress her forehead, "Ancestor, what are you doing?"

Ning Yufeng looked wary, as if he had encountered a formidable enemy, pointed at the dark pit and said in a bad tone: "He shocked me!"

Lan Shuang: "..."


"You're fine, why did he shock you? He's not a living thing! What did you do just now?" Lan Shuang smelled a faint smell as soon as she walked in.

She frowned and got closer, only to find the crippled plug lying on the ground and the jack that was broken into pieces.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She was silent for a moment, then stiffly picked up the dead body of the desk lamp plug, and asked sadly, "Why are you plugging in the desk lamp in broad daylight? Didn't I advise you to be less energetic?"

Only then did Ning Yufeng realize that he seemed to have made a mistake, touched his nose embarrassingly, sat cross-legged, and muttered in a low voice, "I didn't expect this thing to be so fragile..."

Lan Shuang looked at him quietly.

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He bowed his head and shut up.

However, when he lowered his head, Lan Shuang realized that his hair was smoking.

888 reminded: "Host, his hair was burnt."

Lan Shuang took a deep breath, her eyes turned black, she gritted her teeth and said, "I saw it, thank you."

Ning Yufeng lowered his head for a while, maybe because he felt a little hot, he reached out and grabbed a handful of hair on his head, and then grabbed a handful of broken hair, which was still a little black and gray.

Ning Yufeng was surprised: "What's going on?"

He grabbed it again in disbelief, and there was another pile of dust on the bed sheet he had just changed.

The veins on Lan Shuang's forehead were throbbing. The next moment, she threw down the plug body, grabbed Ning Yufeng's wrist and dragged him under the bed, "You——give me a bath!"

Ning Yufeng: "Oh."


After telling Ning Yufeng how to use the things in the bathroom, half an hour later, Lan Shuang came out of the bathroom with a dry mouth. Sitting down, tilting his head, closing his eyes, he fell asleep in a short while.

After taking a shower, Ning Yufeng made himself into a robe, and after putting it on, he walked out barefoot, just in time to see this scene.

Lan Shuang didn't know when she lay sideways on the sofa, bent her body and rolled herself up, looking at the little one, which was in danger of falling at any time, it was pitiful.

Ning Yufeng paused, and swallowed the words when he was on the verge of speaking. He stood there and stared at Lan Shuang for a long time.

I don't know why, when he saw Lan Shuang's cat shape for the first time, he met those blue eyes, and his heart was moved. He felt very kind and familiar for no reason, and wanted to grab this little thing and knead it.

Looking at her sleeping face at this moment, not only did this feeling not disappear, but it became more and more intense.

"Well...don't make trouble..."

Lan Shuang was really tired, even in a dream she started talking in her sleep.

Ning Yufeng's originally gentle expression turned cold all of a sudden, "Trouble? Who's making trouble?"

He walked to the sofa, squatted down and stared closely at Lan Shuang's lips, trying to see what other annoying words she could say.

However, Lan Shuang closed her mouth tightly after saying that sentence, and turned over. However, the sofa was not spacious in the first place. After turning over, half of her body was hanging outside the sofa. Seeing that she was about to fall, Ning Yufeng suddenly knelt on one knee He opened his arms, and Lan Shuang just fell into his arms.

"You threw yourself into your arms, I didn't want to do anything."

Ning Yufeng snorted, picked him up, turned around and entered Lan Shuang's bedroom.

This time he honestly didn't move anything, but as soon as he got on the bed, he wanted to change back to his original shape. Halfway through the change, he suddenly remembered that he was too big, and he probably could crush the bed. After hesitating for a moment, he put himself He turned into a normal big dog, lay on his side beside Lan Shuang, flicked his tail, and wrapped her into his arms, smelling her body, and then closed his eyes comfortably.


This is the time when spring and summer alternate. Although it is not very hot, sleeping alone, hugging a ball of fur, can still make people sweat.

Lan Shuang felt in a daze as if she was soaking in a hot spring, and when she opened her eyes, her body was covered in water.

- off topic -

I want furry too
(End of this chapter)

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