Chapter 315 Don't Lick Me 9
She pawed and pawed towards the heat source, trying to stay away, but just as she stretched her hand over, she touched something soft and furry.

Lan Shuang paused, turned her head suddenly, and met a... dog face with the word "Wang".

Lan Shuang: "..."

You said you sleep when you sleep, what do you do when you change back to your original shape?It's really hot!
She reluctantly took off the dog's paw that was on her body, but as soon as she moved, Ning Yufeng opened her eyes, the darkness flashed past, and then turned over suddenly and pressed on Lan Shuang's body, the paw was still pressing On Lan Shuang's wrist, sharp claws showed, and the next moment he was about to bite Lan Shuang's throat!

Lan Shuang quickly pinched his mouth, "It's me!"

Ning Yufeng was taken aback, and the killing intent in his eyes slowly faded, "Forgot, I thought I was still in the Demon Locking Tower."

As he spoke, he didn't get up, but leaned down and rubbed his head against Lan Shuang's neck in a very intimate gesture.

After sleeping, Lan Shuang smelled of him all over her body.

Ning Yufeng thought with satisfaction.

Lan Shuang couldn't take it anymore and pushed him away, "Get up, it's so hot, change back!"


Ning Yufeng was in a good mood, and everyone became easy to talk. He got up lazily, and a white light flashed, and there was a man sitting next to the bed. His white clothes were spotless, and he looked extremely clean and noble.

However, Lan Shuang took a second look and suddenly thought that with this look and appearance, people might mistake her for filming.

"I'll take you out to buy some clothes and shoes tonight. Let's eat first. Are you hungry?"

Lan Shuang sat up, pinched her collar and fanned the wind, the stickiness on her body became more obvious.

"You go to the living room and wait, I'll take a shower."

Lan Shuang opened the closet, picked out a light blue knee-length nightdress with ruffled leaves, and went out into the bathroom.

Ning Yufeng sat bored, and began to look at Lan Shuang's room. The wardrobe and bedside table should be bought together with the ones in his room, and they look the same, but this room is obviously more spacious, and there are many more popular small ornaments. One of the boxy things suddenly lit up.

"what is this?"

Ning Yufeng picked up Lan Shuang's phone and looked at it, and the screen showed that someone had sent a WeChat message.

However, Great Ancestor Ning stared at the screen for a long time, vaguely felt that there were words on it, but he didn't recognize it.

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He really doesn't like life at all!So unkind to him!
However, the screen was still on for a while, and Ning Yufeng was upset to see it. He simply went out with this thing, wanting Lan Shuang to explain, but when he went out, he heard the sound of rushing water, and he suddenly realized that Lan Shuang Cream in the shower!

He stood in the living room in a daze for a while, then turned around and looked in the direction of the bathroom. The bathroom door was not made of glass, so he couldn't see anything, but the more he couldn't see it, the more it aroused people's imagination, especially the intermittent sound of water, like a Put the little hook on Ning Yufeng's heart.

"Taking a bath in front of me is too unreserved..." Ning Yufeng touched his nose and turned his back, leaving the back of his head cold, with four large characters written all over his body—see no evil.

Ten minutes later, Gao Leng's ears on the back of his head moved and slowly turned red.


"Why are you standing here? Sit down, the sofa won't bite your butt." Lan Shuang came out with loose half-dry hair, refreshed.

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He turned his head and couldn't help but glance at her, frowned and said, "Why don't you dry your hair?"

Lan Shuang took a bottle of water from the refrigerator to drink, the water drops suddenly dripped down, slid down Lan Shuang's chin to the collarbone, and then disappeared, Ning Yufeng's eyes froze.

"I'm used to it, it's cooler this way." Lan Shuang leaned against the refrigerator holding the water bottle and looked at him, her eyes were still steamed and looked wet.

Ning Yufeng pursed his lips calmly.

888: "Host, increase Ning Yufeng's favorability by ten~"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, "I don't seem to have done anything, how did the favorability increase?"

888: "I don't know about this system, the function is not so perfect yet."

Lan Shuang was thoughtful, "Maybe, he likes brain supplements?"

888: "I can't rule out this possibility. If it's just to increase the value of love in the brain, this person is probably more narcissistic."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Don't tell me, it's really possible.

"Do you have any taboos? Or what do you like to eat?"

Lan Shuang took out two onions from the refrigerator, thought for a while and took a few eggs.

Ning Yufeng raised his eyebrows: "Meat."

Lan Shuang: "...Eggs, yes."

Ning Yufeng: "..."

There is no way, there are only onions and eggs in the refrigerator now, what Ning Yufeng wants to eat is not in the scope of consideration for the time being.

Lan Shuang's craftsmanship has been practiced in the past few worlds, and with the blessing of the original owner's food blogger, the simple scrambled eggs with onions are delicious. Ning Yufeng's expression at the end makes him want to lick the plate too, but he is a talented person. A demon of status, unable to do such a low-level thing, can only reluctantly put down the bowl and chopsticks in the end.

"I'm stuffed."

"Then help me wash the dishes."

Lan Shuang pointed to the empty plate, and Ning Yufeng asked in surprise, "What did you say?"

"Help me wash the dishes." Lan Shuang blinked: "What's the problem?"

"You asked me to do the dishes? Do you know who I am?"

Ning Yufeng stared at Lan Shuang in disbelief.

Lan Shuang: "I don't know, I don't want to know, this is my house, people eat people with a soft mouth, listen to me."

Ning Yufeng: "..."

Ten minutes later, Ning Yufeng, who was wearing a red floral cat apron, squeezed dish soap in front of the sink with a bitter expression on his face.

Lan Shuang leaned to the side and frowned, "Don't squeeze so much next time. There is not so much oil in the dish, and it can be washed with a little bit. It takes a long time to wash so much."

The veins on Ning Yufeng's forehead twitched, "It's pretty good if I can wash it, please restrain yourself."

Lan Shuang put her hands on his shoulders, and said persuasively, "Look, we have done everything, why don't we do it well? Isn't it for nothing?"

Ning Yufeng slowed down, which seemed to make sense.

He looked at Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang clenched her right hand and raised her fist, her eyes sparkled, "Come on, I believe you can do it!"

Ning Yufeng: "..."

Five minutes later, under Lan Shuang's command, Ning Yufeng wiped the kitchen with a small rag.


"Just now this thing has been flashing, I took it out to ask you, but you were taking a shower, I forgot, what is this?"

After finishing their work, the two sat side by side on the sofa, and Ning Yufeng handed the phone to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang wiped her hands, "This is called a mobile phone, and it is used by people to communicate. It is similar to your old sound transmission symbols, sound transmission tokens, and sound stones, but it is more convenient to use. I will teach you."

She unlocked it with her fingerprint, and opened WeChat to see that it was the message from the assistant of the live broadcast platform she signed with.

Xiao Mian: [Shuang Bao, why haven't you broadcast live these days?It's almost the end of the month, and your live broadcast is not long enough. 】

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(End of this chapter)

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