Chapter 317 Don't Lick Me 11
Tony: "Oh, I haven't seen such a handsome guy for a long time, happy!"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Is it too late to go out now?Didn't she enter the Pansi Cave?
Ning Yufeng turned his face away impatiently, "Should I still cut it?"

Lan Shuang: "I..."

"Sciss, scissors—the handsome guy, let's wash his hair first!"

Tony enthusiastically pulled on the slippers and led Ning Yufeng inside.

Ning Yufeng looked at Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang waved her hand: "Go, he will wash for you, don't attack people."

Tony: "?"

Ning Yufeng: "Oh, I see."

He followed behind Tony, his tall body covered him tightly, Lan Shuang couldn't see at all, she sighed with emotion: "Xiao Baba, no wonder Teacher Tony is so excited, this figure proportion, this aura, is everywhere In the drifting era, it is really hard not to let them be moved."

888 reacted for a while, then covered his mouth: "Ah? Are you saying that Tony is gay?"

Lan Shuang shrugged and sat down on the sofa beside her, "Isn't it obvious? Would a straight man be crazy about someone else's boyfriend? His eyes are shining."

888 scratched his hair: "Then aren't you worried that he will use the opportunity of washing his hair to make a move on Ning Yufeng?"

Lan Shuang chuckled, and looked at the busy street outside the glass opposite, "Is Ning Yufeng's tofu so delicious?"


A few minutes later, Tony came out behind Uncle Ning embarrassingly with red wrists, looked at Lan Shuang with aggrieved eyes, and complained: "Your boyfriend is so fierce, you usually feel very uncomfortable, right?"

Lan Shuang didn't lift her eyelids calmly, she played a small game on her mobile phone, "Well, he's not mean to me, he's quite obedient."

Tony looked at his red wrist, and at Ning Yufeng who was expressionless, he couldn't believe it.

Fortunately, he still has professionalism. After Ning Yufeng sat down, he stood behind and looked through the mirror, and asked Lan Shuang, "How do you plan to cut it? How short? Do you want bangs?"

Lan Shuang raised her head this time, looked at Ning Yufeng for a moment, and said, "Just be the same length as a normal boy, leave some bangs in front, don't be too short, or it will look more fierce, leave a little bangs to neutralize it."

"Okay, get it!" Tony picked up the scissors and gestured at Ning Yufeng for a while. Ning Yufeng's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he suddenly said, "Lan Shuang."

"Huh?" Lan Shuang took the time to look at him: "What's wrong?"

"Come here a little bit."

Ning Yufeng sullenly looked fierce.

Tony couldn't help shivering, tightened his hands holding the scissors, looked at Lan Shuang sympathetically, and said that he was not fierce, so this is a slap in the face, right?

However, the next moment he saw Lan Shuang move from the other side of the sofa to this one, and the cold-faced handsome guy stretched out his hand: "Holding."

Tony: "?"

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "Why?"

Ning Yufeng turned back uncomfortably, stared at the cloth on his body and said, "Boring."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, "All right."

She held Ning Yufeng's extended hand, squeezed his fingertips, in return Ning Yufeng stared at him, and warned: "Reserve."

Then he turned his face back, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but rise.

Tony: "..."

The dog food is delicious!

What a cold-faced bking, this is clearly a pure and arrogant little wolf dog!

After Ning Yufeng cut his hair, his whole body felt different. Mr. Gufeng became a modern, tough and handsome guy, and his hair became much lighter.

He was not used to touching his head, and asked Lan Shuang with a gloomy face: "Does it look good?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Of course, very handsome!"

Only then did Ning Yufeng let go.

After paying the money, Lan Shuang pulled him out of the barbershop, "Go, I'll take you to buy clothes."

There is a big shopping mall nearby, and the business is good at night. The flow of people coming and going makes Ning Yufeng uncomfortable, and he is always on the verge of being irritable. Lan Shuang noticed it and held his hand in time, clasping fingers tightly with him, " Follow me."

Ning Yufeng was taken aback for a moment, then lowered his head to look, and the restless emotions in his heart were instantly soothed.

Obediently followed Lan Shuang to a few shops, tried on clothes and shoes, Ning Yufeng was praised all the way, saying that he was a natural clothes hanger, it would be a pity not to become an actor.

Ning Yufeng held back all the way, and on the taxi back, he asked in a low voice: "What is an actor? Is it great?"

Lan Shuang nodded and shook her head: "The threshold is not high, but it is difficult to be a good actor. Why do you ask this?"

Ning Yufeng's eyes flickered, and while he was waiting for Lan Shuang to pay the bill, he heard two shopping guides whispering, saying that actors make a lot of money, at least they don't have to be a badass.

He doesn't understand other things, but he still knows the little boy. He is a man who has no ability to eat soft food.

He was regarded as a waste who was raised by women.

This made him very upset, and the other party said that actors can make a lot of money, which made him a little moved.

He can't be supported by Lan Shuang all the time, it's shameful and embarrassing.

"I want to raise you."

Ning Yufeng said seriously, but Lan Shuang's face darkened instead.

Ning Yufeng was puzzled, "Did I say something wrong?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "You and I are tied together now, because you have nowhere to go, and I also need help, so you live in my house, we help each other, it's not a relationship between who supports whom, and—"

Her tone suddenly became serious: "Even if there is anything between us, whether it is a relationship between a man and a woman, or a relationship between husband and wife, I don't need you to support me. These three words are somewhat offensive to me. I have I have feet, I can work, I can feed myself, why should you feed me? I realize my self-worth at work, I am happy, and it is the same for you, if we are together, I will not say that I feed you .”

Ning Yufeng opened his lips for a moment, and found that he couldn't find anything to refute, so he fell silent and reflected for a while. It seems that human beings can't listen to everything, and some of them are not necessarily good, and they will make cats angry.

Seeing that he was silent, Lan Shuang pinched his ears, "Do you remember?"

Ning Yufeng nodded: "Remember, it won't happen in the future."

Lan Shuang gave him a smile.

The driver who was driving in front heard this, and said to Lan Shuang admiringly: "The little girl is self-reliant and has a lot of ideas. You have found a treasure, young man! The little girl is beautiful and powerful. After passing this village, there will be no such shop." , you have to seize the opportunity!"

Ning Yufeng was thoughtful, "How to seize the opportunity?"

Hearing this, the driver became excited, and enthusiastically shared his experience of chasing his wife with him.

Ning Yufeng still listened with gusto, and when he got off the car, Lan Shuang dragged him out helplessly.

When she came to the doorman again, Lan Shuang walked over and knocked on the glass, "Uncle Zhang, I'm back."

Uncle Zhang opened the window and poked his head out. When he saw Ning Yufeng, he was stunned for a while, and swallowed back the "why another one" that he almost blurted out, "It's you! The handsome guy looks much more energetic now!"

(End of this chapter)

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