Chapter 318 Don't Lick Me 12
Lan Shuang smiled and didn't say a word. After entering, she held Ning Yufeng's hand and said, "Look, people won't be afraid of you now."

Ning Yufeng nodded: "That's true."

People who saw him along the way would no longer turn their heads back in panic, nor would they stare at him all the time, which made him feel much more comfortable. Although the long hair was gone and his neck felt chilly, it was quite relaxed .

He shook his neck and followed Lan Shuang into the elevator, "You press it yourself this time, I see if you remember."

Lan Shuang leaned aside and looked at Ning Yufeng, Ning Yufeng sneered: "Am I stupid?"

He raised his hand and pressed the button for closing the door, and then pressed the button for the eighth floor. After a "ding", the elevator began to rise slowly.

Lan Shuang nodded in satisfaction: "Good job."

Ning Yufeng's ability to learn and adapt is very strong, and he believes that he will be able to integrate into the human world in a short time.

After returning home, Lan Shuang charged Ning Yufeng's newly purchased mobile phone, and while fiddling with it, said: "Although this mobile phone is less than 2000 yuan, there is no problem with normal use, and it can meet your needs. You can make do with it. Wait." In the future, when I have money, I want to change it to a better one.”

Ning Yufeng sat down beside her, "It doesn't matter, I don't care about this."

"it is good."

Lan Shuang registered WeChat for him, and suddenly remembered that he didn't have an ID card, and was taken aback.

"What's wrong?" Ning Yufeng asked suspiciously when she saw that she was not moving.

"Hiss—I thought of something more troublesome." Lan Shuang turned her head and looked at him with a complicated expression, "You don't have a human ID card, so living in this world will still be very troublesome."

Ning Yufeng frowned: "Then what should I do? How do I get my ID card?"

Lan Shuang is also very distressed, he is a black household now, if he wants to apply for a certificate...

"If you want to apply for an ID card, you need to register with the Monster Management Bureau. At that time, you will be questioned in detail. A monster of your level will be closely monitored."

Lan Shuang paused, and asked softly, "Can you accept it?"

Seeing that her complexion was not very good, Ning Yufeng hesitated for a moment and asked, "If I don't go, I won't even be able to find a job, right?"

Lan Shuang nodded.

Ning Yufeng was silent, and Lan Shuang didn't urge him. Big monsters are very proud, especially Ning Yufeng, who was so powerful at the time, was even more arrogant. It must be uncomfortable, and he still needs to be monitored. I'm afraid it will arouse his resistance and cause conflicts.

So if Ning Yufeng refuses, Lan Shuang plans to think of other ways.

However, just when Lan Shuang stood up and was about to say good night and go back to her room, Ning Yufeng suddenly said, "Yes."

"What?" Lan Shuang paused as she stepped forward.

Ning Yufeng raised his head and met her gaze, "I said, I am willing to register with the Monster Management Bureau."

"You're right, if I want to live in the current world, I should abide by the current rules, shouldn't I?"

Standing up, Ning Yufeng was taller than Lan Shuang. When he looked at Lan Shuang, he always lowered his eyes. He usually looked at Lan Shuang casually, but now he looked inexplicably gentle.

Lan Shuang's heart moved, and a smile slowly spread: "Okay."


The next day, Lan Shuang contacted the people from the Monster Management Bureau. After they registered with the Monster Management Bureau, they would be pulled into a group called "Family of Monsters".

Lan Shuang was really powerless to complain about this name, it was very age-like, very much like a family group built by human parents.

At that time, she had just entered, and someone asked: "Why is it called the Yaoren's family, so strange?"

Then the group leader at the time, that is, the director of the Monster Management Bureau, held a head of a large enamel tea pot and said: "The family of transvestites is not good, and it is easy to cause some unnecessary misunderstandings."

As soon as this remark came out, the group suddenly became cold, and no one questioned the group name since then.

Lan Shuang glanced at the 99+ group in disgust, skipped over, found the group owner, and sent him a private chat.

Nine Lives Cat Lan Shuang: [Director, I have something to ask you. I have a friend who was just born and I want to register with you. 】

Director Liu: [Huh?What kind of demon?how old are you?How aggressive is it? 】

Nine Lives Cat Lan Shuang: [Tiger demon, age...[-] plus, aggressive, can listen to everything I say, will not take the initiative to attack people]

Director Liu: [OK, do you have time tomorrow?Give me an address, I'll send someone to pick you up]

Nine Lives Cat Lan Shuang: [801:[-] am, [-], Unit [-], Bijing Community]

Director Liu: [OK]


After it was finalized, there was a knock on the door just after ten o'clock the next day.

Lan Shuang and Ning Yufeng had just finished breakfast, and Ning Yufeng was washing dishes in the kitchen. Lan Shuang opened the door, and then she was stunned: "Director Liu? Why did you come in person?"

It stands to reason that Bureau Liu should send a few people from the Operations Department to receive monsters, and this is the first time I have seen him come to the door in person.

Director Liu touched his little hair with a smile and said: "The big monsters of more than 3000 years are rare now. They are either ancestors who do not go out of the mountain, or they are scourges. It is the first one to contact the management bureau." See you next time, of course I have to come and see for myself.”

"who are you talking to?"

Hearing the voice of a strange man, Ning Yufeng immediately poked his head out of the kitchen vigilantly, staring in the direction of the door, seeing a middle-aged man with hair loss, his eyes immediately relaxed, and he leaned lazily by the door.

Director Liu: "..."

Are you polite?One second his tone was like catching rape, and the next second his eyes said: I am old and bald, worrying for nothing.

Now Ju Liu knew without Lan Shuang's introduction. He asked awkwardly, "This is the friend you mentioned, right? What's his name?"

Lan Shuang pulled Ning Yufeng out, "His name is Ning Yufeng."

"Ning Yufeng, this is Director Liu of the Monster Management Bureau."

Ning Yufeng glanced over Chief Liu, glanced at the young men in casual clothes but with sharp eyes behind him, and said in a relaxed tone, "Oh, nice to meet you."

"Come in and talk."

Lan Shuang stepped aside and let Liu Ju and the others come in.

Everyone sat down on the sofa, and Lan Shuang cut to the chase and said, "Ju Liu, my friend has a rather impatient personality. I hope you can be more patient when asking him for information, and don't keep asking him. Give him some privacy."

"I understand." Liu Ju waved his hand as if he had come here: "Mr. Ning, we already know your basic information, and now we need to know more detailed information so that we can summarize it as a file, so let's fill out a simple form. "

As soon as he waved, the boy wearing glasses behind him immediately handed him a piece of A4 paper.

Liu Ju took it and put it on the coffee table, and handed Ning Yufeng a pen. Ning Yufeng glanced at the contents on the paper. Most of them were inquiries about his body data, as well as interpersonal relationships, and finally some questions about the modern world. Views and opinions of the coexistence of monsters.

He thought for a moment, then wrote.

(End of this chapter)

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