Chapter 319 Don't Lick Me 13
At the beginning, he was not used to using the pen, and Ning Yufeng's handwriting was crooked, but it got better after that, and he was used to the simplified characters on the phone. People can understand, but don't know how to write in simplified characters, so they still use traditional characters.

After 10 minutes, after filling out the form, Liu Ju silently took out his reading glasses, put them on, and held the paper in front of him to read one by one.

"Silver Wind Treading Cloud Tiger? Are you the Silver Wind Treading Cloud Tiger?" Director Liu's eyes widened in surprise, "This breed is very rare! You are the only one registered now."

Ning Yufeng raised his eyebrows: "Yes."

He was not surprised. When the monster clan was at its peak, there were not many people in their clan.

Because this family has a problem, they are very picky, especially the requirements for a partner, they only look for one in a lifetime, and if they don't meet the right one, they will be single for the rest of their lives, and in the end they can only die alone.

So the number is extremely rare, but Tiandao just likes balance, and if the number is small, their talent is extremely high.

The Silver Wind Treading Cloud Tiger is silvery white, swift as the wind, and has white auspicious cloud patterns on its four claws, hence the name.

They are born with strong physiques and are two points stronger than ordinary tiger demons. Adult silver wind treading cloud tigers have the ability to split mountains and fill seas. Their demon power is pure and their blood is strong. They are almost easy to become gods. .

Director Liu was also a little relieved after knowing his race. If such a race is well guided, it may make a great contribution to their great cause of monster harmony.

However, when he looked down, his face froze, "The enemy of life - the Ling family? The goal of the struggle - to destroy the Ling family???"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Her eyes darkened, and she asked helplessly, "Why did you write out what was in your heart?"

Ning Yufeng asked innocently, "Can't you?"

Director Liu: "..."

He slapped the table and said loudly: "Of course not! We are a harmonious society ruled by law, and the idea of ​​killing people is outrageous!"

"Who says they're human? Isn't that a litter of beasts?"

Ning Yufeng's swearing words were so sincere that Liu Ju was speechless.

He held his breath and took a quick glance. Ning Yufeng's other items were all right, but this one was really annoying. He couldn't help but ask, "What kind of grudge do you have with the Ling family?"

Before Ning Yufeng could answer, Lan Shuang raised her hand suddenly: "Ju Liu, as long as personal grievances don't result in human life or damage public safety, you should just turn a blind eye and close one eye, right?"

"This..." Director Liu hesitated for a moment and sat down again, "The rules of the Monster Management Bureau are indeed like this."

After all, the monster race is naturally aggressive, even after ideological education, it is difficult to eradicate the wildness in their bones, and there will always be friction, but as long as they don't hurt people, don't kill people, and don't endanger the people, they generally don't care.

Otherwise, the rebellious psychology of the Yaozu will be aroused, and the collective protest will be over.

But the Ling family...

"The Ling family is a family of monster hunters, and their status in the human race is quite high. If there is no legitimate and convincing reason, it is difficult for me to agree with you to resolve personal grievances."

Director Liu pushed his glasses and said seriously.

Lan Shuang glanced at Ning Yufeng and said, "Actually, the Ling family and I also have some personal grievances."

Director Liu frowned: "Huh?"

Lan Shuang told how she was tricked by the Ling family to sacrifice to the formation. After hearing this, Liu Ju's face darkened and he frowned, "If this is true, then the behavior of the Ling family has already constituted a threat to the monster." The degree of peace between the two races, but we are only the management bureau, if we want to investigate, we have to ask the investigation department, but the attitude of the investigation department has always been relatively indifferent to the monster race..."

Halfway through Director Liu's embarrassing speech, Lan Shuang understood. In fact, what he said was rather tactful. The head of the investigation department has always believed in the concept of "people who are not of my race must have different hearts", and they are very repulsive to the monster race. If the case is transferred to that side, it will probably be nothing, but if the human race is attacked by the monster race, they will be dispatched immediately.

Therefore, the Yaozu is also quite repulsive to them, and prefers to handle things by themselves.

Director Liu is caught in the middle and is also in a dilemma, after all, the attitude of the above is quite vague.

Lan Shuang nodded to express her understanding: "I know Director Liu's concerns, so we want to solve this matter ourselves."

Ning Yufeng leaned on the back of the sofa and snorted coldly: "At the time when I broke through the realm, it was when I was weak. The ancestors of the Ling family found me somehow and set up a net around me. I didn't notice it for a while, and I was already trapped when I woke up. Stop it, after fighting him, I fell into a disadvantage, so he put me under the demon-locking tower, saying it was the demon-locking tower, but in fact, there is a formation under there, which is to collect fortune for the Ling family, and I am the eye of the formation .”

Director Liu was taken aback, and asked in disbelief: "So the Ling family has been absorbing luck from you, and that's why you've made it this far?"

Ning Yufeng looked cold: "Well, so I think what's wrong with killing them?"

Bureau Liu fell silent, it was indeed for revenge, otherwise no one would be able to carry on with this tone.

"I will think about this matter carefully. If you have a grievance, you have a debtor. Aren't your monster races still restricted by the law of heaven? You can't kill them, just give them the punishment they deserve, but you must not kill anyone. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if you can't handle this matter, I can only help you here."

Liu Juyu said earnestly: "I hope you can also understand our difficulty."

Ning Yufeng pursed his lips and remained silent, Liu Ju stood up in embarrassment, hesitating whether to say anything more, Ning Yufeng suddenly raised his eyes and looked over, "Don't worry, no one will be killed, but—that's all, the next one Don't bother asking about it."

"Okay, okay, let you go if you don't make a scene, but don't make too much noise and disturb other innocent people."

"I know, long-winded." Ning Yufeng frowned impatiently.

Bureau Liu heaved a sigh of relief. The Yaozu were restricted by the Dao of Heaven. The promises they made were all witnessed by the Dao of Heaven. If they failed to do so, they would be sanctioned by the Dao of Heaven.

"Okay, there's nothing else to do. Now you go with us to the administration. Your ID cards are different from ordinary people's. It's a little troublesome to make. You can receive the finished product in about one and a half months. During this time, we will give you A temporary ID card for you."

A big stone fell to Liu Ju's heart, he couldn't hide the smile on his face, and he walked with wind.

Lan Shuang took her mobile phone and followed with Ning Yufeng.


"This is a human ID card? I thought it was something like a document."

Ning Yufeng held the thin card and stretched it out in front of Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang took it off and stuffed it into his pocket, "It's ready, ID card is very important in the human world, you can't go anywhere if you lose it, don't Underestimate his role! Now I can take you to open a card."

The two went to the nearest bank, got a card for Ning Yufeng and opened online banking. After binding WeChat and Alipay, Lan Shuang patted Ning Yufeng on the shoulder and said, "Congratulations, Mr. Ning, you are officially You have integrated into the human world, you are a person with identity."

Ning Yufeng looked at the bank card and mobile phone in his hand, then looked up at the traffic on the road, and took Lan Shuang's hand silently.

In fact, he doesn't really care if he joins the WTO or not, but if he joins the WTO, he can be with the people around him, which seems good.

- off topic -

It’s been a while since I recovered, and I feel that my symptoms of brain deficiency seem to be better. When I first recovered, my brain was blank and I couldn’t think of anything. I felt strange when I sat in front of the computer and read the text. I had no inspiration at all and was confused. , This period of time is better, the state is back, I hope to recover quickly, otherwise it will be too terrible for people like me who rely on inspiration for food
(End of this chapter)

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