Chapter 320 Don't Lick Me 14
After returning home, Lan Shuang started to contact the landlord about checking out. The landlord is a middle-aged woman who lives alone. If you still want to come back and rent it, you can contact her at any time.

After Lan Shuang thanked her, she began to look for rental information on the Internet, and soon found a house whose location and price did not match.

The house is located in the bustling area of ​​the city center, with convenient transportation and an excellent environment. It is still a new community, and the furniture and appliances inside are also very complete. Looking at the price, it is like a dream. Lan Shuang cautiously insinuated, and finally asked.

The male owner of this house committed suicide at home because of depression, so many people thought it was unlucky, and no one wanted to live in it. In order to be unwilling to stay in the sad place, the hostess put the house up for rent and took the children back to her hometown.

Maybe ordinary people do have taboos in this area, which is understandable, but Lan Shuang obviously doesn't have this concern, because she is not a human now!Besides, the ancestor Ning Yufeng is still there, so what kind of monsters dare to make trouble?

The extreme evil is good luck.

Lan Shuang immediately got in touch with the other party, and after adding WeChat, the hostess directly made a WeChat call: "Little girl, do you really want to rent our house? I don't think you are very old, are you short of money? To tell you the truth, our family really died, aren't you afraid?"

When the other party spoke, there was a bit of a dialect that I don't know, but it didn't sound ugly, and it was quite gentle. Lan Shuang said affirmatively: "It's okay, I live with my boyfriend. We are both more courageous. Our career I’m just starting out, I don’t have much money, and I can’t afford to rent an expensive house, so there’s nothing I can do about it.”

The hostess heard the words and said understandingly: "Well, I can understand, but you should think about it again. I'm not in a hurry to spend the money. I'm afraid that you will regret it later when you move in. It will be quite troublesome then."

Seeing that the other party was honest, Lan Shuang said a few more words, and the hostess agreed, and made an appointment to inspect the house on weekends and sign a contract.

After the matter was settled, Lan Shuang started to pack the things at home.


Today is Thursday, there are only three days left before the weekend, and Lan Shuang has to find a way to live broadcast to make up for the time. After thinking about it, she simply broadcast live to pack her things.

Before the broadcast, Lan Shuang reminded Ning Yufeng: "You'd better not show your face on camera, we haven't established a relationship yet, and I'm not ready to make it public."

Ning Yufeng sat on the sofa and put something into the cardboard box with a sullen face, and let out a lazy "oh".

Lan Shuang didn't care about it when she saw this, she found a good place to set up her phone, and she could only take a picture of her side face, but couldn't see the side of the sofa.

"Good afternoon, long time no see, I'm Lan Shuang."

Lan Shuang waved her hand at the camera, because she was facing the light, the bright and warm sunlight fell on her body, reflected in her eyes, like crushed stars, and she was wearing gray home clothes, short sleeves and shorts , looks soft and generous, very comfortable.

As soon as Missing Persons, which has not been aired for a long time, went online, it attracted many viewers who have been waiting for food.

【what!My big baby Shuangshuang is finally back!Miss you! 】

[Wuuuuu, Shuangshuang's wife, I don't like eating well recently because I don't see you cooking]

[Wow, today's Shuangshuang is plain!Also super beautiful! 】

[This is... the gourmet anchor stopped working and changed to deliver express? 】

Looking at the bullet screens that passed by, Lan Shuang answered: "I have something to do at home recently, so I'm very busy, and I didn't say hello to everyone. I'm sorry for keeping you waiting for a long time."

"I haven't changed my career. These things are all mine. I'm going to move."

"Why did you move..." Lan Shuang put the things in the box, sealed it with tape, and answered the question, "Because it's not very convenient to live here, I'm optimistic about a new house, and I've decided to rent it. Yes, we will move there in a few days."

【Ah, will Shuangshuang be unavailable for a long time? 】

【No, I want to see Shuangshuang】

Lan Shuang took time to look at Ning Yufeng, saw that his hands were moving non-stop, she was relieved, and turned to look at the barrage, "No, if the live broadcast is not long enough, I will be in breach of the contract, and there will be no income at that time, in order to support me For myself, I will still find time to live broadcast for everyone, and when I have settled down completely, I will continue to broadcast live and cook."

Listening to Lan Shuang's voice, Ning Yufeng was involuntarily attracted to her, watching her talking to the phone, feeling a little inexplicable.

live streaming?Is it fun?She looks pretty happy?

Ning Yufeng thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone, thought about the live broadcast platform that Lan Shuang had told him before, went in and searched for Lan Shuang's name, and sure enough, he saw that the live broadcast was being broadcast. After he clicked on it, it happened that Lan Shuang was talking "If you hurry up, it will be fine next week~"

Then the words came from his cell phone and echoed in the room.

Lan Shuang gave a hand.

Ning Yufeng: "..."

Embarrassment is now synonymous.

- off topic -

This chapter is a little short, hehe~
(End of this chapter)

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