Chapter 323 Don't Lick Me 17
Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

After Ling Yu, the patriarch of the Ling family, issued the demon-killing order, the demon-catching families rushed over from all over the country after hearing the news.

That night, before he arrived, Ling Yu had someone take Ling Feng out of the dungeon.

They didn't abuse Ling Feng, because they had to rely on him to trick Lan Shuang to come over, so they didn't do anything to him at first, they just threatened and lured him, and used other methods to torture him, which couldn't be seen from the outside.

When I brought it up, I just looked haggard, but my eyes were still bright, like a fire.

When he saw Ling Yu, he frowned, the hatred in his eyes was undisguised, and his voice was hoarse, "Where's my mother?"

Ling Yugao sat on the huanghuali armchair, and the robe around his waist and abdomen was folded a few times, which looked the same as his old face.

He snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "You have the face to ask? Do you know that the Nine-Life Cat Demon has already run away! The formation we prepared so hard for so many days was almost destroyed! She also ran into the Demon Locking Tower, Released the big monster inside, now that the big monster is born, our Ling family is in danger, you are satisfied!"

Ling Feng was startled, and then suddenly relaxed, "Run away?"

He lowered his head, looked at his blurred reflection on the smooth tile floor, and chuckled softly: "Just run away."

"it is good?"

Ling Yu was furious, got up and slapped him, "I tell you, the cat demon is gone, the formation is ruined, the formation is empty, and the luck of the Ling family has declined. You are a sinner. Now, get out of here." Go into the Demon Locking Tower to make an eye for the big monster!"

"Come on, take him away!"

"Where's my mother?"

Ling Feng struggled and shouted.

Ling Yu looked down at him, "Your mother?" There was a mocking smile on his face, "He died a long time ago."

Ling Yu suddenly stopped, and after a while, he was about to jump up like crazy, "You bastards! We agreed to treat her? I listened to you and tricked her into coming here. Why didn't you keep the agreement?! "


Ling Feng's voice resounded through the Ling family's ancestral house, shrill and ear-piercing.

Ling Yu wrinkled impatiently, and hit Ling Feng with a spell, knocking Ling Feng unconscious.

Just like that, Ling Feng was lifted and thrown onto the ruins of the Demon Locking Tower. Someone stepped forward and cut Ling Feng's palm, and pressed his hand to the ground. The blood flowed along the edge of the formation. The dark red formation was very Light up again soon.

"That's it, let's go, and when the formation is fully effective, he should be turned into a handful of ashes."

The person who brought him went back to report back, leaving Ling Feng lying on the ruins by himself, letting his blood flow freely.

"How did you make it like this, Ah Feng..."

After lying down for an unknown amount of time, a soft voice rang in his ears, awakening Ling Feng.

Ling Feng slowly opened his eyes, and saw a blurry shadow floating beside him.

He tensed up suddenly, looking at the mist warily, "Who are you? Where is this?"

He rose so violently that his eyes suddenly went dark, and he almost rolled down from the ruins. He grabbed the edge of the brick wall and managed to stabilize himself.

The mist floated in front of his eyes, and he asked worriedly: "I am mother, Ah Feng, what happened to your hand?"

"Mom?" Hearing this familiar voice, Ling Feng looked over in disbelief, the fog was still fog, nothing had changed.

"It's me, I... I've been floating outside for a long time, but I didn't expect to meet you, child, you have suffered."

Ling Feng's eyes turned red immediately, he choked with sobs and stretched out his hand to touch the mist, but when he stretched out, he only grabbed it empty-handed: "Mom..."

- off topic -

Today is still short...

(End of this chapter)

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