Chapter 324 Don't Lick Me 18
The mist moved in front of him, but Ling Feng still couldn't see anything clearly, he could only feel a familiar feeling from that cloud.

"Mom, how did you become like this?"

I don't know if it was because of excessive blood loss or because of his mother's stimulation, Ling Feng only felt that his heart was empty, as if a big hole had been opened, and the wind blowing in was cold, so he couldn't help but shivered and withdrew his hand.

"Are you... dead?" He hardly uttered the last three words, only breathed out, but the mist suddenly stopped, and after a moment he broke down and said: "Yes, on the day I was arrested and returned just die."

Ling Feng sat down on the ruins in a daze, his eyes were dazed, and he murmured: "So they left so early, and they were able to hide it from me and lie to me..."

Seeing his bleeding wrist, Wuqi was in a hurry, "Feng, get up first, this formation is sucking your blood, if you don't get up, you will be sucked dry in a while, they want to use your blood to wake you up Formation, and then use your soul to sacrifice, and you will be trapped here for life after life and cannot enter reincarnation! Get up!"

It was only now that Ling Feng realized that the coldness in his body was not because of anything else, but because he had lost too much blood!

He looked at his wrist, watching the blood flow slowly, wandering along the pattern, as if alive, and finally gathered at the eye of the formation under the ruins.

"I won't let them go!"

Ling Feng gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up and cut off the connection with the formation, but his body could move, but his hands couldn't, and he was firmly pressed against the formation. Even because of his struggle, the blood loss was faster, and Ling Feng's eyes went black. , panting weakly and sat back.

The mist circled around him, "It should be that those people are afraid of your bad things, so they put a ban on your hand. Unless you cut off this hand, you won't be able to get rid of it."

Ling Feng's face became more and more ugly when he heard this, and he broke a hand, not to mention catching monsters, even living a normal life.

The ruins were dead silent, and both of them fell into deep thought.

Not long after, the mist took advantage of Ling Feng's ecstasy, and suddenly retreated to a place where he could not see. His figure gradually became clear. If Ling Feng saw it, he would definitely be terrified, because this is the method of burning souls , allowing people to temporarily gain ten times their previous cultivation.

This forbidden technique is called - Burning Love.

Burn everything, just for the word of love.

It is a forbidden technique researched by the ancient master to save his beloved. He burned his own soul to kill all enemies, and sent his sweetheart away, but he could never enter reincarnation again. After waking up and knowing it, he was in pain, so he memorized this forbidden technique and passed it on to his disciples, so he died generously and burned his own soul with passion.

Later, that disciple met the first generation ancestor of the Ling family, and felt that the two were destined, so he passed this forbidden technique on to him.

As a result, burning emotions has become a forbidden technique of the Ling family, which has been passed down from generation to generation.

Ling Feng's mother is of average talent, but she has learned this forbidden technique a lot, but she never expected that it would be useful one day, not for her sweetheart, but for her son.

"Ah Feng, let's go!"

A blue soul fire ignited from the soles of her feet. In this beautiful and cold firelight, her figure became more and more solid. She raised her hand and aimed at the edge of the formation, and slapped hard, The array pattern was damaged and broken, and the array flickered twice and suddenly dimmed.

Ling Feng looked at this scene in surprise, and was about to look back, but was pushed out of the range of the ruins by a strong force, and then this force turned into a wind, supporting him to a distance.

"Mom...Mom!" Ling Feng turned his head and saw blue flames soaring into the sky above the ruins, his face was completely drained of blood, and even his lips were so white that he could barely see them.

He watched this scene in disbelief, and was heartbroken for a moment.


He yelled this heartbreakingly, and the woman smiled at him gently, and then turned into little fireflies in the wind, gradually dissipating.

In this life, she has resisted, loved, and hated, and in the end she was able to protect her child, which is worth it, and it doesn't matter if there is no next life.

The Ling family sensed that something was wrong, and immediately came to investigate, but at this time, Ling Feng had already been sent away by his mother with the last strength.

This gust of wind blew to the suburbs. Fortunately, it was dark at this time, and the suburbs were not so bright. Otherwise, if someone saw a big man falling from the sky, they would have to be scared out of their wits.

Ling Feng stood by the side of the road, wanted to cry but couldn't cry, his whole body was numb, the light in his eyes dimmed, as if his anger had been sucked away in an instant.

"Drip! Drip!"

The urgent horn sounded, Ling Feng looked numbly and turned his head to look, a private car stopped beside him, the driver's window was lowered, revealing a rather simple and honest face of a middle-aged man, "Hey young man, it's the middle of the night What are you doing standing here? It's scary."

This is not a lie, Ling Feng lost a lot of blood, and the blow he received was too great, his face was as pale as paper, and he was dressed in black, standing there looked like a ghost, especially the gloomy eyes. Can't help but look away, and rubbed his arms.


As soon as Ling Feng opened his mouth, he passed out.

"Hey... hey? Young man! You come out to touch porcelain if you don't learn well at a young age, right? I'm really unlucky..."

Just as the driver was about to leave, he saw Ling Feng's wrist from the corner of his eye. There was still wet blood there, and a deep scratch, which looked extremely hideous, "Damn it!"

The driver brother swears, quickly unfastens his seat belt and rolls out of the car, reaches out and touches Ling Feng's nose, "'s okay, I'm still alive."

He carried him up and put him on the back seat, tied him up with a seat belt, took out a tissue and pressed his wound for a while, then hit 120 with his backhand.
120 came quickly, the driver brother briefly explained the situation and handed over the person to them. Before leaving, he was worried, so he left his phone number to the doctor and told them to call him if Ling Feng woke up.

The doctor nodded and closed the car door.


Ling Feng opened his eyes again, and his nostrils were full of the unique smell of the hospital. He was very familiar with it. When he and his mother were living outside to avoid the Ling family, they often lived in some remote places with poor public security and many gangsters. Crowded people and fights are commonplace. I don't have a good place on my body. I run to the clinic every three days, and I go to the hospital when it gets serious.

So when he wakes up and finds himself in the hospital, he can be regarded as familiar with the first time.

Just thinking of his mother, his heart hurts badly, as if someone took a knife and sliced ​​it piece by piece, but refused to give him a good time.

Tears fell silently, Ling Feng stared blankly at the ceiling, until someone opened the door and came in, his eyeballs moved.

"Are you awake? How are you feeling?"

The nurse came over and asked softly: "You are only in your early twenties? Why can't you think about it at such a young age? What will your family do after you commit suicide?"

(End of this chapter)

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