Chapter 325 Don't Lick Me 19
Ling Feng pulled his lips, "I have no family anymore."

The nurse was taken aback, but couldn't say what she was going to say just now, she was silent for a moment and said awkwardly: "What about your friend?"

"by me……"

Ling Feng originally wanted to say that he was killed by him, but his rusty mind turned around at this moment, and he remembered what Ling Yu said before, Lan Shuang seemed to have escaped, that is to say, he was not dead!

Sparks of hope ignited from the dead ashes, Ling Feng's eyes lit up, and he sat up suddenly, "Yes, I still have friends, can you lend me your mobile phone for a while? I want to call her."

"Of course, you wait."

The nurse came back soon after going out, still holding a note in her hand, "This is left by the driver who called 120 for you. He said that if you wake up, remember to call him back."

Ling Feng was stunned for a moment, his expression softened slightly, "Thank you, I'll call right away."


Dial according to the number on the note, and the other side answered quickly, "Hello? Who is it?"

Ling Feng cleared his throat and said in a low voice, "It was me. I fainted on the side of the road that day. Thank you for calling 120."

"It's you, young man, as long as you're fine, it really scared me at the time!" The elder brother still had lingering fears when he mentioned it, "Although I don't know what happened, but I listened to my elder brother's persuasion, there are no difficulties in this world. You are young, you still have infinite possibilities! Why do you want to die? If you die, you really have nothing."

The eldest brother sighed, "Don't do stupid things anymore, you don't really want to die, right? Otherwise, your wound won't be like this. If you don't want to live with all your heart, you will definitely not be able to live like this. You still have room. It means you still want to live, so hold on! Come on!"

The kindness of strangers is always more touching.

Ling Feng's originally fragile nerves suddenly collapsed, he burst into tears, and said a lot of thank you incoherently.

The elder brother just hung up the phone.

The nurse went out, and he was alone in the ward. He waited for a while before calling Lan Shuang. He listened to the busy tone and waited for a while, but soon there was no answer.

It's still the same when he fights again.

If he didn't believe in evil, he hit him many times, but nothing came to fruition.

"How could this be? Shuangshuang...doesn't want to talk to me?"

He stared blankly at his phone, and got up to find a nurse after a while. Fortunately, he still had his wallet with him. The Ling family didn't care about his money, so they only took away the phone. There was a card in the wallet, and it was he who returned to the Ling family. What those people returned to him in the end contained his mother's medical expenses, which were given by Lan Shuang.

At that time, he thought that the Ling family was really kind and willing to return the money to him, but he didn't expect that it was just not needed.

He pulled his lips, took out the card to settle the medical bills, and was discharged from the hospital that day.

Then he bought a new mobile phone and took a taxi back to Lan Shuang's home. In a nervous mood, he typed up a lot of drafts, thinking about how he would apologize and explain when he saw Lan Shuang, but after waiting for a long time, no one opened the door.

Unwilling to give up, he knocked for a while, and finally there was a movement. The moment the door opened, a faint smile appeared on his face: "Shuang... who are you?"

His voice stopped abruptly when he saw that the person who came was a man over 1.8 meters tall, shirtless and wearing only a pair of flowery underpants.

The man obviously didn't wake up, his hair stood on top of his head in a mess, his eyelids drooped, and he asked angrily: "Knock knock knock, are you sick?"

Ling Feng looked into the room subconsciously, "Where's Lan Shuang?"

"What Lanshuang, Beishuang's, did you go wrong?"

The man didn't intend to let him in, and was about to close the door after he finished speaking. Ling Feng immediately put his hand in to block the door, and asked anxiously, "That's the original resident here, and I lived here with her."

"Oh, you said the last resident? Gone, my aunt said she moved out two days ago, everything was cleaned up, and she didn't seem to plan to come back, but she didn't mention you? You and her live?"

The man's eyes suddenly cleared up, he looked up and down Ling Feng in an unclear manner, and asked suspiciously: "Could it be that you are a little boy who eats soft food? Are you kicked out and want to come back to pester you?"

Ling Feng: "..."

"No, I'm her friend. She saved me before. It's a bit complicated to say. Does your aunt know where she moved?"

The man sneered: "That's my aunt, not her mother. Will she tell my aunt where she's going? You're really out of your mind, walk around, go wherever you like, don't know, don't disturb my sleep."

As he spoke, Ling Feng's hand was pulled off, and he watched the familiar door close in front of him.


Ling Feng stood at the door in despair for a while, then turned to look at the elevator, at a loss.

He seemed to have no home all of a sudden.

He did something wrong, he shouldn't have lied to Lan Shuang, he shouldn't have lured her over, but he also had his own difficulties, did she just give up on him?
Still a little dizzy, Ling Feng stretched out his hand to support the wall, and suddenly caught a glimpse of something in his pocket from the corner of his eye.

He turned it out and saw that it was a thin chain with a pendant on it. The pendant was very small, but the size of a corn kernel, with a little red inside.

It looked like a red dot was spotted in the crystal, but only Ling Feng and Lan Shuang knew that it was not a red dot, but a drop of Lan Shuang's blood!

The original owner was worried that Ling Feng's eyesight would cause accidents outside, so he made this necklace for her and told him that if he encountered any danger, he could use this drop of blood to find her or call her.

Ling Feng stood holding the necklace for a while, thinking that Lan Shuang would not take the initiative to come now, so he clutched the pendant tightly, and after reciting the mantra, he saw a faint white silk thread floating in the air, leading him forward.

He followed quickly, got into the elevator and left the complex, and ran half of the urban area. The sun had gone to the west, and the silk thread finally stopped at the gate of a high-end community.

Looking at the strict guard, Ling Feng slowly frowned, "Did I make a mistake? Shuangshuang said that she gave me all her savings, how could she afford to live in such an expensive community?"

He stood there for a while, fearing that the security guards would suspect that he would drive him away, so he took a detour and walked to a secluded place.

However, the silk thread still wants to float into the community.

Ling Feng hesitated for a moment, then used some spells to temporarily hide his figure, and slipped into the community.

After entering, the silk thread continued to float, and he followed quickly, all the way into the depths of the community, entered the apartment building and then got on the elevator, watching the numbers jumping up and down, but the silk thread didn't express his opinion, he pursed his lower lip tightly.


"Why is it so troublesome to make noodles? Didn't you just add water? Why did it turn into soup?"

Ning Yufeng had a cold face, as if someone owed him 800 million, staring at the pot of "flour", trying to burn through it with his eyes.

Lan Shuang couldn't laugh or cry: "You didn't add so much water, why did your cooking skills go backwards?"

She said it subconsciously, and then met Ning Yufeng's probing eyes: "Regressive? I don't seem to have cooked before, right? How can I regress?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Wow, I was quick to talk, and I missed it.

Just when the atmosphere was getting awkward, someone knocked on the door.

Lan Shuang wiped her hands immediately and said, "I'll go and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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