Lan Shuang wiped her hands on the apron, and hurried to open the door, "Who is it?"

The door opened, revealing Ling Feng's haggard and pale face, Lan Shuang: " that you?"

As soon as the words fell, a piece of silk thread suddenly floated over, Lan Shuang subconsciously raised her hand to grab it, the thread flickered and disappeared into her palm.

Lan Shuang suddenly understood, "You used the hard work I gave you before?"

Hearing this, Ling Feng subconsciously grabbed the necklace hanging around his neck. He stared blankly at Lan Shuang in front of him, and felt that there was something different about her. He looked around and found out where the problem was. Her gaze was always gentle and smiling, like a pool of spring water. She didn't say anything, but her thoughts were reflected on the water, which was clear at a glance.

But now, Lan Shuang looked at him indifferently and coldly, as if looking at an irrelevant passerby.

With a stab in his heart, Ling Feng couldn't help taking a step forward, stepped into the door, and whispered: "Shuangshuang...why do you want to move?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows amusedly: "What do you think?"

Ling Feng's eyes dimmed: "I'm sorry, you hate me."

"Hate is stronger than love. You are not worthy of my hatred. It's just that I didn't expect to find you so soon, but you took the initiative to come to the door. I'm not polite. I saved you and raised you before. I don't care about feelings with you, and then return the bank card I gave you, and these eyes—"

Lan Shuang tapped the bridge of Ling Feng's nose with her fingertips: "You have to pay me back, you owe me this."

Ling Feng took a breath and looked at her in shock: "Eyes?"

"Yes, your eyes were cured by me looking for materials to cure them, but the moment you pushed me into the fire pit, I regretted it."

Lan Shuang withdrew her hand and wiped her fingers on the apron expressionlessly.

Ling Feng didn't notice this small movement, he raised his hand to hold Lan Shuang's shoulder, and said in a deep voice: "Shuangshuang, I'm sorry for you, but I had a hard time at the time, they arrested my mother, if I don't promise them, They didn't treat my mother, you know, my mother's condition was already very bad."

"I can't help it, I can't just watch my mother die! That's my only relative!"

As Ling Feng spoke, tears flowed out, his eyeballs were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he looked really pitiful.

However, Lan Shuang's mood still did not fluctuate in the slightest. She just stood there quietly, looked at Ling Feng who was excited, guilty and upset, and smiled with her lips: "So? You let me die for your mother, I have to praise you A word of filial piety? It's your business if you have difficulties, don't kidnap me, I'm not yours, there's no need to share with you the responsibility of saving your mother, not to mention the cost of my nine lives, plus the loss of my soul."

Ling Feng stared at Lan Shuang with wide eyes, let go of his hand, and took a step back in despair, as if he didn't know her anymore, "How could you..."

How can you say such indifferent words?
Just as he was about to ask, he saw a man coming out of the kitchen wearing an apron of the same style as Lan Shuang's. It was just because he was taller and stronger that the apron looked a bit nondescript on him, but he was good-looking enough to hold anything he wore .

But at this moment, he was obviously not in a good mood, and when he threw the pestle, murderous aura rushed towards his face.

Lan Shuang noticed something and turned her head to look, "Why did you come out? Have you reconciled?"

Ning Yufeng's jaw line tightened, his thin lips curled into a dangerous arc, he glanced at Ling Feng who was stunned at the door, then turned to Lan Shuang, and said in a bad tone, "Who is he?"

Ling Feng's heart suddenly rose, "Shuangshuang, who is this?"

Lan Shuang answered Ning Yufeng's question first, "This is Ling Feng, and I'm trying to settle accounts with him."

Ling Feng: "..."

Ning Yufeng turned pale when he heard the words, and walked over to stand beside Lan Shuang. He didn't feel that he was far away, but he was getting closer. The pressure brought by his height and aura made Ling Feng feel at a loss, and he unconsciously became alert. .

"So it's the one who eats soft food, Ling Feng who has no skills but bites back?"

Ning Yufeng smiled casually, stared at Ling Feng and raised his hand to pinch Lan Shuang's face, "It's worthless, what have you to say to him, beat him up and let him go."

"You—" Ling Feng gritted his teeth: "Who are you? It's not your turn to dictate my relationship with Shuangshuang!"

"who am I?"

Ning Yufeng turned his head and leaned over to look at Lan Shuang, and asked again in a gentle tone: "Who am I?"

"Shuangshuang, do you have no feelings for me at all?"

Ling Feng was not reconciled, the necklace was stuck in his palm, and it hurt a little, he suddenly had an idea, and took the necklace out of his collar, "Look, this is your painstaking effort for me, you said, if I If I want to find you, I can do it anytime, doesn't this sentence count?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

It really is which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

It was clearly early summer, but Lan Shuang felt that the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and she got goose bumps from the cold.

Ning Yufeng stood up straight in silence, "Oh? Heartbroken?"

Ling Feng raised his face and looked at him, "Yes, heartache, this is—"

Before he could finish speaking, Ning Yufeng's eyes suddenly froze, and his hand was like lightning, grabbing the pendant of his necklace and yanking it down fiercely.


Ling Feng was dragged forward and staggered a few steps, his neck was strangled with a bloodstain, and finally the necklace broke due to overwhelm.

Ling Feng clutched his hot neck and wanted to grab it: "Give it back to me!"

Ning Yufeng snorted coldly, raised his hand, and squeezed it hard, there was a slight sound of glass shattering, and the heart's blood fell into his palm, a round one, gathered but not scattered.

Lan Shuang looked at the bloody drop, and was about to say whether to return it to me, when Ning Yufeng pinched the red dot with two fingers, looked at Ling Feng provocatively, and put it into her mouth.

Lan Shuang: "???"

Ling Feng: "???"

He stared blankly at the pieces of broken glass that fell on the ground, his heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't say anything.

Ning Yufeng's Adam's apple slipped, and he put his heart and blood under his eyes, smiling, "You deserve her heart and blood?"

"His eyes, is it you or me? If you can't do it, I can barely help you."

Speaking of Ning Yufeng's demonic power gathering in his palm, he was really moved to kill.

Lan Shuang grabbed his hand, "Don't."

Ning Yufeng quickly withdrew his demon power, and gave Lan Shuang a fierce look: "What are you doing grabbing my hand? What if I get hurt?"

Lan Shuang didn't care about that, and warned in a low voice: "Did you forget what Bureau Liu said, you can't kill people casually."

Ning Yufeng paused, leaned against the wall with a sullen face, "Oh, then can you do it? I think he's an eyesore when I see him."

Hearing this sentence, Ling Feng took a step back nervously, "Shuangshuang, do you really want to take my eyes back?"

Lan Shuang sneered and corrected: "It's my thanks."

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