Chapter 330 Don't Lick Me 24
At the beginning, Lan Shuang also considered the fact that Ning Yufeng was a model on the barrage. Ning Yufeng's figure is indeed good enough to be a model, but whether Ning Yufeng can be manipulated or not is still a question.

She took the opportunity to ask the person concerned, and told him about the model in detail, and then a certain uncle sat on the sofa with his legs turned up very arrogantly, looked at her with a half-smile and said, "You mean to let me be So many people groping around and taking pictures?"

As soon as Lan Shuang heard this tone, she knew that this matter would not work out, so she didn't worry about it anymore, but Ning Yufeng asked some more about work, "What kind of job do you think I am suitable for?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

After a moment of silence, she said earnestly, "You have nothing but your face and figure, so it's really hard for you to find a job."

Ning Yufeng: "..."

For the first time, Da Yao, who found himself struggling in the human world, was upset, and sat on the sofa staring at his phone for an hour.

Later, he didn't know what he thought of, and he suddenly clicked on Director Liu's dialogue box. After adding friends, the two of them hadn't chatted, so the dialogue box still stayed at the beginning. I can post those cute emoticons of human beings, so I asked straight to the point: "Are you short of people over there?"

Bureau Liu responded quickly, wondering if he had been paying close attention to Ning Yufeng's movements, almost as soon as the news was sent, he replied with three question marks.

Director Liu: [? ? ? 】

Ning: [Don't understand? 】

Bureau Liu: [Understood, but I don't quite understand the meaning of your words, what do you want to ask? 】

Ning Yufeng scratched his hair and muttered impatiently: "Why does this person talk so much nonsense?"

He looked up, Lan Shuang went to take a shower, and he was alone in the living room.

He directly clicked on the voice: "I'm looking for a job, is there a shortage of people on your side? Can I go to your place to help?"

Director Liu held the phone and played it again in a daze. He got up suddenly and walked to the window. He opened the curtain and took a look, just in time to see the setting sun. "Tsk, the sun didn't rise from the west? Did he eat Is there any medicine wrong?"

Ning Yufeng didn't know what Director Liu was thinking, seeing that he didn't reply for a long time, he also replied with three question marks: [? ? ? 】

Director Liu quickly replied to the ancestor: [It's not impossible, the management bureau is short of people all the year round, and most of all it lacks a powerful monster like you who can control the scene. Resentment, the matter between you and the Ling family has not been resolved, I can't transfer you in]

Ning Yufeng frowned: "It's the Ling family again."

He thought about it, he has been practicing every night recently, and his body should recover soon, and then he can go to the Ling family to settle accounts, and it shouldn't take long, so it's okay to wait.

Thinking about it this way, he agreed, [It's okay, we'll talk after the Ling family's matter is resolved]

Director Liu: [Okay, let’s talk about it face to face]

After putting down the phone, Director Liu pinched the center of his eyebrows and sighed. Since the establishment of the Bureau, they have been trying their best to win the big demon into the army. This will not only improve the overall strength of the Bureau, but also improve the prestige of the Bureau, and facilitate the supervision of the big monster. No matter how you look at it, it would do more harm than good to change the evil and return to the right, but the big demon refused to come. They are used to being free, so why would they want to come to a place where humans are restricted?

So these years, he has had to worry about these uneasy big monsters from time to time, and now there is one who asks to join, he is happy but also worried about Ning Yufeng's 3-minute popularity, so he refuses not only because of the Ling family, but because he wants to join him. Give Ning Yufeng a time to calm down, don't regret it in two days, he will die of anger by then.

I hope he really thinks it through.

Liu Ju sighed, picked up the coffee and drank baijiu with vigor.


And the Ling family, which Ning Yufeng misses, is bustling now.

Monster hunters from all over the country came here upon hearing the news, and gathered in the Ling family's old house. The disciples of the Ling family were all wearing blue gowns, with solemn expressions, and looked extraordinarily solemn and orderly.

All visitors were introduced into the main hall by a special person, and the current head of the Ling family, Ling Yu, sat in the top position, calm and pretentious.

"Old man, what happened to call us here in such a hurry?"

"That's right, the Demon Killing Order has not appeared in the world for more than a hundred years. What kind of trouble did you encounter this time, and your Ling family can't handle it?"

The monster hunters in different clothes sat at the bottom, each with their own thoughts.

Ling Yu pretended not to notice, and waited for everyone to arrive before speaking, "It's really inappropriate to call everyone here rashly this time, but this time is of great importance, and everyone here has the right to know and adapt accordingly."

As soon as this remark came out, the people below couldn't sit still, they looked at each other and asked: "Maybe the old man can explain it more clearly."

"As you all know, the Ling family has a demon lock tower, which suppressed a thousand-year-old great demon, and made a great contribution to protecting the peace of one side, but as time passed, the effectiveness of the formation became weaker and weaker. I noticed it a year ago, and tried to strengthen it once, but it still didn't hold up. A few days ago, a nine-life cat demon broke into the demon lock tower. Fa, broke out of the tower, and is now missing."

"What?! Run away?"

"Where did you go? This..."

Many people's faces changed, and they were terrified, "I remember that the one who suppressed it was Yinfeng Treading Cloud Tiger, that evildoer is extremely fast, and it is impossible for ordinary people to catch up with him. Patriarch, no one is his opponent!"

"Not only that, the evildoer has always been very vengeful. After being suppressed for so many years, he must hate us demon catchers. If he has the heart, you and I will die!"

A monster catcher who was close to the Ling family deliberately pulled him onto the Ling family's boat, so as to obscure the object of Ning Yufeng's hatred.

Ling Yu nodded: "It is true that evildoers will take revenge. They haven't done anything yet. I think they are hiding somewhere to recuperate for the next day. I called everyone today because I hope everyone can unite and catch him when he is weak. Combine the power of everyone to seal him again!"

The people below were silent for a while, and then began to discuss in a low voice. Ling Yu was not in a hurry, and after a while everyone reached an agreement, "Okay, just do as Mr. Ling said, and take advantage of his illness to kill him!"

Ling Yu held up the teacup to cover the triumphant smile on his lips, stood up and said: "Everyone is a generation who understands righteousness, the Ling family is afraid that the hospitality will not be good, so they have booked a hotel in the city, please move Step one, all expenses this time will be reimbursed by the Ling family."


After discussing the countermeasures, the monster hunters started a blanket search, each showing their abilities, eager to dig three feet into the ground and immediately dig Ning Yufeng out.

- off topic -

Why are you all wishing me a happy new year?I'm still here on New Year's Day!Let's talk about it that day, and then there was an accident. I originally planned to update it from the 20th to the 22nd, but yesterday the editor told me to push it up and update it stably, so it will be updated normally these days, please move it later , the poor manuscript box is getting thinner

(End of this chapter)

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