Chapter 331 Don't Lick Me 25
At this time, Ning Yufeng was still doing live broadcasts with Lan Shuang. Because of his experience, he now knows what needs to be prepared for cooking, and he always helps Lan Shuang by the side. Shuang didn't open her mouth, but Ning Yufeng knew what she was going to use, so she handed it over in advance.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were not used to it at first, but after watching a lot, they got used to it, but the dog food was too full.

However, some people came here to eat dog food and wanted to see what Ning Yufeng looked like, but no matter how the fans shouted, Lan Shuang just refused to show them.

Ning Yufeng didn't care, and went with Lan Shuang.

Another week passed in a flash. At night, Lan Shuang planned to broadcast live to make cream cakes, but there was not enough material at home, so she asked Ning Yufeng to go to the supermarket to buy some eggs and strawberries.

"Everyone wait a moment, there are not enough materials at home. I asked Brother Ning to buy it. Why didn't I prepare it in advance? Because I originally wanted to make other things, but I watched a video just now and suddenly wanted to eat cakes, so I changed my mind temporarily. , so the materials are not ready."

Lan Shuang cleaned up the kitchen while broadcasting the live broadcast, to make room for the cake business.

However, 10 minutes passed, 10 minutes passed, and half an hour passed in the blink of an eye, and Ning Yufeng still didn't come back.

Lan Shuang gradually became uneasy.

The barrage is also asking: [Why haven't you come back yet?Is the supermarket far? 】

[Is something going to happen?This neighborhood looks good at first glance, why is there no supermarket nearby? 】

[Don't be crowed, can't you hope that someone will order it?But one thing to say, this time is indeed a bit long, why don't Shuangshuang call and ask? 】

Lan Shuang leaned on the cooking table and meditated for a while, then suddenly stood up and said, "Tonight's live broadcast is temporarily suspended. I will look for someone. I'm sorry for making everyone wait so long. I will make up for it tomorrow when I have time. Thank you for your understanding."

Most of the bullet screens were quite friendly. Lan Shuang turned off the live broadcast with a glance and a smile, but when the camera was turned off, the smile on her face became colder. She pinched her fingers and frowned: "No! Something happened. Already!"

She didn't have time to change clothes, so she just put on her shoes casually in her apron and went out.


10 minutes ago, the supermarket was really close to Lanshuang's house, and it took only 5 minutes to walk there. Eggs and strawberries were also easy to find. After buying and paying the bill, it took almost 10 minutes to get it done.

Ning Yufeng was still wearing the slippers he wore when he went out. He looked very casual, but his good looks still attracted many people's attention.

After getting used to human gazes, Ning Yufeng also learned how to distinguish between good intentions and malicious intentions, so he will not be as sensitive as at the beginning. He lazily walks home with a strawberry in his left hand and an egg in his right. On his face, it seemed that he had a lonely and mysterious sense of melancholy.

However, when he passed by an alley, a cold white light different from that of a street lamp flashed past his eyes, and he paused suddenly, keenly aware of a bad breath.

He narrowed his eyes, turned around and looked at the corner that was not illuminated. It was dark there, and he didn't know what was hidden there, but it always made people feel that something would rush out of it in the next moment.

Ning Yufeng hesitated for a moment, looked at the things in his hand, thought that Lan Shuang was still waiting for him at home, and didn't want to cause trouble, so he continued to walk forward, but when he reached the entrance of the alley, suddenly a golden rope came from It flew out and went straight to Ning Yufeng.

Ning Yufeng's eyes suddenly turned cold, and he turned sideways to dodge it, but the rope seemed to have its own consciousness, folded over and was about to entangle him, Ning Yufeng dropped the fear and strawberries in his hand, raised his hand and grabbed the rope, The veins on the back of his hand popped up, he snorted coldly, and pulled it out forcefully, the person hiding in the alley immediately stumbled out.

"How dare a trash come to catch me? Go back and practice for another 1 years."

Ning Yufeng grabbed the rope and stretched it, and the white demon power quickly spread to the person along the rope.


There was a sharp pain like thunder and fire, the man screamed and shook his hands, the rope was pulled into his hand by Ning Yufeng. The man withdrew into the alley and hit the wall with a muffled sound.

Ning Yufeng looked at the hands that were vacated for the fight, and then at the "children" on the ground who didn't know which poor chicken died in peace. He frowned. These eggs must not be used anymore, and he had to go back and buy a new bag.

He scratched his hair irritably, turned around and wanted to go back, without paying attention to the person inside at all, but just two steps away, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking his way.

Ordinary people can't see it, and they won't be blocked. A little girl walked past him happily with cotton candy, and she was not affected at all. She even turned her head to look at Ning Yufeng, as if she didn't understand the big Why did my brother stand there motionless?

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He stood expressionlessly for a while, when suddenly a ray of light appeared under his feet, and then quickly spread to the surroundings, turning into something like a spider web and trapping him inside, this time humans can't get in, and Ning Yufeng can't get out .

"Heh, after so many years, your Ling family is really stubborn, and you like to use these ghostly tricks to hide behind your back."

Ning Yufeng's voice was neither high nor low, but it happened to reach the ears of several people in the dark.

Several people looked at each other and emerged from the darkness.

Ning Yufeng's eyes were slightly focused, not only were there people from the Ling family, but also a few from other sects, judging from their clothes, each of them held a magic weapon in their hands, and it seemed that they came prepared.

"Heh, did you find a helper? It turns out that group of trash in your family know they can't beat me." Ning Yufeng put the strawberry on the ground, and looked at them playfully with folded arms, "So - I didn't send a letter to your family members ?"

"You villain, since you are in a hurry to seek death, don't blame our subordinates for being merciless."

A majestic voice came down from the sky, Ning Yufeng looked up, and saw Ling Yu falling from the sky with a group of Ling family members.

At the same time, bursts of runes suddenly lit up in the surroundings, and they flowed and intertwined and gathered in the middle, covering this world and forming a world of its own, so that it would not affect other people, nor would it alarm the Administration.

"Big monster, if you know your way back now, you will be captured obediently and go back to Ling's house with me, then I will spare you this time, and I won't pursue it again."

As expected, Ling Yu was an old man who was used to being in charge of the family, and when he opened his mouth, he had a sense of sanctity, as if he had given Ning Yufeng a great gift.

Ning Yufeng laughed, and the turbulent flow of spiritual power blew his broken hair, covering half of his eyes, and the blackness gradually faded away, turning back to a dull blood color.

"You guys? Also worthy?"

(End of this chapter)

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