Chapter 335 Don't Lick Me 29
When Liu Ju and the others came to the door with someone, Ning Yufeng was sleeping with Lan Shuang in his arms. He was so tired last night that Lan Shuang changed back into a cat shape in order to avoid someone who was greedy.

Fortunately, Ning Yufeng was able to control his emotions once he had vented, and he stopped pressing her to death. Seeing her sleepy little head bit by bit, like fishing, he couldn't help laughing, and licked her messy hair.

Although Lanshuang always says nothing, but licking is a very intimate and comfortable thing for cats and dogs. If you recognize the other party, you will enjoy the process of licking.

So in the end, Lan Shuang just turned a blind eye and went with Ning Yufeng, humming and chirping.

She fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Ning Yufeng changed back into a human form, carefully picked up Lan Shuang, put her on the pillow, changed the messy bed sheet and quilt by himself, went out of the bedroom and looked at the mess in the living room, his eyes widened. Smiling, "It seems to be too much."

He picked up Lan Shuang's home clothes one by one, threw them into the trash can, and brought his own together. Just as he straightened up, he heard a knock on the door.

He was startled for a moment, then his smile disappeared, and he approached the cat's eyes dangerously with his upper body naked, intending to see who is so short-sighted, and pick this time.

Then he met a pair of round eyes.

Ning Yufeng: "..."

The line of sight moved down slightly, and there was a round belly underneath.

All right, let's see who's coming.

It's normal for a middle-aged man to put on weight, and with a lot of entertainment, it's not surprising that he has a beer belly, but... he has only seen Liu Ju so far to have such a round beer belly.

He opened a crack slightly, and closed the door behind his back when Director Liu was smiling and wanted to enter the room.

Director Liu: "???"

The young man behind him looked at each other, and then at Ning Yufeng's naked upper body, their expressions were a little strange.

Mottled marks can be seen everywhere on the white and strong chest, and the shape seems to be that strawberries and nails are flying together.

It's pretty wild!
Director Liu also saw these traces, and the words stuck on his lips, and he asked after a while, "Are you... just woke up?"

"I have something to say, I'm busy." Ning Yufeng leaned lazily by the door, not caring at all about the reaction of the person opposite, with the word "satisfaction" written all over his face, in this situation, he was only short of a cigarette.

Director Liu subconsciously reached out to touch his pocket, and was burped by the lighter before reacting, "No, I really need to find you, the Ling family is here to find you, right?"

Ning Yufeng raised his eyebrows inexplicably: "The news is quite well-informed."

"Hey, don't get me wrong. We don't have any other intentions. We didn't come to Xingshi to inquire about crimes." Liu Ju was afraid that he would be angry, so he quickly explained a few words, and by the way, he asked people to set up an enchantment around him, and then said earnestly: "I I didn't supervise you, it was the people patrolling nearby who found something unusual, and after I went there, I found the Ling family gathered together, carrying their old man back, many passers-by didn't know it, so they thought the old man had been hit by someone, and almost called the police."

Ning Yufeng sneered: "It's useless, wouldn't I just cripple his spiritual veins and break his tendons? Taking care of him won't delay his life."

Director Liu: "..."

"That's true. The people over there checked and said that no one died. I'm very relieved, so I came to say hello to you. By the way, I want to ask you, is your personal enmity—is it over?"

He was a little cautious in asking, for fear of touching Ning Yufeng's sensitive nerves and making him violent suddenly.

Fortunately, Ning Yufeng is in a good mood now, and he waved his hand indifferently: "It's over, from now on, I will never get in trouble with the Ling family, the premise is that they don't come to trouble me, otherwise I won't show mercy to them."

"Okay, okay, that's okay. Don't worry, we will also send people to watch over the Ling family. If they pick things up first, the administration will not cover them up. We treat monsters and people equally."

Ning Yufeng was impatient to hear him talking nonsense, and he would rather go back to sleep with the fragrant and soft cat when he had the time.

So he lowered his eyes sleepily, turned around and wanted to go back.

"Wait, I haven't finished talking yet!" Director Liu said helplessly.

Ning Yufeng frowned: "What else?"

"Before you said that you wanted to work in the Administration Bureau, I didn't agree to it because of your personal vendetta, and I will give you a formal answer now."

Director Liu smiled and stretched out his fat hand and said, "The Monster Management Bureau welcomes you to join."

Ning Yufeng was startled, looked at the hand silently for a moment, then slowly held it, "Thank you."

"Then let me briefly tell you about the next work, we..."

"Wait, I'm going to ask for leave."

Ning Yufeng unceremoniously interrupted Liu Ju's words.

Director Liu: "??? You just took office and you have to ask for leave?"

Ning Yufeng touched his earlobe, "Well, special circumstances."

Director Liu looked at his stomach suspiciously, "What special situation do you have?"

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "What are you thinking about? I'm in estrus."

Director Liu was taken aback, and suddenly realized the traces on his body: "Ah! So that's the case, it really needs to be approved as a leave, the mood is unstable during the estrus period, and accidents are easy, it's better to stay at home. In this case, I will help you and deal with it." Let the people in the Operations Department tell you, don't worry."

"Well, is there anything else?" Ning Yufeng's hand was on the doorknob.

Director Liu shook his head: "Ah, it's gone for now."

"Goodbye." Ning Yufeng closed the door after finishing speaking.

Director Liu touched his nose embarrassingly: "You're welcome, forget it, let's go, let's stop being light bulbs here, what should we do."


After Ning Yufeng returned home, he took off his slippers, and stepped on the ground barefoot, which he had just mopped and was very clean.

He returned to the bedroom lightly, and saw Lan Shuang curled up and hugging her tail, sleeping soundly. Her small ears seemed to tremble when she heard the movement, but the master didn't wake up.

Ning Yufeng smiled softly, locked the bedroom door, stepped forward quickly, threw herself on the bed, buried her face in Lan Shuang's belly, and sucked hard.

Lan Shuang: "...Meow!"

Just in time to sleep, she was suddenly awakened by someone, and when she got up, she became angry immediately. She raised her hand and wanted to give Ning Yufeng a blow, but after seeing the person clearly, she put away the tip of her claws, and placed her flesh on his face viciously. Stepping up and down, "Meow meow meow meow——"

To Ning Yufeng, this kind of force is not painful or itchy, it doesn't feel like beating someone at all, but it looks like flirting.

He smiled and grabbed Lan Shuang's meat pad and pinched it, then continued to suck the cat.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Why is this dog man so annoying?"

888 covered his eyes, and quietly revealed a gap, "Ah, is that so? Tell me more specifically?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Climb farther, thank you.

- off topic -

I'm late, I'm late, I'm sorry hahahaha, I was too busy yesterday and forgot to turn on the computer...

(End of this chapter)

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