Chapter 336 Don't Lick Me 31 (Many Group Chats)
The group chat between the Yaoren family was very lively at this time.

Stunning vixen: [Oh, a super handsome guy came to the management office today, those legs and waist must be very exciting! 】

Stunning vixen: [Drool.jpg]

Lovely little magpie: [The man above please respect yourself, do you still remember that you are actually a male fox? 】

Stunning vixen: [white eyes.jpg]

Stunning vixen: [What's wrong with the male fox?Beauty does not distinguish between men and women, our fox family has always been open, if he is willing, it is not impossible for me to lie flat~]

Lovely little magpie: [vomit~]

The number one cool wolf in the universe: [yue——]

Snake Girl: [Hehe, save some face, I also saw that handsome guy, it is said that he is going to work in the Operations Department of the Management Bureau. As we all know, the Operations Department randomly picks up one, one hit three is not a problem, just you, a coquettish fox, I guess It’s not enough for others to fight with one hand]

Stunning vixen: […]

Beautiful Puppy: [Well, raise your hand weakly, I saw the handsome guy you mentioned at the front desk, is it the one who is tall and has cold eyes?Wearing a black loose short sleeve and overalls of the same color? 】

Stunning vixen: [Yes, yes, yes!it's him!How about it?what is it call? 】

Beautiful Puppy: [Ah, I took a look when Director Liu took him to register, his name is Ning Yufeng, it seems that he was originally a tiger, um, the very powerful one! 】

Snake Girl: [Tiger?I just said that those who can do the animal department are not ordinary monsters]

Ke Keai loves the little magpie: [Isn't his marriage status written on it?Still single? 】

The beautiful puppy was silent for a while, probably busy, and only returned after 5 minutes.

Beautiful puppy: [I was scared to death. I was playing with my phone when I registered just now, and I seemed to be seen by a handsome guy. He glanced at me, and my legs were so scared that my legs went limp...]

The number one cool wolf in the universe: [So, what's going on with him? 】

The number one cool wolf in the universe: [By the way, since he is a demon, why didn't he join the group? 】

Beautiful Puppy: [I took a sneak peek, what he wrote was in love, not single! 】

The stunning vixen: [Huh?These days, everyone who is good-looking has a partner, but I am still single, alas, I am so lonely]

Snake Girl: [It means you are not good-looking, why don't you reflect on it? 】

Stunning vixen: [... I don't believe it, unless you send me a picture of his partner, can he look as good as me? 】


Ning Yufeng followed Director Liu through the process, came to the office of the Operations Division, and got to know a few of his colleagues.

There are not many people in the Operations Department, but all of them are very powerful monsters, and they can feel a strong monster aura as soon as they enter the door.

Ning Yufeng walked in without changing his face, unaffected in the slightest, and the people from the operations department looked at each other, "Tsk, the new one is very powerful."

Director Liu came in with a smile and introduced them: "Of course it's great. This is Ning Yufeng, a type of Silver Wind Treading Cloud Tiger, which is very rare now. Counting by seniority, you all have to be called ancestors."

The monsters who just wanted to show their power to the newcomer: "..."

excuse me.

The leader of the wolf demon immediately moved a chair and put it in front of Ning Yufeng, with a flattering smile on his face: "So it's senior, we really don't know Taishan, hahahaha - sit down quickly , what would you like to drink, senior?"

Ning Yufeng sat down on the chair Shi Shiran, without being polite to them at all, "Plain water is fine, I'm a little thirsty after walking this way."

"Okay, I'll get it for you right now."

Director Liu looked at the "harmonious" atmosphere of everyone with a smile, and smiled gratifiedly: "In the future, everyone will be in the same office, and we will not see each other when we look up, so we must get along well. Fighting and fighting are prohibited in the office, and we must be united and friendly. It is fate to meet here."

Ning Yufeng's ears felt calloused, he had heard Liu Ju say these words countless times.

Bureau Liu seemed to realize it, and coughed lightly and waved his hands, "They will tell you the specific job content and salary rewards of the Operations Department at that time, and I will leave first if I have something to do."

Ning Yufeng moved his ears and heaved a sigh of relief.

However, Liu Ju just went out and turned back, "Ah, by the way, you haven't joined the Wechat group of Yao Ren's family yet, have you? Come, come, I will pull you in, and we will keep in touch in the future."

Ning Yufeng: "..."

Which cerebral thrombosis is named after it?

He frowned tightly, and added it to take a look, oh, the group leader is Bureau Liu, that's understandable.

Ning Yufeng felt relieved, and clicked in to see that there were quite a few people in the group, and they were still chatting in full swing.

He squinted and watched the news jump up one by one.

Stunning vixen: [I have been a vixen for many years and have never missed a shot. As long as I am not married, I still have a chance. I don't believe that I can't win that Ning Yufeng! 】

Snake Girl: [Hehe, I advise you to take care of yourself]

The cute little magpie: [Do you think the other person's partner is also a boss? 】

The number one cool wolf in the universe: [I suggest you shut up, people have joined the group]

Beautiful puppy: [Shocked.jpg]

Diving fish: [Escape.jpg]

Ning Yufeng sneered, and quickly typed on the screen with his fingers.

Ning: [Winter is coming soon, the winter in the north is a bit cold, my house is short of a fox fur blanket]

Stunning vixen: [? ? ? 】

Stunning vixen: [When did you come in? ! 】

Ning: [Also, Yinfeng Tayunhu will only have one partner in his life, and he won't change unless he dies. You'd better give up, or I don't mind skinning you with my own hands]

Stunning vixen: [QAQ]

Stunning vixen: [Boss, I was wrong, I was joking, show mercy! 】

Nine Lives Cat Lan Shuang: [Have you finished the process? 】

Lan Shuang was cooking at home, and while cooking soup, she took a look at the large group of bureaucrats. She didn't expect to see Ning Yufeng talking, so she asked a casual question without paying attention to what was being said.

She herself doesn't talk much in the group, she has a very low sense of presence, and suddenly bubbles up, everyone is a little confused, who is she talking to?

The next moment, they saw the legendary "handsome guy" and "big boss" and said softly: [I'm done walking, I'm in the Operations Department, and I'll be home on time after the talk]

Nine Lives Cat Lanshuang: [OK]

The two then both dive and disappear.

The group chat was quiet for 10 minutes, and no one dared to bubble up until they had left.

Beautiful Puppy: [So the one just now was the boss's girlfriend? 】

Snake Girl: [Tsk, is the vixen embarrassed?I've picked out Barbie's dream castle for you, when will you live? 】

Stunning vixen: [………]

The number one cool wolf in the universe: [Wait, this name sounds familiar, why do I seem to have seen it somewhere? 】

After a few minutes, he suddenly came back and sent a voice message.

All the monsters clicked on it curiously, and heard a deafening howl of wolves.

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I poured water for him today,but the clown is me. ,woo woo woo woo--】

- off topic -

I applied for a Weibo, you can pay attention to it, see the comment area for details.

(End of this chapter)

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