Chapter 337 Extra Story - Cat Tiger Diary

Soon Lan Shuang and Ning Yufeng's lives were on the right track

Lan Shuang continues to be a food anchor, does not bring goods, and occasionally accepts advertisements, but she does not accept items that she has never used and whose quality is not guaranteed. She has to experience it for a while before she considers accepting it. The administration will help to check the quality, and then publicize it to everyone after confirming that there is no problem.

Therefore, her reputation has always been good, and she has never been overturned. With her warm and comfortable live broadcast style, she has attracted countless fans, and gradually became a major anchor on the platform, and her assistant Xiaomian's status has also risen with the tide.

At another party, Xiao Mian blushed from drinking, leaned on Lan Shuang's shoulder and said, "I knew I was right! Back then I picked you out of so many anchors at a glance, it was fate Well, I got in touch later and found that you are a nice person, when I borrowed money from you that time, I was actually ready to waste money."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Then you still borrow it? Is it the uncle who doesn't talk about borrowing money now?"

Xiao Mian raised her face when she heard the words, her eyes became dizzy, she raised a finger and hiccupped unsteadily, and said, "No, I believe in you and myself, I'm just taking a gamble, people, Life is so long, if you don’t gamble when you are young, you will not have the courage when you are old, I still have a long life, and I have plenty of time to regret it, so why not give it a try?”

She raised her glass with a smile, "Look, now we are all successful."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, then picked up the wine glass and touched her, "Yes, we all succeeded."


After becoming a major anchor, many people speculated whether the next step would be to enter the entertainment circle. All kinds of rumors spread, and Lan Shuang directly broadcasted the live broadcast and made a serious clarification.

"I won't enter the entertainment industry. I like my current job very much. It is free and happy, without so many constraints, and the money I earn can support me."

"My boyfriend?" Lan Shuang turned her head to look at Ning Yufeng who was peeling oranges for her on the other side, and smiled: "He can support himself, our money is shared, but there is no one who will support him." who's the question."

"The future plan, of course, is to choose a good day to get married."

This is the first time that Lan Shuang has publicly married. Fans are very excited and frantically scrolling through the barrage, asking when they will get married, where they will get married, and who they will invite.

After Ning Yufeng peeled the orange, he tore off all the white tangerine veins on it, and then fed it to Lan Shuang's mouth, "Eat."

Lan Shuang smiled and opened her mouth to grab the little tangerine, then took it off and ate it petal by petal, "We don't plan to make a big deal on the wedding, just invite some good friends to come."

"Why?" Lan Shuang was about to answer when Ning Yufeng stood up suddenly, and the fans in the live broadcast room saw a pair of slender long legs, wearing gray home clothes trousers, walking slowly, and then leaned over to show a little chin.

Speaking of it for so long, Ning Yufeng has never shown his face in the live broadcast room, and the fans are entangled. Half of them think that Ning Yufeng must be very handsome, and half think that he must be very ugly, otherwise why he has refused to show his face.

But no matter what they said, Lan Shuang and Ning Yufeng didn't take it seriously.

Just when the bullet screen was infatuated, Ning Yufeng's deep and lazy voice sounded, "Why not make it big? Because we just want to give ourselves a ceremony, not for others to watch the fun, so we don't need so many audiences, and we don't need so many spectators. It will be broadcast live, our private life is not in the scope of live broadcast, you have the time to pay attention to us, why not love yourself more."

As he spoke, he straightened up and rubbed Lan Shuang's hair, "Of course, how can my cat look beautiful in a wedding dress for you to see?"


"It's time, download the broadcast, go to sleep, don't stay up late."

Ning Yufeng indifferently ignored the barrage's persuasion, closed the live broadcast room directly, and leaned over to pick up Lan Shuang, who was still eating oranges.

Lan Shuang: "???"

Lan Shuang: "What do you do?"

"Be you, have a holiday tomorrow, indulge yourself today."

Ning Yufeng confidently carried him into the bedroom.

Lan Shuang: "..."


In fact, it is not so fast to talk about getting married, after all, there is still a process of proposing marriage.

On which day to propose, Ning Yufeng worried for a long time, but he couldn't find a suitable time. Either he disliked the bad day, or he was too busy to have time.

It dragged on to the New Year in a flash.

This year is the Year of the Rabbit. Lan Shuang specially bought some small pendants in the shape of rabbits and placed them at home. There are also rabbit pillows, white body and red skirts, sitting on the sofa in rows, looking very cute.

The New Year's atmosphere was created all at once, and Ning Yufeng felt a little dissatisfied watching her tossing about.

While she was putting on the refrigerator stickers, she approached from behind, wrapped her arms around her waist, leaned over and bit her ear, it didn't hurt, but a little itchy, Lan Shuang shrank her neck, "Don't make trouble, stick it right away. It's over."

Ning Yufeng was even more dissatisfied when he heard the words, "I like these things, and you haven't even looked at me since you came back."

Lan Shuang really thought about it when she heard the words, and turned her head to stare at him for a long time, Ning Yufeng looked puzzled, "You..."

Lan Shuang turned back again: "Okay, I took a look at you, are you satisfied?"

Ning Yufeng: "..."

Woman, your name is Perfunctory.

Ning Yufeng pinched her waist again without giving up, Lan Shuang finished putting on the last refrigerator magnet, then turned her head and kissed her on the lips.

Ning Yufeng: "!"

He stared blankly at Lan Shuang, couldn't hold back, his ears popped out.

Lan Shuang rua, and asked with a smile: "Satisfied?"

Ning Yufeng pursed his lips, lowered his head and rubbed her forehead with his forehead, and whispered: "I'm not satisfied, it's too fast."

Lan Shuang pushed away his aggressive face, "Besides, help me to paste the blessing first."

Ning Yufeng let out a depressed "Oh", but obediently did it.

In the evening, the TV was on, and Lan Shuang cooked dumplings and brought them out, sitting side by side on the sofa with Ning Yufeng, each of them holding a big bowl while eating and watching the Spring Festival Gala.

The show was actually not very interesting, but at this time, they just listened to it loudly and lively, and neither of them took it to heart about the specific content.

After eating, send red envelopes in the group to grab red envelopes.

Let's chat for a few words.

I don't know who shouted: "It's snowing!"

Lan Shuang raised her head and looked out, and outside the floor-to-ceiling window, heavy snow was falling like petals, which was very conspicuous in the night.

Ning Yufeng rubbed behind her again, wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulders, and walked with her to the French window.

Below, a group of teenagers and girls who looked like teenagers were having a snowball fight. Their laughter was cheerful but not harsh, which made it even more lively.

Lan Shuang looked at this scene with a smile on her lips, and suddenly heard the sound of countdown coming from the TV. She suddenly turned her head and wanted to look at the clock, but was caught by Ning Yufeng, who had planned for a long time. , just kissed, "Happy New Year."

Lan Shuang kissed back with a smile and didn't look at the clock again.

"Happy New Year!"

As soon as Lan Shuang replied, she felt her fingertips turn cold. She looked down and saw Ning Yufeng conjuring a ring out of nowhere, slowly putting it on her middle finger, the size was just right.

"New year, change identity?"

Ning Yufeng looked at Lan Shuang with burning eyes.

Lan Shuang smiled, "Okay, husband."

Ning Yufeng was startled, then his ears twitched, and he pressed him against the window to exchange a long kiss.


Digression: Fanwai was written during the Chinese New Year, but it was not posted on the day of the Chinese New Year. Today is not too late, hahahaha, remember Weibo @非助啊 in the next chapter

(End of this chapter)

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