Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 338 The Three-Year Itch in the Small Theater

Chapter 338 The Three-Year Itch of the Small Theater
Lan Shuang and Ning Yufeng had been together for a long time, and found that she was becoming more and more like a cat.

Although Ning Yufeng has integrated into human society, when he is at home, he still looks like a dog. Later, when they got rich, they changed to a small villa. The space was bigger and there were no neighbors around, so Ning Yufeng let it go. Liao Huan often turns back into a tiger and lays down in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows to bask in the sun.

His snow-white and soft fur glistened in the sun, making him easy to touch.

Lan Shuang sat on the sofa and edited the video. Ning Yufeng didn't want to be ignored, so he rubbed his big, fluffy tail on her ankle. Lanshuang's cold back.

Lan Shuang was helpless, pretending not to know for the first time.

10 minutes later, the tail came out again.

Lan Shuang looked at him again, and he took it back.

After another 10 minutes, the unwilling tail came again, and this time it couldn't help wrapping itself around Lan Shuang's calf.

Lan Shuang grabbed the tip of his tail and saw Ning Yufeng tremble, but he still didn't turn his head.

He didn't know what he was fighting for, but he clearly had the four big characters "Come and touch me" written all over his body, but he just didn't open his mouth.

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, deliberately pulled her tail away from her calf, and said coldly, "Don't make trouble."

Ning Yufeng: "..."

He ground his teeth, lowered his head and licked his hair, full of doubts, did he not have charm?Humans often talk about the seven-year itch. They have only been three years, and she is not interested in herself?
How to do this?
He thought of several emotional bloggers he followed on his mobile phone, thoughtful, do you want to consult?
He hesitated for a moment, and couldn't help but want to turn his head to look at Lan Shuang, but he still held his breath, no, sticking to her all the time, she might find it annoying, forget it.

Ning Yufeng flicked his tail in boredom, ready to take a nap.

However, at the next moment, there was something heavy on his tail. He frowned and raised his tail with difficulty and turned his head to see that there was a cat hanging on it.

Ning Yufeng: "?"

The original shape of Lanshuang is very petite, only as long as an adult's forearm, and her hair is slightly longer, but not sloppy, fluffy like a cute cotton candy.

Ning Yufeng likes her cat shape the most, and she is always so cute every time.

The little pink pads hugged his tail, and those blue eyes refracted the sun, more beautiful than the most precious gems in the world.

Ning Yufeng carefully put his tail in front of him, and Lan Shuang jumped off, stepped on his paw and called out: "Meow——"

Then he took the initiative to rub Ning Yufeng's chin with his head.

Ning Yufeng let out a low cry, and happily licked her fur.

Lan Shuang was tired of being licked, so he patted his face with his little paw, it was not painful, Ning Yufeng didn't care at all, he picked up the back of Lan Shuang's neck, got up and put her on the sofa.

Lan Shuang: "..."

The sofa is very spacious, Ning Yufeng sat on the carpet, looked at the small ball, couldn't help pawing at Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang staggered, and fell on it with all four feet in the air.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She couldn't help changing back to her original shape, grabbed Ning Yufeng's hand, and said viciously: "Can't you be more honest?"

Ning Yufeng snapped his paws, and the white light returned to its original shape in a flash. He sat on the ground casually and looked at her sadly, "Do you despise me?"

Lan Shuang was at a loss: "Huh?"

Ning Yufeng put his hands on her sides, looked up at her, "You haven't been close to me for a long time."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and gestured, and said seriously, "It's been four days."

Lan Shuang: "...do you remember so clearly?"

Ning Yufeng stared at her closely: "Do you have no feelings for me?"

Lan Shuang: "No, wasn't it too cruel last time?"

She still feels back pain.

Ning Yufeng was taken aback for a moment, then touched his nose with a guilty conscience: "Really?"

"What do you say?"

She reached out and pulled Ning Yufeng's face, and asked through gritted teeth.

Ning Yufeng's eyes lit up, "So you're angry about this?"

Lan Shuang: "?"

"Then I'll wear it back, can you give me a kiss?"

Ning Yufeng asked sincerely.

Lan Shuang was full of question marks, what and what?what to wear?
After 10 minutes, she watched Ning Yufeng conjure up two white ears and walk towards her with his tail wagging behind him.

He was wearing a white shirt, the two buttons on the collarbone were not buttoned, a black tie was casually wrapped around it, and he was wearing a pair of black shorts underneath.

Lan Shuang watched helplessly as he walked in front of her, put her hands on her knees, and looked up at her eagerly.

After being hit knowingly, Lan Shuang couldn't help covering her heart.

He even stretched out his tail and rubbed against her wrist, asking in a low voice, "Is it all right now?"

Lan Shuang couldn't help but took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Ning Yufeng took the opportunity to move forward, "Is that okay?"

"Okay." Lan Shuang finally did not resist the temptation.

Ning Yufeng frowned, thoughtfully.

The sun gradually set behind the clouds.

It wasn't until the kitten fell asleep that Ning Yufeng closed his eyes contentedly, and put his head next to hers, enjoying the warmth of the setting sun.


The next day when the courier arrived, Lan Shuang picked up a few big boxes and was wondering. When she opened it, she found that there were all kinds of uniforms inside.

Lan Shuang was dumbfounded.jpg
With a scorching arm around his back, Ning Yufeng smiled and put his chin on her shoulder, and naturally pecked her on the side of the cheek: "Do you like it?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Should I like it?
"As you said, you can come a few more times, and you can't go back on your word. Let's see which one do you want to see me wear today?"

Lan Shuang hurriedly broke away, "Wait, I think we still need to combine work and rest..."

Ning Yufeng picked up one of the boxes and pulled it casually, "Well, I've had a rest, I slept all night last night, I don't know which one to choose, or just take one by one."

Lan Shuang felt bad all of a sudden, and wanted to run, but before she could go out, someone picked her up and put her on her shoulders.

Afterwards, Lan Shuang suffered the consequences of herself and couldn't go out for a week.

Ning Yufeng's "emotional crisis" was resolved, and he was kicked out to sleep in the garden in a good mood.

- off topic -

There are quite a lot of changes
(End of this chapter)

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