Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 340 World 8: The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 1

Chapter 340 World Eight: The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 1
Both of them are demons in this life, and their lifespans are extremely long. Watching the changes in the world, they finally lived in seclusion in a small mountain village, quietly waiting for the end of their lives. After losing Ning Yufeng's luck, the Ling family quickly declined. Ning Yufeng's bad breath finally came out.

The life in the small mountain village is peaceful and peaceful, which is very comfortable for them, but I don't know if there is something wrong, Lan Shuang feels that sometimes Ning Yufeng looks at her eyes a little bit wrong.

Seems to be missing something.

But this kind of time is not much, on the day when the life span is over, Lan Shuang leans in Ning Yufeng's arms, and closes her eyes with peace of mind.

They didn't say goodbye in this life, because they all knew that they would meet again in the next life.

The moment Lan Shuang's breath disappeared, Ning Yufeng, who was so old that he seemed to have only one breath left, suddenly opened his eyes, and there was no trace of fatigue in his dark red eyes.

He gently stroked Lan Shuang's side face, and said with a smile: "You have worked hard in these past lives, in the next life, let me chase you."

Before, he didn't expect that he would have any bond with the tasker, he just thought it was a romantic relationship, but when he saw her soul leave, he became delusional, greedy for her temperature, and followed her heart.

This one is the Seventh World.

In fact, in the life of the mermaid, he completely understood his intentions, and he followed him willingly, but at that time he was not sure whether Lan Shuang really liked him, or he was used to having such a person by his side. .

So he didn't show up, and kept observing until now.

This life is a demon body, his soul has accumulated a lot of strength through cultivation, and now it can support him to do more things.

He carried Lan Shuang to the cemetery that had been prepared earlier, buried her body in it, and then fell down beside her. The moment he closed his eyes, a white light flashed, and a solid soul emerged from his body.

He glanced at Lan Shuang's tightly embraced body, his lips hooked slightly, raised his hand to draw the coffin lid on one side, covered the two of them, and then slapped the coffin into the ground with his backhand without leaving any traces.

His long eyelashes drooped, he pinched his fingers to calculate the position, and easily tore apart the space to follow.

In this life, he felt that there were some things that could be clarified.


After Lan Shuang returned to the mission world, she didn't stay long and asked 888 to send her to the next world.

888 asked worriedly: "Host, I see that other hosts occasionally take a break, do you want to? Will it be too hard for you to rotate like this?"

"It's okay, I want to retire early. When I think about this goal, I don't feel so tired."


"Okay, the information of the next world has been sent to you, pay attention to check it~"

888 has adapted to the workaholic virtue of his host, and after packing the materials, they passed them to Lan Shuang's mind.


"Drink some more, my lord, I will feed you..."

A pretentious voice rang in the ear, and the sticky aroma of exhaled sprayed on the side of the neck, which made Lan Shuang's skin goosebumps.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and saw a young man in blue robe crawling on her body like a water snake.

Lan Shuang shuddered, and pushed the person out with her backhand, "What are you doing?"

The boy fell to the ground, and the wine glass in his hand fell to the ground and shattered. The crisp sound immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

The sound of the pipa stopped, and the young man who sang the song didn't dare to speak, and stood up and looked at them in fear.

Lan Shuang squinted her eyes and observed her current situation. The light gauze was lingering and the fragrance was wafting. Looking around, there was a room full of skinny young men, all of whom looked timid and weak, without any masculinity.

"Little Baba, did I enter a brothel?"

Lan Shuang's eyes swept across the young man covered by a light veil, and she did not look at evil.

888: "From the timeline of the plot, yes, the Fifth Prince Jiang Che asked you out for a drink, and wanted to see if you like masculinity, so he dragged you to find Xiaowan."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She lowered her head and glanced, she was resting today, she didn't wear eunuch uniform, only a moon white brocade robe.

A cyan corner appeared beside him, that was the Fifth Prince Jiang Che.

In the awkward silence, Jiang Che suddenly chuckled, and asked in an affectionate tone: "Ah Shuang is in a bad mood today? Why did you get angry all of a sudden? If you don't like it, just ask him to step down."

Jiang Che waved his hand and gave the young man a look. The young man stood up gratefully and retreated.

Lan Shuang looked at him without saying a word. Jiang Che was really pretty when he smiled, like the bright moon in the sky, gentle and non-aggressive.

It's no wonder the original owner took a fancy to him.

She pressed her forehead, lowered her eyes and said, "It's because I'm not in a good mood. The charcoal pot is burning hot here, and people who are hot are upset."

Saying that she got up and was about to go outside.

Jiang Che was taken aback, why didn't this person follow the routine?
"A-Shuang won't sit down for a while anymore? We just came out, there is nothing to do today, why don't you accompany me for a drink or two?"

Jiang Che stretched out his hand to grab Lan Shuang's sleeve, and just as Lan Shuang was about to speak, her body felt hot, as if tiny electric currents were rushing through her limbs.

Lan Shuang pursed her lips tightly, brushed Jiang Che's hand away, "Let's wait another day."

Jiang Che frowned, noticing that she was not in the right state, his face was still flushed, he couldn't help getting up and following, "Are you—"


The door was pushed open from the outside, and the sound of arguing outside could be heard clearly.

"Princess, the fifth prince said that you can't enter here casually, please don't embarrass your subordinates."

"If you don't get out of the way, you are embarrassing me. You can bear this crime?" A slightly hoarse voice sounded. At first, it was a bit confusing to distinguish between men and women, but it was not a big problem. From the memory Lan Shuang received He recognized the person in front of him.

The eldest princess Jiang Mu, 22 years old, is the emperor's first child. Although she is a concubine, she is still favored. No one would dare to offer her a marriage.

The eldest princess even told the emperor directly that her fate was not good, and that if she married, she would restrain her relatives.

Others may not believe this, but the emperor believed it. He devoted himself to cultivating immortals and asked, he was in awe of gods, ghosts, and ghosts. After finding someone to calculate, the eldest princess's life was really hard and she should not marry, so the emperor dismissed the idea , Let her raise her face and play, as long as she doesn't make too much noise, just turn a blind eye.

So as soon as Jiang Mu said this, the guards guarding the gate immediately hesitated, and with such an amazing effort, the eldest princess pushed the door in and met Lan Shuang who was about to go out at a glance.

At this moment, Lan Shuang could hardly stand up anymore, she relied on her consciousness to hold on and did not fall, "Big...uh!"

Jiang Mu suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him, his red lips were slightly hooked, with a bit of profligacy: "Why didn't I realize that Mrs. Lan is so beautiful before?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Princess, I am a eunuch now, is there something wrong with what you said?
Jiang Che was also stunned for a while, then stepped forward and cupped his hands, "Why is Miss Huang here?"

Jiang Mu glanced at him coldly: "Is it possible to report to you where I am going? The emperor is not in your control."

Jiang Che: "...my brother didn't mean that."

(End of this chapter)

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