Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 341 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 2

Chapter 341 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 2
Jiang Mu didn't intend to answer his words at all, and when he got him, he took Lan Shuang's belt and walked out, lightly throwing a sentence: "I'll take him away, you can take care of yourself."

Jiang Che: "?"

He hurriedly chased him out, but there were too many people in the brothel, and the noise spread to the courtiers' ears, and everything he had worked so hard to manage would be over.

He didn't dare to shout, so he could only quickly follow Jiang Mu, and whispered beside her: "Sister Huang, this is Lan Shuang, who is in charge of Dongchang and Jinyiwei. I'm afraid the emperor won't be able to protect you!"

This is not an exaggeration, Jiang Mu raised his delicate eyebrows and stopped.

Jiang Che thought she was afraid, and was overjoyed. Just as he was about to make persistent efforts, Jiang Mu raised his chin slightly and said, "I am happy."

Jiang Che: "..."

One punch on the cotton, good words are hard to persuade, damn it!
He clenched his hands tightly, gritted his teeth and watched Jiang Mu help Lan Shuang go downstairs.

Today is almost close, and after a while, he will know whether Lan Shuang is a good Nanfeng. Such a good opportunity has been ruined by Jiang Mu!

Jiang Mu walked downstairs, tilted his head and sneezed.

Lan Shuang's fingers holding her sleeves were hot, she was out of breath, and she still thought about asking, "Did the princess catch a cold?"

Jiang Mu snorted, "Maybe some grandson scolded me."

She took the veil and wiped her hands indifferently, and looked down at the person in her arms who was getting softer and softer.

Lan Shuang's face was only a little red before, but now her neck is completely red and dripping with sweat.

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Mu took off his cloak and wrapped her up, and walked out with her in his arms. The attendant asked hesitantly, "Princess, you..."

"To shut up."

Jiang Mu led Lan Shuang out of the brothel without looking sideways, and went straight into his carriage, and said coldly, "Go back home, hurry up."


"It's so hot..." The carriage was very spacious, with a charcoal fire burning in the dark compartment, which was even warmer than the private room in the brothel. Lan Shuang curled up in a corner of Jiang Mu's cloak, shaking her head in the heat.

"Drink some water first." Jiang Mu poured a glass of water to help her up, but Lanshuang didn't cooperate, she kept humming, but refused to drink.

In desperation, Jiang Mu raised his head and took a big gulp, pinching Lan Shuang's chin and feeding the water.

The slightly cool water entrance briefly awakened Lan Shuang's rationality, she stared blankly at the eyebrows that were close at hand, and subconsciously swallowed.

Aware of her movements, Jiang Mu, who was bright and yet heroic, laughed in a low voice, "Good boy."

Lan Shuang couldn't remember what happened afterwards, she only knew that after drinking the water, she was honest for a while, was held in Jiang Mu's arms, and then fell asleep in a daze, and when she woke up, she was in the princess mansion.


Looking at the dark golden bed curtain above her head, Lan Shuang exhaled slowly, and while there was no one around, she checked her identity information.

Her identity in this life is a bit complicated.

In front of people, she is very beautiful, nine thousand years old under one person, she is the most trusted eunuch of the emperor, of course this eunuch is fake, the emperor also knows this, otherwise she would not let her walk by his side.

Back then, she was just a homeless little beggar who accidentally bumped into the frame of the emperor's hunting carriage. At that time, she thought she was doomed, but unexpectedly the emperor did not blame her and took her back to the palace.

The original owner didn't understand at the time, thinking that the emperor was taking her back to kill, but he didn't expect the emperor to retreat from the crowd, and asked her very gently if she wanted to be a high official.

I was ignorant when I was a child, the original owner just wanted to have enough to eat, and agreed without even thinking about it.

The emperor asked someone to take her away, bathe her, and then gave her a set of eunuch clothes.

From then on, she no longer showed herself as a woman, but became an inconspicuous little eunuch in the harem.

The emperor promoted her, put her by his side, and gradually entrusted her with important tasks.

When she was fighting against the original factory owner, she suddenly realized that the emperor had already wanted to get rid of the factory owner and took her in just to cultivate his own knife. When she bumped into it, the emperor took a fancy to that Wild eyes, that's why I brought her back.

And she has been a eunuch for too long, and no one knows her identity as a woman, and there will be endless troubles when she is discovered. The emperor is sure of this, so he can use her with confidence.

Because as long as he wanted to, crushing her to death was as easy as crushing an ant.

So the original owner tried every means to conceal her identity. Anyway, she was powerful enough, as long as she paid more attention, no one would associate her with the woman.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

The old emperor was obsessed with cultivating immortals and asking, ignoring the government, and the original owner became the most powerful person in the entire capital. The princes couldn't avoid her in their struggle for power and profit, and everyone wanted to pull her into their camp.

The fifth prince Jiang Che was one of them. His biological mother was humble, so he left early, leaving him no useful manpower and no help. It was wishful thinking for him to sit on the throne.So he turned his idea to the original owner and tried every means to suit his liking.

Coupled with his handsome appearance, gentle demeanor, and clean smile like a bright moon, the original owner was gradually moved and began to help the fifth prince with planning, but this was far from enough.

The fifth prince wanted a handle that could completely control the original owner. He found that there was no Ji concubine in the original owner's mansion. Even though he was a eunuch, it was fine, but as long as they wanted, there would still be people who would continue to send him beauties.

But the original owner refused to accept them all.

The fifth prince suspected that she might be a good Nanfeng, so he deliberately set up a trick to take her to the brothel, found a group of young men to serve him, and even poured something into the wine to cheer her up. If she really had this habit, she would definitely not be able to bear it.

And even if she didn't, the fifth prince would still be able to take advantage of her weakness if she came up with the medicine and did something.

The original owner of the previous life was tricked into exposing her identity as a woman at this banquet, and had an affair with the fifth prince.

After the fifth prince discovered this secret, he changed his gentle appearance before, and began to threaten the original owner, coming and going as soon as he was called, the original owner was discouraged and had to follow suit.

In the end, the fifth prince successfully ascended to the throne, and all the power of the original owner fell into his hands, and the original owner was gifted to death by the fifth prince's three-foot white silk.


So when Lan Shuang came here, it was the crucial banquet. If the eldest princess hadn't come to save the scene, Jiang Che might have to pester her for a while.

Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and touched the brocade quilt next to her, her hands were soft and silky, so comfortable.

"Little Baba, what is the original owner's wish?"

888: "Well, the original owner has only one wish - anyone can be the emperor, but the fifth prince must not be allowed to succeed."

"Huh? Just this one?" Lan Shuang was a little surprised.

"Well, I guess he was really hurt. He didn't love him or hate him anymore. He just wanted to dash his hopes."

"Okay, I will carefully consider the candidate."

Lan Shuang stretched and was about to sit up when she saw a slender hand lift up the bed curtain.

"woke up?"

- off topic -

About catching bugs, I will read them every time I write, but I may not always find them, so there are often typos. I am very grateful to everyone who catches bugs, but I will not change them immediately, because I still have to look for it, which takes a lot of time. It is one, and the other is that if you change a word, it will be refreshed. Many people will show that the chapter content has been updated and reloaded, and then jump to the front, so I plan to find time to change it together after the text is finished, including the previous bug. or something like that~
(End of this chapter)

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