Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 342 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 3

A deep and soft voice sounded, and Lan Shuang looked up, and saw the eldest princess standing beside the bed wearing a taupe-colored round-neck dress, with a circle of rabbit fur sewn around her neck, sweeping warmly on her chin, blurring The border of her jaw neutralizes her overly pronounced contour lines.

Because of the action of lifting the bed curtain, she leaned over slightly, and looked at her with lowered eyes, with a bit of indescribable aggression.

Lan Shuang coughed lightly, "Thank you princess for taking me in."

As she said that, she was about to sit up, but the person in front of her didn't intend to just let her get away with it. With a light push, Lan Shuang was pushed back into the soft quilt.

Lan Shuang looked at her blankly, "Princess?"

Jiang Mu didn't speak, and sat down on the edge of the bed slowly, with his hands casually resting on the brocade quilt, but it was just enough for Lan Shuang to be unable to get up, and Lan Shuang realized that she was in danger.

Her eyes darkened slightly, and she looked at the person in front of her steadily.

The eldest princess Jiang Mu is in her early twenties, exactly the best age, her whole body is like a flower in full bloom, bright and majestic, with a natural arrogance, which makes people know her extraordinary status at a glance.

The most memorable thing is that pair of peach blossom eyes, sparkling and rippling, hesitant to speak, and a small mole of tears under his eyes, which is just right and evokes infinite reverie.

In addition, her outline is very neat, different from the soft beauty of ordinary women, her whole person has a hybrid temperament of beauty and heroism, which is unique.

Therefore, knowing that she has a bad reputation and is moody, there are still many people who are willing to recommend themselves to beg the princess for mercy.

But they are afraid that they don't know that taking out the things under this beautiful woman's skirt may make them feel ashamed.

"You can still lose your mind in front of me, why, am I not good-looking enough?"

The warm breath approached suddenly, and Lan Shuang came back to her senses, and found that this person had approached him at some point, she turned her head slightly, and they were about to kiss each other.

She pursed her lips, and moved back without a trace, but now she was on the bed, the space was so big, she couldn't retreat anywhere.

"The eldest princess is naturally extremely beautiful, but the golden branches and jade leaves are not to be admired, and the minister dare not look casually."

Jiang Mu chuckled, "Really?"

Her fingertips with a faint fragrance landed on the tip of Lan Shuang's nose, and moved down a little bit, causing a tingling sensation wherever she passed.

Lan Shuang couldn't help shaking, and raised her hand to grab her restless hand, but instead, her wrist was clamped and pressed to the head of the bed.

Jiang Mu leaned down again to face her, with a low voice: "I can't drink enough, and I dare to go to that kind of place. I don't know if everything there is spiced? Is Nine Thousand Years really not afraid, or... something else Follow-up move?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, was it her illusion?Why do you always feel that this eldest princess is flirting with her?
Although her ultimate goal is indeed her, but... is there something wrong?

"Xiao Baba, is this eldest princess reborn?"

Apart from this possibility, Lan Shuang really couldn't find any other reason.

"Let me check." 888 moved his fingers quickly on the screen, watched the progress bar complete, and the screen displayed: No abnormality found yet.

"Host, no, she is Jiang Mu, there is no rebirth, and there are no other problems."

"Really?" Lan Shuang looked suspiciously at the person in front of her, as if aware of her doubts, Jiang Mu's finger rested on her lips, and pressed it lightly, "Forget it, what do you want to do?" , I can't control it, but... let's not take it as an example."

"Then what if I committed the crime knowingly?" Lan Shuang asked suddenly.

Then I saw Jiang Mu laughing lowly, his eyes rippling, "Then lock you up."

Lan Shuang: "..."

You tell me it's okay?
Didn't the original plot say she was a sick girl?Could it be that it was hidden too well?

Lan Shuang thought about it carefully. In the previous life, the original owner died early. At that time, the eldest princess hadn't emerged. It was after the original owner's death that the eldest princess was completely exposed.

For such a deep-minded person, it doesn't seem strange to have any personality behind his back.

Lan Shuang struggled silently, this time Jiang Mu didn't press her anymore, Shi Shiran stood up, flicked his sleeves slightly and said, "I have already cured the medicine in your medicine, but the follow-up may be a little weak, anyway, take a rest today, Dongchang and Jinyiwei will not be in trouble without you, eat here before leaving?"

The words seemed to be asking, but the tone was conclusive.

"Then bother the princess."

Lan Shuang sat up and straightened her skirt.

"Well, the clothes are put on the hanger for you. Do you wear them yourself or should I help you?" Jiang Mu said as he glanced at the part of her neck that was exposed.

Lan Shuang covered it with her backhand, and said softly, "I'll do it myself."

Jiang Mu didn't bother anymore, turned around and went out.

Lan Shuang stared at the screen in a daze while putting on her coat, she still felt something was wrong, Jiang Mu's attitude towards her was simply inexplicable.

There is a hint of strangeness in the intimacy, but it is not too frivolous.

Like a moth fluttering wildly by a fire.


After Jiang Mu went out, he told the maids on the left and right: "Pass the meal."


The maids left one after another, and a person came strolling in the deep and winding corridor, wearing a light blue wide-sleeved robe, which looked elegant and smart, and was covered with white fox fur, which was exquisite and extravagant.

After seeing Jiang Mu, he smiled slightly, and suddenly the moon appeared like a cloud.

But Jiang Mu was unmoved at all, and said coldly: "Open the screen again, and I will pick off your peacock feather and throw it out."

The visitor touched his nose awkwardly, "Why are you so angry? Didn't you say that you brought back a new love? I'm really curious, what a beautiful person, who can make you so interested ?”

As he said that, he wanted to go to the bedroom.

Jiang Mu raised his hand to stop him coldly, and warned: "Xu Yunzhou, go one step further and chop off your feet to feed the dogs."

Xu Yunzhou immediately retracted and stood there looking at Jiang Mu suspiciously.

If someone saw this scene, they might wonder why Xu Yunzhou, a big man, stood a little shorter with the big princess?
But Xu Yunzhou was used to it. He froze for a moment, then shrugged, "It's fine, I don't want to look at it. In the backyard of the deep palace, there are only newcomers laughing and no old ones crying."

Jiang Mu sneered, withdrew his hand and stood on the porch, looking at the palace wall in the distance, "Have you done what I asked you to do?"

When it came to business, Xu Yunzhou restrained his frivolous expression, turned his head and glanced at the closed door, raised his eyebrows, "You..."

"It's not an outsider." Jiang Mu didn't mean to say much.

Seeing this, Xu Yunzhou squinted his eyes, but didn't ask much. He knew who Jiang Mu was very well. Since he said that, there must be his considerations.

So he didn't hide it, and said directly: "I have tried to contact all the ministers in the court, and there are quite a few who can be used by us at present, but there is a lack of one who can really calm down the crowd, not too young. It’s good to be respected.”

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