Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 343 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 4

Jiang Mu nodded: "Respected veterans will not be easily moved by money and fame. If you want to invite them out of the mountain, you must have full sincerity. You don't have to worry about this. I will find a way to win over other ministers first. Don’t be afraid of them going back on their word.”

"Yes, I understand."

Xu Yunzhou nodded: "Then next..."

"Waiting for the opportunity." Jiang Mu waved his hand, Xu Yunzhou understood, "Okay."

After speaking, he stood still and watched the scenery with Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu: "..."

He frowned and looked over impatiently: "Why haven't you left yet?"

Xu Yunzhou gathered the collar of his fox fur, pretending to be stupid, "Isn't it my turn to serve the bed today? As the princess's male favorite, I have to do my duty. Is it time to eat later? I will serve you." Princess?"

Jiang Mu's lips were tightly pursed, on the left side of his face was written: Reject, and on the right side was written: Never.

Xu Yunzhou usually has very winking eyes, he knows when to enter and when to retreat.

Now this is pure cheating.

Just when Jiang Mu wanted to call the secret guard to come over and throw him out, the door behind him creaked open.

Xu Yunzhou's eyes lit up immediately, he turned around and stared at the door, and then saw Lan Shuang standing there in a moon-white brocade robe, looking at him with a half-smile, "I don't know who it is that can chat with the princess for so long, It turned out to be Mr. Xu."

Jiang Mu, who was originally sullen, paused when he heard this, then his expression softened, and a faint smile appeared in his eyes.

Why does it seem to smell a sour smell?

Lan Shuang didn't notice the change in Jiang Mu's eyes. She took a few glances at Xu Yunzhou and had to admit that this man was indeed very handsome. No wonder outsiders said he was the first face of the princess' mansion.

People in the princess mansion come and go, only he is always "beloved".

After staying for a long time, even the powerful have heard about it.

Lan Shuang holds the two major secret service agencies of Dongchang and Jinyiwei, so she is no exception.

It's just that I didn't have the chance to see each other before, and it was so hard to meet each other, but it was on such a delicate occasion.

Xu Yunzhou was also stunned. He opened his eyes slightly, looked at Lan Shuang and then at Jiang Mu in surprise, "You... did the princess bring Nine Thousand Years back to the mansion? If it spread, the Emperor might want Long Yan Outraged!"

Take your old man's confidant to the bed, if your old man doesn't give you a discount on his legs, he's just stupid!

Jiang Mu ignored Xu Yunzhou's eyes, and said to Lan Shuang, "Why did you come out? It's cold outside."

"I'm just hungry, and I want to ask when I can eat."

Lan Shuang nodded at Xu Yunzhou and looked away.

Jiang Mu turned his head and glanced, the maids had already arrived with trays.

"Let's serve dinner, go in and wait."

Xu Yunzhou hit the nail on the head: "I haven't eaten, can I have a pair of chopsticks? Nine thousand years old won't mind, right?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Excuse me, Mr. Xu should go back and eat."

Xu Yunzhou: "???"

Why don't you play cards according to common sense?
Jiang Mu chuckled, "Okay, then let him go back."

Xu Yunzhou: "..."

Things that emphasize sex over friends.

The last meal ended with Xu Yunzhou being turned away.


Lan Shuang was not in a hurry to leave after eating. After calming down, she felt that the current situation was more beneficial to her, so she wanted to talk to Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu didn't know if he also had this thought in mind. After the things were taken down, Jiang Mu brought two cups of hot tea, handed Lan Shuang a cup, and himself a cup, and just sat at the table and sipped it.

In the house, the ground dragon is burning, and it is not cold at all. The plum blossoms in the corner are quietly blooming, adding a touch of color to the emptiness of winter.

The incense in the censer is light and not disturbing, but the smell of Lanshuang makes me a little sleepy.

She felt that she couldn't go on like this any longer, she closed the lid, put the teacup on the table, and made a sound that was neither high nor low.

Jiang Mu looked over, Lan Shuang was sitting upright, and said with a smile: "Why did the eldest princess appear in the brothel this time? She just happened to take me away, was it intentional, or was it convenient? If we have anything to say, we might as well have an open and honest talk."

Jiang Mu also put down the teacup, leaned on the back of the chair and looked at her with deep eyes: "Naturally, there is no such coincidence in the world. It is because I pay a lot of attention to Nine Thousand Years. I will pick you up as soon as you go to the brothel." I got the news, so I rushed over."

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, and laughed inexplicably: "The princess has hands and eyes all over the sky, and her eyeliner is all around me."

Jiang Mu tapped on the armrest with his fingertips, "Nine thousand years old don't need to be so afraid, I'm just a weak woman, what threat can I pose to you?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

You better be.

"In any case, the princess saved me once. Tell me, what reward do you want?"

Lan Shuang put her elbows on the table and leaned forward slightly.

Jiang Mu looked at her leisurely, the Bu Yao tassels on her head quietly hanging by her ears, "I said I want Jiu Qiansui to be my guest of honor, isn't it too offensive?"

Lan Shuang: "... why should the princess ask questions knowingly, I am a eunuch, I am afraid I can't satisfy the princess."

Jiang Mu smiled meaningfully, you'd better be.

"It's not impossible to be an eunuch, and you don't have to rely on you for that matter." Jiang Mu muttered in a low voice.

Lan Shuang: "????"

Brother, this is not a banned program.

She coughed lightly, and tried her best to bring the topic back on track, "If the princess doesn't think about it, it's okay to think about it slowly. The promise is valid at any time, and I'll go back to the palace first."

As she got up and was about to leave, Jiang Mu suddenly said, "Father, I'm afraid he won't be alive for a few days, right?"

Lan Shuang paused, turned her face and asked, "Princess also wants a share?"

"No?" Jiang Mu turned his head to look at her.

Lan Shuang was silent for a while, "It's not impossible, but with so many princes standing in front, what advantage does the princess think she has over them?"

Jiang Mu smiled, "I don't need Jiuqiansu to worry about this. If you are willing to help me, I will definitely not cross the river and tear down the bridge in the future."

Lan Shuang heard her overtones and looked at her silently.

Jiang Mu got up and walked over, stood behind her, raised his hand to pull her hair behind her ears, and whispered: "A companion is like a tiger, and the father has not spared you, and those princes, second princes and mothers The family is powerful, and the eunuchs are the most despised. Although the other princes are flattering you now, but once the father dies, your backer will fall. Once you become the emperor and the courtiers, will you still be able to secure the position of nine thousand years old? "

Lan Shuang grabbed her restless hand and looked at her sideways, "So why does the princess think that I will believe you?"

"Because, I am happy with you." Jiang Mu said jokingly: "If you are worried, I can make a written statement. If I go back on my word in the future, you can make the written statement public."

Lan Shuang pondered for a moment, then smiled suddenly: "I will think about it carefully, it's getting late, take my leave."

"Wait a minute."

Jiang Mu called her to stop, turned around and took the cloak, went around to put it on Lan Shuang, fastened the belt, and said in a low voice: "It's cold, take care at nine thousand years old."

- off topic -

That's right, the domineering princess in this title is talking about the hero.

Man, are you happy?
Male Lead: Hehe~

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