Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 344 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 5

Chapter 344 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 5
Sitting on the sedan chair back to the palace, Lan Shuang caressed the cloak in her hand, her eyes flickering.

888 asked curiously: "Since the eldest princess has the ability to compete with the fifth prince, why didn't the host directly agree?"

Lan Shuang withdrew her hand with a chuckle, "It seems that I am too talkative to directly agree, but it is easy to make people suspicious. If I hang him for a few days before agreeing, it will be more credible."

888: "So that's how it is."

"As the fifth prince's biggest opponent in the late stage, the eldest princess is far from being as simple as it seems. We still have to be careful before we figure out her temper."

Although it is certain that this is the reincarnation of her boyfriend, but... her boyfriend does not have the same personality in every life, and only the right medicine can get twice the result with half the effort.

After thinking about the next plan, the sedan chair wobbled to the gate of the palace.

Lan Shuang put on the big cloak, opened the car curtain and took a look outside. She didn't know when it was snowing, the snow was as big as a goose feather, and the ground was covered with a layer of white in the blink of an eye.

The accompanying eunuch shouted: "Be careful, the road is slippery in snowy weather, don't be nine thousand years old."


The speed of the sedan chair immediately slowed down, and all the palace people gave way wherever it passed. The grandeur and majesty of the sedan chair were not comparable to that of ordinary princes.

Lan Shuang propped her chin with one hand, feeling a little worried, "If you act so arrogantly, it would be strange not to be envied by others."

But it’s okay not to be so arrogant, what the emperor wants is her to be arrogant and domineering, and make countless enemies, so in the end, the only one she can rely on is the emperor, and in the end she is pinched by the emperor.

The emperor's power tactics, attacking the heart is the first.

Lan Shuang thought about it for a while, and felt that there was no need to change, and changing her nature rashly would only arouse suspicion, then——let's make do with it.

The sedan chair was carried to the emperor's bedroom. This was the emperor's exclusive favor, and ordinary people did not have this kind of treatment. Lan Shuang was the only one.

After the sedan chair came to a complete stop, the little eunuch Sanxi came to lift the curtain, and flatteringly said, "Godfather, we're here."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Eunuchs have no roots, so it is popular to recognize godsons and grandchildren. Before she came, the original owner already had many godsons, and grandsons were running all over the place.

Suddenly being called, Lan Shuang remembered, and felt her scalp go numb.

This can also be regarded as a means for the eunuchs to consolidate their power, but once these people have two hearts, it will be very troublesome.

Numerous related contents flashed through her mind, her face was half hidden, she got off the sedan chair wearing a cloak, raised her eyes to look at the majestic palace, the corners of her lips curled slightly: "Go down."


Sanxi waved her hand, and the sedan chair was immediately carried away. The maid in the corridor had seen Lan Shuang's sedan chair long ago, took the umbrella in advance, and immediately stepped forward to hold the umbrella for her when she saw her coming, "I have seen my father-in-law."

"Well, is Your Majesty in the bedroom or the alchemy room?"

The little maid said in a low voice: "In the alchemy room, I just refined a batch of pills with Daoist Sheng Xu. After eating, I immediately rested in the alchemy room. According to the time, it's almost time to get up."

Lan Shuang nodded: "Understood."

After entering the corridor, Lan Shuang strode towards the alchemy room. When she reached the door, she was about to raise her hand to knock, but the person inside opened it first.

Lan Shuang took a step back, giving way to others, and a middle-aged man in a gray-white Taoist robe strode out with a fly whisk in his arm.

This is the so-called Daoist Sheng Xu, the second person the emperor trusts besides Lan Shuang.

Daoist Sheng Xu didn't show much respect when he saw Lan Shuang, he nodded at her as a greeting, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty is asleep inside, what's the matter with father-in-law?"

"It's nothing, I just came to take a look, thinking about what orders His Majesty has when he wakes up, so that I can be by his side and wait on you. Daoist Sheng Xu's time has come today, should we go?"

Sheng Xu looked her up and down, although he didn't say anything, he obviously didn't think much of Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang didn't care, raised her hand slightly and said: "Come here, go pass the chariot and send Daoist Sheng Xu out of the palace. The road is slippery in snowy weather, walk slowly."

"Yes." Sanxi turned around and gave the little eunuchs behind him a wink, and the little eunuchs immediately left in response.

Sheng Xu wanted to say something more, but Lan Shuang had passed him and entered the alchemy room directly, Sheng Xu's face darkened immediately.

San Xi could see clearly from behind, and said with a smile: "Daoist Sheng Xu, please—"

Sheng Xu snorted coldly, picked up the fly whisk and flicked it, two large characters were written on his face - unlucky.

Sanxi gritted her back molars silently.


The alchemy room is divided into inside and outside, the outside is the alchemy furnace and a room of materials, and the inside is a bedroom, which is specially used for the emperor to rest and have a bed.

Lan Shuang glanced at it as she walked through the outside, and there was a box of fingernail-sized black pills on the table, which should be the medicine they just made.

"Little Baba, what are the ingredients?"

888 started the system scan, and quickly got the test results, "Well, they are all some medicinal materials for nourishing the body, besides, there is a very small dose of cinnabar."

Lan Shuang looked away when she heard the words, and smiled coldly, "Sure enough, when people want to die, no one can stop them."

Cinnabar is indeed a blind medicine, which can be taken internally or externally, but if it is taken for a long time or overdose, it is likely to cause mercury poisoning.

It would be fine if the drug was stopped in time, and it would be good to live for two more years if it was taken care of properly... Lan Shuang thought that she had already reached the inner room, where the old emperor was lying on the couch, snoring slightly.

She took a closer look, and found that the old emperor was so thin that only a handful of bones were left. Fortunately, he didn't go to court very much, otherwise, if the minister saw it, he would be even more anxious to find a new home.

His complexion was yellowish with a touch of blue, and the dark circles under his eyes were deep and large. If he saw it personally, he would have to say that his life was not long, but the old emperor himself didn't realize it.

Lan Shuang sighed faintly and shook her head. As an emperor, she didn't think about making progress, and was obsessed with cultivating immortals and asking, after all, she was harming others and herself.

Not knowing if it was time, the old emperor slowly woke up, staring at the bed curtain above his head for a while with cloudy eyeballs without focus.

Lan Shuang called softly: "Your Majesty?"

The old emperor's eyes moved slightly, and only then did he notice that there was another person in the room.

After seeing that it was Lan Shuang, the old emperor pulled his lips and smiled, "I'm back."

Lan Shuang helped him up, took one coat and put it on him, "Your Majesty, be careful not to catch a cold."

"It's okay, I just took the elixir, and my body is hot, and I feel very comfortable. By the way, who did you go to see today?"

He sat on the edge of the bed, squinted his eyes, and asked unintentionally.

(End of this chapter)

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