Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 345 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 6

Chapter 345 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 6
"It was the Fifth Prince who invited the servant to drink. The servant has declined several times before. This time it is not good to slap his face. After all, the Fifth Prince is His Majesty's son, and the servant depends more or less on His Majesty's face."

Lan Shuang stood by with downcast eyes, the old emperor took the clothes and put them on by himself, glanced at her, and said with a half-smile: "Old Wu, he is like his mother and concubine, good-looking, weak-tempered, embarrassing. "

"Yes, the slave understands."

"If you want to, don't be in a hurry. With your current status, if something happens, I won't be able to protect you. Take it easy, the rest..."

The old emperor snorted lightly, and laughed profligately, "Go with you."

Lan Shuang heard his subtext, silently clenched her fists, and almost punched him twice, completely turning him into a panda.

This means that she can't reveal her identity, and she has to grasp the scale. If she really wants to, she can play with his son. As long as nothing happens, he will turn a blind eye.

Is that something a father can say?

No wonder none of the sons wished him well, they all waited for him to kick his legs and drive west.

"Where did you go to drink?" The old emperor was also bored, so he continued to ask.

Lan Shuang also said everything, including that the eldest princess suddenly appeared to save her, but she concealed the reason for saving her.

The old emperor was fooled by half-truth and half-false.

After hearing this, the old emperor clapped his hands and laughed, "Mu'er's child is also suffering. I'm sorry for her, but who made her fate bad? This marriage has been delayed, but it's not a problem to hold back like this , She wanted to raise her face to relieve her boredom, so I pretended not to see it, but after a long time, she became more and more courageous, and even set her mind on you."

He paused, raised his eyes to look at Lan Shuang carefully, Lan Shuang looked very uncomfortable in those eyes.

After a while, the old emperor smiled knowingly, "Although you walk around inside and outside with the body of an eunuch, this face is indeed what Mu'er would like."

Lan Shuang was speechless.

The old emperor got up and put on his cloak and patted her on the shoulder and said: "Be patient, she is also a woman, she can't do anything to you, just hide a little bit, if you can't hide, don't be stubborn with her, the more compliant you are." The more she dislikes her, the more she will forget about you in two days."

Lan Shuang echoed a few words, and helped the old emperor out.

The day after the old emperor finished eating the elixir, he was in a daze, talking a lot of nonsense, asking about Lan Shuang and about the harem, seeing how the concubine was doing well, and seeing what the prince was doing.

After confirming that the world was peaceful, he ate and drank enough and went to cultivate immortality again.

Lan Shuang was able to escape and went back to her room to rest.

After taking a bath, she thought about it, repaired a letter, and sent it to the princess' mansion overnight.

Jiang Mu was taken aback when he received the letter, "So soon?"

Xu Yunzhou sat opposite him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is it fast? Whose letter is it?"

Jiang Mu glanced at him, ignored him, opened the letter and read it with the oil lamp.

After a while, he let out a low laugh, unable to tell whether it was more ridicule or more joy.

Xu Yunzhou's scalp tingled when he heard it, "Who the hell is it? Don't just laugh, talk about it."

Jiang Mu put the letter on the oil lamp and prepared to burn it, but changed his mind in an instant and took the letter back.

Xu Yunzhou looked at his series of actions, raised his eyebrows, and suddenly realized, "Oh, it was written by that nine-thousand-year-old, right? Look at your cherished look, isn't it just a letter, not a love letter."

Jiang Mu didn't deny it this time, put the letter back into the envelope and put it in the dark compartment, turned his head and said seriously: "The plan should be advanced, when the spring is warm and the flowers are blooming, the old emperor will return to the west."

"Ah? Don't you plan to do it in the late summer? How come the spring will kill him?"

Xu Yunzhou looked at him disapprovingly, "Then all our plans have to be advanced, it's a bit tricky."

Jiang Mu snorted softly: "What if there is someone in the palace who will act as an internal response?"

Xu Yunzhou was taken aback, and stared at him for a while, then slapped his thigh, his eyes lit up, "That's why you went to hook up with Jiuqiantui? I said why did you, a person who has no desires and no desires, suddenly turn around?" Temperament, you can do it, you are actually tricked by a beauty!"

Jiang Mu: "?"

What's the length of that thing around your neck?

At this moment, he suddenly doubted his vision.

(End of this chapter)

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