Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 346 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 7

Chapter 346 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 7
Jiang Mu wanted to explain, but after thinking about it, it didn't seem necessary, so he swallowed his words back, and changed his words: "Let's get someone to prepare, I'm not the only one who can't sit still, I think the golden silk cage will soon become lively .”

He stared at the flickering candles, and the warm orange light couldn't illuminate the haze in his eyes.

Xu Yunzhou's playful eyes gradually faded away, leaving only a sigh.


Lan Shuang and Jiang Mu were both highly anticipated figures in the capital, and when they met together, it was like thunder and lightning, and many people were secretly poking and waiting to watch the excitement.

Especially when it was known that Lan Shuang was snatched from the fifth prince by the eldest princess, it added a bit of ambiguity to the rumor.

Folk dialect books do not know how many versions have been compiled.

What big princess has been coveting nine thousand years old for a long time, and she became a beauty in a rage.

What is it that the fifth prince longs for nine thousand years old, and tricks people into brothels to commit misdeeds.

Why did the fifth prince want to climb up, deliberately found a brothel as a cover, and wanted to recommend himself as a pillow.


And so on, there are different opinions.

The fifth prince threw down his favorite tea set angrily after hearing this.

"It's obvious that Jiang Mu is domineering, but in the end, I'm not a human being inside and out?"

The confidant knelt on the ground and shivered, "The servant also finds it strange. According to the rumors, the eldest princess is daring to love and hate her true temperament, and Nine Thousand Years is a weak and passive beauty. Your Highness... Your Highness..."

The confidant wants to speak but stops, stops talking but wants.

The fifth prince clenched his teeth and closed his eyes, suppressing his anger and shouting: "Say!"

The confidant trembled, knocked his head on the ground, and said as if he was dead: "Your Highness is that despicable villain who will do anything for the superior."

After the words fell, there was a dead silence in the hall, the fifth prince's fists were clenched, and it took him a long time to squeeze out a complete sentence: "Okay! Okay! Jiang Mu, she really has her!"

Anyone with a discerning eye will know that Jiang Mu intentionally let people release the rumors, but the common people usually just listen to the excitement, what they want to hear is the secrets of the royal family, gossip fun, as for whether it is true or false, black or white, they don't care , they only want to believe what they believe.

The fifth prince is scheming, so he naturally understands this, and there is nothing he can do about it because he is so angry that his liver hurts. He can't make trouble with Jiang Mu because of this matter, even if he makes trouble in front of his father, it is his fault first.

Because of this boring loss, he has to suffer anyway.

After calming down, he said to his confidant: "Get up, don't worry about the rumors outside, three days of excitement are over, now there are more important things to do."

"Thank you, Your Highness."

The confidant breathed a sigh of relief, got up and pressed his knees without a trace.

"How is your father's health recently?"

"The eyeliner in the palace said that the emperor seems to be in good spirits for the time being, but he has been taking elixir all the time, so he may die soon."

The fifth prince smiled contemptuously when he heard the words: "Heh, the elixir is a big joke in the world. If everyone can ascend by eating the elixir, there will be no one in the Taoist temple."

"Forget it, let him eat, we will be able to get ahead after he dies, otherwise we will have to be like this for the rest of our lives."

The fifth prince raised his hand to let his confidant get closer, gave some instructions in a low voice, and the confidant nodded, "Yes, this subordinate will do it now."


The love and hatred between Lan Shuang, the Fifth Prince and Jiang Mu soon spread to the ears of the rich and powerful. What they cared about was not the relationship between the three of them, but whether Lan Shuang and the Fifth Prince were so close, did they have any deep meaning? ?
Therefore, there are more eyeliners around the Fifth Prince's Mansion.

Many people began to pay attention to this humble prince, but no one cared about what happened to Lan Shuang and the eldest princess.

After all, an eunuch, a woman, can't get out of the sky, can she?

In this way, the situation in Kyoto has undergone subtle changes.


As for the other two parties involved in this turmoil, they were sitting in the teahouse drinking tea calmly at this moment.

There was a lot of voices outside the window, and the time was quiet inside the window, with the fragrance of tea lingering. Lan Shuang sighed in relief, "The life of the eldest princess is really nourishing."

Jiang Mu poured her tea, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly when he heard this, "Nine thousand years old, are you unhappy?"

"To be with you is like with a tiger, which day will you be happy?" Lan Shuang said from the bottom of her heart, looking at the white air on the teacup.

"In that case, why don't you come with me?"

Jiang Mu smiled and pushed the teacup towards her. Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows and looked at her quietly without speaking.

Jiang Mu was not in a hurry, and raised his eyebrows at her slightly to meet her gaze, flaunting brightly.

Lan Shuang couldn't hold back her smile, she raised the teacup and said to Jiang Mu, "There will be such a day."

Jiang Mu smiled, "I'll just sweep the bed and wait."

The two drank a cup to each other, and after putting down the teacup, Jiang Mu said softly: "You have contributed a lot to the current situation."

"What does the eldest princess mean?" Lan Shuang innocently picked up a piece of plum cake and put it in her mouth.

Jiang Mu glanced at her, "You can fool others, but you can also fool me?"

"Do you dare to say that you are not behind the scenes? Otherwise, how could so many people be eyeing the Fifth Prince?"

The fifth prince hid behind the scenes before, hiding very well, but now he is almost pushed out in front of everyone.

Lan Shuang swallowed the pastry, smiled lightly and said, "I was discovered by you. In fact, I didn't do anything. I just let people spread the news that I have a close relationship with the Fifth Prince. As for what they will think, it's out of my scope. within."

"Well, speaking of it, you really had eyes for the fifth prince before, why did you suddenly change your mind?"

Jiang Mu's probing eyes fell on her, Lan Shuang paused, and was about to speak, when Jiang Mu suddenly moved, leaning forward slightly to get closer.

Lan Shuang instinctively wanted to back away, but Jiang Mu put one hand on her shoulder and said in a low voice, "Don't move."

Lan Shuang was startled, and then felt the warm touch from the corner of her lips.

She looked down and saw Jiang Mu twisting her fingers, "There are cake crumbs."

Lan Shuang touched the corner of her mouth: "I didn't notice, is there anything else?"

Jiang Mu shook his head, "Just a little."


Halfway through saying thank you, Jiang Mu licked his index finger in front of Lan Shuang, and nodded, "It's pretty sweet."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Sweet is sweet, what do you mean when you look at me?
A pun, right?
However, Jiang Mu's movements were smooth and his expression was natural. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong at all, and Lan Shuang didn't like to argue with her.

After sitting and chatting for a while, the topic turned to the upcoming palace banquet.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, the emperor intends to hold a big family banquet, and the palace will be full of excitement then." Lan Shuang said pointedly.

Jiang Mu paused his hands, and said with a slightly serious face: "Nine thousand years old, you have to be careful. It's easy to get out of the water during the Chinese New Year. Be careful of getting burned."

Lan Shuang glanced at him: "These words should be given to the eldest princess. Be careful when the time comes, and don't accidentally become a character in the play."

The two looked at each other, and after a while, both laughed.

After finishing the tea, the two did not avoid suspicion, and went out of the teahouse side by side, and the two sedan chairs left one after the other.

(End of this chapter)

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