Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 352 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 13

She reached out to snatch it, trying to prevent him from handing the jade pendant to the old emperor.

Ke Lanshuang's eyes were as sharp as a knife, and the moment the concubine made a move, she stood in front of Liu Ming, and looked at her indifferently: "My concubine, what are you doing?"

The old emperor's suspicious eyes immediately fell on the noble concubine, who said awkwardly: "The concubine can't see it clearly from a distance, so I want to get closer to see if this jade pendant is real or not."

Lan Shuang snatched the jade pendant in front of her, turned around and handed it to the old emperor, "Don't bother the imperial concubine, your majesty is here, what fake can escape your majesty's eyes?"

The dragon fart was well shot, and the old emperor immediately waved his hand, "Bring it, let me have a look."

The noble concubine almost gritted her silver teeth.

She stared at Lan Shuang viciously, not knowing whether what she just said was intentional or unintentional, but since His Majesty can see it, no matter what the final result is, as long as the emperor says it, the false will come true, after all, who dares to question the emperor vision?

The imperial concubine silently prayed that the thing was fake, while looking at the second prince, wishing to beat him up.

How could something as important as the jade pendant fall into the hands of these people?Isn't this a ready-made handle?

The second prince was stunned and didn't know how to react.

Lan Shuang held back her laughter very hard, afraid of revealing her secrets, she could only lower her head.

"Father—my son thought that this matter was settled, and there were all the witnesses and evidences. I begged my father to make decisions for my son. My son has never had any disagreements. I have divided my duties into my father's worries, and I have not colluded with courtiers to eliminate dissidents." However, there are some people with dirty minds who come up with such a dirty trick to frame their sons and ministers, I beg my father to learn from me!"

Everyone present: "!"

The noble concubine also knelt down to intercede: "Your Majesty, this concubine has been married to you for many years. You know exactly what kind of person this concubine is. Even if I borrow a hundred courage from this concubine, I will not dare to persuade Ye'er to kill my father and the king." Ah! I beseech Your Majesty to see clearly!"

This is indeed what Jiang Mu could say. The old prince felt relieved when he thought about it. It is true that he is the only father who is used to Jiang Mu. Without him, she would be nothing, so anyone would hurt her. Him, Jiang Mu won't.

"Ye'er—are you okay? Huh?"

"Princess! The concubine has no grievances with you in the past and the present, so why do you bother to be aggressive? Could it be that you teamed up with the people behind you to deliberately put our mother and child to death?"

Lan Shuang remembered the stalk she saw before, and couldn't help laughing: "Jump up and hit your knee, I didn't think it was funny when I saw this sentence, I was just curious about what kind of picture it is, thank the old emperor for giving me Eyes opened, although it is not a big knee, but it is the same, I understand where the joke is."

Therefore, it is indeed the second prince's property, with all the witnesses and material evidence, the second prince and the noble concubine can't argue with each other.

"Poisonous woman, you still have the face to say it! My good son was raised by you like this. He didn't want to be loyal to the emperor and filial piety. He wanted to usurp the throne. Before I was dead, he couldn't wait to mutilate my brothers and feet and poison me! I am not so cruel and merciless. son!"

The old emperor jumped up from the bed angrily, jumped up in front of the second prince and slapped him.

She didn't come back to her senses until she heard a crisp "pop", and the second prince fell on the chair in response.

The imperial concubine was not stupid enough, and deliberately pointed the finger at Jiang Mu, intending to drag more people into the water, so as to confuse the public.

The old emperor was hoarse, his neck was flushed red.

Jiang Mu looked away, is it obvious to all?

888 brainstormed this sentence, combined with the scene just now, he couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahahahahaha——Host, you are good or bad."

Jiang Mu laughed nonchalantly, "Empty talk is useless, the father was poisoned and almost died. Everyone has seen it. The imperial concubine and the second brother shed two tears and cried twice, and they said that they were wronged. Where is the evidence?"

The second prince knelt down, grabbed the corner of the emperor's dragon robe, and begged, "Father, if you look into it carefully, my son is really wronged, someone wants to harm my son!"

Even Lan Shuang, who was well-informed, was dumbfounded for a while.

After thinking it over, the old emperor looked at the imperial concubine with even more disgust, "You still want to provoke my father-daughter relationship with Mu'er, do you really think I'm stupid?"

"Xiao Baba, have you heard that sentence?"

"How do I rest?" The old emperor tremblingly pointed at the imperial concubine and the second prince and scolded: "I treat them well, the whole harem I am most worthy of is their mother and son, and the result? Is this how they repay me?"

Sure enough, the old emperor frowned and turned to look at Jiang Mu.

Jiang Mu smiled angrily, "Does my father want to listen to her side? How did my son treat my father? Has my father forgotten? Besides, the relationship between my son and my younger brothers and sisters has always been bad, whether it is Whoever ascends the throne will not allow me to live a good life, I wish my father could live forever, so that I can be a princess for the rest of my life, how can I collude with anyone?"

The noble concubine screamed and rushed to the second prince's side, and carefully helped him up. Looking at the slap marks on his face that were gradually swollen, she couldn't help feeling resentful, "Your Majesty, Ye'er is your son anyway, how could you -"


Only then did Jiang Mu hypocritically walk over and pat him on the back, "Father calm down, the imperial doctor said that your current body is not suitable for great joy and great sorrow, and you should pay attention to rest."

Long Yan was furious, it was supposed to be a frightening scene, but he couldn't get serious, he jumped up and slapped his mouth, it was the first time they saw each other.

The old emperor took the jade pendant and looked around, the pattern was correct, the dark lines on it could not be imitated by ordinary people, this jade was also very special, it was exclusively used for the imperial jade pendant and could not be bought outside.

The third prince came out and knelt down, speaking earnestly, with disappointment and grievance on his face.

888 was watching intently, when he heard the words, he asked in a daze, "What are you talking about?"

"Father, my son was wronged! I lost my jade pendant a few days ago, and I never found it, but was picked up by this scoundrel, and used this to frame my son! My father's kindness to my son, I will always remember." Yu Xin, even if my son wants to be emperor again, he won't lay hands on emperor father!"

Seeing them crying pitifully, the old emperor was shaken for a moment.

The old emperor no longer hesitated, withdrew all the power from the second prince, distributed it to several other princes, mainly to the third prince, for appeasement, and then confined the second prince in the mansion. Without the emperor's will, he is not allowed to step out of the mansion in this life door step.

After all, the noble concubine has been with the old emperor for so many years, he saved some sympathy, and did not directly put him in the cold palace, but demoted him to a concubine, confined in his own palace, not allowed to go out, and all the power in his hands was handed over to the concubine De.

Having said so much, after suffering a series of blows, the old emperor was crumbling. Jiang Mu picked him up and helped him to the bed. Lan Shuang took care of the aftermath and dealt with the rest. Liu Ming was also taken away by her. The old emperor only wanted him Death, and nothing else. Before Lan Shuang left, the old emperor repeatedly warned: "Only the people at the family banquet today know about this matter, and it must not be spread."

Lan Shuang respectfully replied: "Yes."

It's this time, and he is still thinking about his family's ugliness, so the old emperor really wants to save face.

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