Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 353 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 14

After dealing with this mess, Lan Shuang felt physically and mentally exhausted. After finishing all the arrangements, she walked out along the corridor by herself.

Accompanied by the eldest princess on the emperor's side, it is estimated that they will not be able to come out for a while.

Lan Shuang walked aimlessly, and in a short while she left the palace complex and came to a secluded garden.

She looked up suddenly, and saw that the red plum blossoms in the garden were in full bloom, and the red plums were unparalleled in the darkness all over the sky.

Lan Shuang was shocked, and when she realized it, she had already opened the door and entered.

The plum garden is full of red plums. Looking from a distance, dots of red are dotted on the withered brown branches, blooming infinite vitality in the severe winter.

This is the favorite flower of the former empress. The plum garden was also built for the former empress. It was specially built by the old emperor when he was in love with her.

But at the beginning, I thought about two people with gray hair, but the first empress was deposed because of jealousy and witchcraft. Unable to bear such insults, the first empress hanged herself. The old emperor was furious, and no one was allowed to mention the first empress again.

Over time, this plum garden was abandoned.

Lan Shuang didn't expect that she would come here, but she has come all the time. It's a pity not to take a good look around on such a beautiful day.

Jiang Mu took Lan Shuang's palace lantern and placed it in front of the fifth prince, successfully stopping him three steps away.

Lan Shuang: "It's normal, I've been outside for a while, it must be freezing."

The fifth prince pursed his lips, as if he had made up his mind, he reached out to grab Lan Shuang's hand.

She held the lamp in one hand, and gently brushed the snow off the flowers with the other. The wind blew a corner of her cloak, revealing the red flying fish suit inside.

Just in time, a branch of red plum stretched obliquely in front of her, the petals were unrestrained, carrying a faint fragrance, and the stamens were covered with snow from the past few days, which made the flowers fall down.

She looked at the fifth prince indifferently, and said with a half-smile: "This is what I should say. Did you want to grab her hand just now? You are a big man, and it looks good to tease Jiu Qiansui? Are you sure?" Some manliness?"

Jiang Mu took advantage of the situation to wrap Lan Shuang's hand, and pulled him into his arms.

Lan Shuang leaned against him, froze for a moment, then moved her head silently to his shoulder.

Lan Shuang was also stunned, she didn't expect Jiang Mu to be so bold!

Jiang Mu tugged on the cloak, hugged her tighter, and put an arm around her waist, letting her stick to him.

Lan Shuang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and when she opened her lips to speak, someone broke through her defense.

Fifth Prince: "!"

Hearing this voice, the fifth prince frowned, turned his head with a bad expression, and saw the eldest princess walking quickly with two guards, and bumped into him when she came to him, causing him to stagger.

Lan Shuang turned her head and saw the fifth prince at a glance. The fifth prince froze, paused, and took two steps forward, with a smile on his face, "I didn't expect to meet Jiuqian here, We are really destined."

"This is such a big place, and you can always meet if you want to meet." Lan Shuang didn't poke him, let go of the plum branch, and asked leisurely: "Why didn't the fifth prince go back? What did you come here in the middle of the night?"

It's too peaceful, bro.You can't give up camouflage just because you wear thick clothes in winter!

Lan Shuang looked at him curiously: "Why do you think I'm angry with you?"

Lan Shuang wanted to turn her head to say something, but Jiang Mu was already impatient. She threw the palace lantern at the fifth prince, who quickly avoided and looked at her in surprise, but the next moment he saw Jiang Mu pinching Lan Shuang's jaw, Forcing her to raise her head, she lowered her eyes and kissed her.

The fifth prince was silent for a moment, then slowly walked out of the plum grove, stood still in front of Lan Shuang, with a complicated expression on his face, "A Shuang, I was careless last time, I didn't expect them to put medicine in the wine, I only found out later when I asked, At that time, I wanted to apologize to you, but the people in the princess mansion wouldn't let me in, and I couldn't force my way in..."

Lan Shuang couldn't dodge the hand holding the palace lantern, she frowned, with a bit of anger hidden in her eyes.

Lan Shuang looked at the person who suddenly appeared, and raised her eyebrows: "The Fengshui of this Plum Garden is good, and His Highness has been recruited, so it can be seen that it is a treasure land."

Jiang Mu noticed her small movements, and there was a slight smile in his eyes, but when he saw the dumbfounded fifth prince, his smile froze instantly, making the fifth prince shiver with cold.

The numbing Lanshuang shuddered.

The fifth prince walked to the corner and watched this scene, he couldn't help holding his breath slightly, he saw Lan Shuang's smiling side face, his heart suddenly jumped heavily.

She stepped on the thick snow with a palace lantern and walked forward casually. There was no one to clean this side, the snow had no paths, and she couldn't tell the difference between south, east and north. Lan Shuang didn't care, it was just so deep and shallow Walking, listening to the "creaking" sound of stepping on the snow, my mood slowly brightened.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like plum blossoms becoming immortals.

Jiang Mu glared at her, then tightened the hand holding her hand, and said in a low voice, "Why is it so cold?"

Why didn't he realize that Jiuqian was so beautiful before?
I also think she is good-looking, but it is the beauty that is influenced by power, not like now, she is pure and clean without being tainted by human fireworks.

"Little heartless, didn't I come to you? Otherwise, who would go here in the middle of the night?"

The Queen's eyes are so scary!
No, what are they doing?
The fifth prince came to his senses suddenly, rushed over and wanted to pull the two of them away, "Sister Huang, don't you want to tease Jiu Qiansui?"

He carefully looked at Lan Shuang's expression, seeing that her expression did not fluctuate at all from the beginning to the end, he couldn't help but panic, and his voice became softer, "I came to you later, but you refused to see me, A Shuang, are you still Are you mad at me?"

Jiang Mu bit her lips moderately, as if dissatisfied with her inattention.

My heart was disturbed, and my feet were also disturbed. I stepped on the snow and made a little sound.

"I have something to say to Ah Shuang." The Fifth Prince looked at Lan Shuang unwillingly, "A Shuang, I was wrong last time, I know I was wrong, please don't ignore me, okay?"

Just when the fifth prince was about to catch him, a laugh came from far and near, "Hey, it's so lively here, how could He De hide such two big Buddhas in the little plum garden?"

Jiang Mu didn't speak, but his eyes looked a little speechless, as if he was helpless with her words. He pulled away his cloak, wrapped the person in directly, grabbed Lan Shuang's hand and put it on his waist and said, "Here It's hot, hold on."

Jiang Mu didn't kiss deeply, he didn't have a habit of performing in front of outsiders, and he didn't want to be seen by Lan Shuang's coquettish attitude, so he just tasted it, clasping the back of Lan Shuang's neck tightly with his big hands, pressing the person on his shoulders, looking at her. Lu looked at the fifth prince in warning.

"You think so carefully that I don't know? You can see clearly, this person belongs to me, a pretender, such a light."

He glanced at the broken palace lantern that fell on the ground. The orange flames burned through the paper cover and burned quietly on the snow.

The jumping flames lit up Jiang Mu's face, and those bottomless eyes made people startled.

The fifth prince took two steps back in disbelief.

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