Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 354 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 15

He stared blankly at the flamboyant flames, and Jiang Mu lowered his eyes and pressed the back of Lan Shuang's head to kiss deeply again. He felt bad all over.

what is this?
His imperial sister really likes a eunuch? !

For a moment, he didn't know whether he was shocked because Sister Huang liked eunuchs, or because Lan Shuang didn't resist.

In front of Jiang Mu, Lan Shuang, who was originally quite tall, became petite under the lining, like a little daughter-in-law. Even if she was covered under a cloak, she couldn't hide her slender waist.

It's more than enough for Jiang Mu to circle one arm.

Seemingly aware of his gaze, Jiang Mu let go of Lan Shuang and raised his chin at him, "Are you still going?"

The fifth prince trembled, as if he had finally recovered his body, fled with hands and feet, and was almost tripped by his own body.

Jiang Mu watched him stumbling away, without turning his head, he said, "Go and watch outside, and don't allow any idlers to come in."


The two guards stepped on the snow and left, the creaking sound gradually faded away, and the plum garden became quiet again.

The emotion in his eyes was about to overflow, Lan Shuang looked over, and it was hard to look away. At this moment, those long-lost feelings roared up from the bottom of her heart, and she wanted to ask him in a daze, did she remember anything?
But for a while, he couldn't open his mouth.

Jiang Mu took a few glances and laughed, "A delicate flower matches a beauty, just right."

The last stroke fell, and suddenly new snow came, just falling on Lan Shuang's eyelashes, she blinked lightly, her nose suddenly felt a little sore for some reason.

Meixiang has a hint of snow, clear and fragrant, very much like the person in front of me.

"Catch what?" Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows.

Jiang Mu didn't speak, walked around behind her and slowly held her hand, leading her to write on the snow with plum branches.

Lan Shuang glanced down at her completely wrapped hand, and said pointedly: "The princess's jade hand...is really slender."

Jiang Mu smiled and said, "It's cold, but my hands are warm."

Jiang Mu stuck the red plum in Lan Shuang's temple with his backhand.

Jiang Mutan said frankly: "Hold it firmly with your hands."

Lan Shuang gently pushed Jiang Mu, wanting to get out of his arms, but Jiang Mu didn't stop him this time. He let go of his hand and let her go out from his cloak. hold her hand.

Jiang Mu looked at her tenderly, and after a while picked up a broken branch from the ground and handed it to Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang looked at it and couldn't help but read out: "Meeting you for the first time is like returning from an old friend. The sky is bright and the moon is new, and the love is the most love in the morning and evening (1)."

Jiang Mu's handwriting is elegant and sharp, exuding a murderous aura that is incompatible with a woman's identity.

"The princess just wanted to demonstrate to the fifth prince, or is she serious?" Lan Shuang finally chose a safer question.

"Huh?" Lan Shuang looked up at him suspiciously.

But the words that fell on the snow were so gentle and tender.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, and looked at him puzzled, "What is the princess doing?"

Lan Shuang didn't ask any more questions, and followed him intently.

Jiang Mu didn't speak this time, with a smile on his lips, he looked up slightly, and suddenly raised his hand to pinch a red plum, held it between his fingers, and lowered his head to sniff lightly.

"Meeting you for the first time is like returning to an old friend... I wonder which old friend the princess thinks I look like?"

Lan Shuang didn't look back, she held the plum branch tightly, waiting for an answer.

Jiang Mu noticed her tenseness, and a faint nostalgia flashed in his eyes. He didn't say it directly, but only said three words: "Everyone."

- off topic -

Explosion is over

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