Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 358 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 19

Lan Shuang's body was unstable and she fell towards the boat. Jiang Mu took the opportunity to wrap her arms around her waist, carried her back a few steps, and slowly stabilized her figure.

It was dark inside the cabin, and people outside could not see them after entering.

Jiang Mu raised his hand, made a palm wind, pushed the boat away from the shore, and slowly floated down the current.

Lan Shuang didn't twitch, her legs wrapped around his waist naturally, no one saw it anyway, of course it was because of how comfortable she was.

There is nothing embarrassing about ringing with your boyfriend.

Jiang Mu moved his hand down a little and pressed it on her waist, making her stick close to him.

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing lowly.

Jiang Mu was puzzled, but he also laughed, and held the corner of Xiaoji with his other hand, lest Lan Shuang's back would be knocked when he sat down.

Lan Shuang pursed her lips and shook her head, laughing uncontrollably.

It’s fine if you don’t pretend in winter, but now it’s spring and the clothes are thin, why don’t you pretend at all?

Jiang Mu said with a smile: "There are so many worlds, and it's normal to have the same name. I can only say that I have a special relationship with that body."

Too many emotions are entangled together, so heavy that even the eyes become dignified.That is the weight of love and responsibility.

Jiang Mu wrapped her hands and thought for a while: "I don't remember, it's too long ago."

According to the information she has acquired over the years, the only ones who can make the management bureau bow their heads in fear are those few ancient gods and their descendants.

Jiang Mu shook his head: "There's nothing we can't say."

What else does Lan Shuang not understand after hearing this?With such a natural tone, it is obvious that he did not take the people of the Administration seriously, indicating that his status is either on an equal footing with the Administration or above them.

"Is this an admission in disguise?" Lan Shuang stepped back a little, putting her hands on his shoulders.

Lan Shuang wanted to ask something more, but Jiang Mu suddenly pinched her chin to make her look at him. With his breath intertwined, he said helplessly: "There is only so little time left, let's do something more interesting."

Jiang Mu's beautiful eyes slightly curved upon hearing this.

Jiang Mu said this sentence calmly, without any sensational meaning, and even his expression didn't change, but Lan Shuang still felt the love that was about to come out.

Lan Shuang felt relieved, "But I will go back after a few more worlds, what should you do?"

Jiang Mu was taken aback, then sat down with a smile and asked someone to sit in his arms, facing him.

These words caught Lan Shuang by surprise, she suddenly didn't know how to ask the words she had prepared, and in desperation, she covered Jiang Mu's mouth.

"No, otherwise I would have to travel through these worlds. In a sense, I am doing the same thing as you."

Jiang Mu withdrew his hand and said with a chuckle, "A little spell is enough to temporarily isolate the system. The current world is relatively low-level and can't bear more divine power, so our time is limited."

Jiang Mu nodded, took her hand and wrote stroke by stroke in her palm. Lan Shuang looked at it seriously, "Jiang, Lu, Sheng?"

Jiang Mu paused, "Well... Sometimes I'm afraid that if I use too much force, I'll break the system, and the people in the administration are very annoying."

"Because I have already set my heart on you."

The stone is cold and frosty.

The rest of the unfinished words were swallowed by Jiang Mu.

"One quarter of an hour."

"Jiang Lusheng?"

"How long can it last?" Lan Shuang touched the center of her brow.

Jiang Mu touched Lan Shuang's hair with a gentle expression.

"You... what did you do?"

Even though he already had the answer in his heart, it still felt different to hear him say it himself.

Lan Shuang was surprised, "Isn't this the name of one of your lives?"

"You're still following me without realizing it? Why?" Lan Shuang pursed her lips.

and many more……


"What is your identity?"

Jiang Mu looked at her with a smile: "I didn't know it before, so I followed you with this question after I became conscious. In the last life, I finally found the answer."

Jiang Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he grabbed her hand, Lan Shuang said, "No, you can write it down."

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes, pinched his fingers with the other hand, was silent for a moment, and then asked, "What can you say? Do you know what I'm asking?"

Lan Shuang suddenly thought of a very important question. She raised a finger and said, "One more thing, what is your real name? Can you say this?"

Lan Shuang's heart tightened and she didn't ask.

"Stop talking, I can't help but want to kiss you."

Lan Shuang nodded: "It's okay, just a title."

She had a sore nose and her eyes were red with disappointment.

She sighed softly, and whispered in Jiang Mu's ear, "It's so peaceful, brother."

Lan Shuang's heart trembled, and the eyes she looked at Jiang Mu gradually became complicated.

"It's a nice name, does it have any meaning?" Lan Shuang looked at her palm, where the temperature of Jiang Mu's fingertips still remained.


Jiang Mu looked at her with frank eyes, "I have nothing to admit to you."

He raised his hand, and a faint white light flashed across his fingertips, with a slightly cool temperature, falling on the center of Lan Shuang's eyebrows.

Jiang Mu licked his dry lips, nodded and said: "Yes, I know what you are asking, so many worlds, I have indeed followed you all the time."

"It doesn't matter, my main body is sleeping, and I will wake up when I have enough strength, and I will find you at that time."

If Jiang Mu's identity is one of them, there is really no need to worry about follow-up issues.

They usually do not violate the river water, and they will cooperate when necessary.

Jiang Mu shook his head this time: "I can't say this for the time being. I am also going through calamities in various worlds. There are too many resentments and desires accumulated in this world. Heaven can't afford it, so I need someone to clean it up. I am the one in charge of cleaning it up. "

"Okay." Lan Shuang sighed and hugged Jiang Mu tightly, "The last question, will the system affect you?"

Jiang Han Bai Lusheng.

In the dark, it has long been foreshadowed.

"So that's the case, so if you follow me, it won't affect your plan?" Lan Shuang looked at him worriedly.

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, and felt disconnected from the system the next moment.

Jiang Mu wrapped his arms around her waist, and couldn't hold back a kiss on her lips, "Because I didn't recover in the previous lives, and my divine power was not enough, so I didn't have any memory. It wasn't until the mermaid world that I had accumulated enough power that I was able to save it." Gradually I became conscious."

When Jiang Mu raised his eyebrows suspiciously, she pecked at his lips with the back of her hand.

After being punctured by someone, he stopped pretending completely, and recovered his male voice, his voice was low and deep, "Because I want to see you, I'm too lazy to do it."

It might have no meaning before, and he didn't think it was very pleasant, because few people dared to call him by his first name, but now with Lan Shuang, he thinks it might indeed be meaningful.

Lan Shuang said seriously: "Can I answer now?"

- off topic -

This is not a poem, don’t confuse it. The first sentence comes from Yuan Zhongdao in "Night Spring": The white bird sings suddenly on the mountain, and the stone is cold and frosty.The flowing spring gets moonlight and turns into a stream of snow.

It is also the source of inspiration for the heroine's name, a poem with a very artistic conception, with a cool and beautiful scenery, and it is more in line with the heroine's own personality.

As for why the heroine was called Lan Shuang and not Lan Xue in the end?Because I think snow is whiter and more solid, not as ethereal and cold as frost.Frost dew can be transformed and sounds more suitable.

"Jiang Han Bai Lu Sheng" was made up by me.

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