Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 359 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 20

Chapter 359 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 20
A quarter of an hour is very short for two affectionate people, almost enough for them to exchange a passionate kiss, but for 888 who was inexplicably cut off, it seems extremely long.

This time the system space was inexplicably disconnected from the outside world. He was much calmer, and skillfully opened the detection software to start scanning. Fortunately, after this upgrade, he added a lot of functions.

He looked expectantly at the flashing blue light on the screen, waiting for the progress bar to slowly come to an end, and finally four large characters popped up.

The smile on his lips froze on his face as soon as it opened.

He leaned in front of the screen in disbelief, and almost posted it, unbelievable: "Unable to detect?"

"Why can't it be detected? The function I just upgraded is ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

He broke down and inserted his fingers into his hair, and tried again without giving up, but it still showed that it could not be detected.

888 doubted his life for a quarter of an hour.

The moment he restored contact with the outside world, he immediately called Lan Shuang: "Host, are you okay? My system has a glitch again. The screen went black just now, and the communication channel between me and you has been forcibly closed. Are you still here?" All right?"

Lan Shuang was sitting opposite Jiang Mu at this time, holding a small teacup and slowly sipping tea, her lips were red and swollen, and she looked a little guilty for no reason?
888 was a little dazed for a while, before Lan Shuang could speak, he asked again: "Host, are there mosquitoes on the river? Did you get bitten on the mouth?"


Lan Shuang was still holding a small teacup in her hand, she tilted her head and drank it naturally.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Lan Shuang waved her hand and said to Jiang Mu, "I'm fine."

"It's nothing." Lan Shuang shook her head, her guess on Jiang Mu's identity became more and more certain.

Lan Shuang blinked and looked at Jiang Mu with a guilty conscience. Jiang Mu drank tea calmly, noticed her gaze, and smiled at her: "What's wrong?"


888 was silent for a while after listening, clapped his hands and said: "Yes, what you said makes sense, then I'll talk about it later."

Everyone prayed silently, don't let anything happen today.

"The sacrifice is about to begin. At that time, the palace will be in turmoil, and the old emperor will not be able to survive. We still have to observe the national funeral. I'm afraid we won't be able to see such beautiful fireworks for a long time. Let's set off fireworks to celebrate today while we're talking."

On the day of the sacrifice, dark clouds covered the top, and the wind blew up before asking for rain.

Jiang Mu's voice was so faint amidst the continuous explosion of fireworks, but Lan Shuang could hear it clearly.

888 was caught off guard and took a big mouthful of dog food, then turned around silently.

Jiang Mu couldn't help laughing, pinched a piece of snack and fed it to her lips: "Eat it."

888: "?"

Lan Shuang wiped off her own sweat, thanks to the fact that she met this little idiot, 888, who was coaxing and big-hearted, otherwise she might cause a lot of trouble if she switched to another system.

Then he turned to 888 and said, "Do you think it's possible? There are no men and women on board, why would you suspect it's a mosquito?"

He didn't take a sip of water, so he choked and turned his face away to cough.

In this brief joy, she smiled and gently lifted Jiang Mu's face with her fingers, then turned her head and kissed his beautiful lips actively.

Looking at Jiang Mu's face, Lan Shuang felt that it was probably the second type.

Lan Shuang looked up, her eyes reflected the magnificence of that moment, Jiang Mu asked softly, "Does it look good?"


888 looked at it and suddenly felt something was wrong, he asked suspiciously: "Host, why do I feel that the atmosphere between you is a bit strange?"

888 nodded obediently: "Yeah."

Lan Shuang: "Cough cough cough——"

"You let someone let you go?" Lan Shuang turned to look at him in surprise.

After a flicker, 888 limped, turned around and forgot about the inspection, and didn't even find anything wrong.

The moment the voice fell, several rays of light suddenly rose from the river, shot straight into the sky and then exploded together.

The Tiantai is located in the south of the city. It is very far away and occupies a very large area. Usually, no one will come here, and it will only be more lively during the festivals.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "It's strange, isn't it quite harmonious?"

888 was stunned, and after realizing it, he quickly covered his face: "Oh, you really are."

She was taken aback by this adjective, but it’s okay to think about it carefully. She and Jiang Mu have traveled so many worlds together, and they have been married for thousands of years. If this is not considered an old husband and wife, others may be I'm too embarrassed to mention that word.

Jiang Mu nodded, gently picked up one side of the cloak and put it on her, held her shoulders and let her lean in his arms, sitting side by side on the bow of the boat.

888 squeezed Honghong's ears, and asked in a low voice, "Did you notice the disconnection just now?"

Can interfere with the system casually without being discovered, even the main system has not noticed, how strong is the ability?Or maybe the main system found out, but because it was him, it turned a blind eye?

Lan Shuang smiled: "That's right, let's focus on the present first."

Jiang Mu was stunned for a moment, then patted her on the back clearly, probably the system in his mind said something to embarrass her.

"It's only been upgraded, why is there still a problem? How about I respond to the main system again? Let them check it thoroughly..."

Lan Shuang nodded, and said inscrutablely, "The art of language is so exquisite."

Sitting opposite, Jiang Mu had a panoramic view of a series of subtle changes in her expression. Seeing her relax, he couldn't help laughing and said, "It's done?"

888 was still struggling, Lan Shuang interrupted him and said: "Since there is no bad effect on us, let's do it first, we still have to do tasks, if you return to the main system once, the entire system space will be shut down, it's too bad It's convenient, wouldn't it be better for you to go back and do a comprehensive inspection when all the tasks are over?"

The ministers were all sweating while standing under the sacrificial platform. How embarrassing would it be if it suddenly rained heavily in the middle of the sacrificial ceremony?
If the sacrifice is over, it can still be said that it is the auspicious rain.

She turned her head and glanced at Jiang Mu, but Jiang Mu suddenly held her head gently and made her turn to look at the sky, "Look——"

"No, I think the two of you are like...like..." He pondered his words for a while, his eyes lit up and said: "Old husband and wife, yes! It's an old husband and wife!"

However, things backfired. I was never just talking about what I was afraid of.

So tired!

Lan Shuang: "...don't make such a coquettish voice, do you still remember that you are a gentleman?"

The Imperial Forest Army was patrolling the outermost perimeter, and Jin Yiwei divided into a team to help maintain order, and the rest stayed in the palace with Lan Shuang.

She and Jiang Mu have their own tasks today, and there is no room for mistakes.

"What time is it?"

The old emperor's voice brought back Lan Shuang's thoughts, and Lan Shuang turned back from the window and returned to the bed, "Return to Your Majesty, it's almost noon."

(End of this chapter)

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