Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 360 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 21

Chapter 360 The Domineering Princess Falls in Love with Me 21
The old emperor turned his head with difficulty, his eyes fell on the window, a blush appeared on his haggard face, and his eyes were clear for a moment, "Noon?"

"Ah..." He let out a long breath, and said weakly: "Mu'er was born at noon back then, and the people in the Sitianjian said that he had a strong yang energy and strong horoscope, and he had an extremely evil fate."

Lan Shuang pulled her lips, "Why did Your Majesty suddenly think of this?"

"You said that if he went to the altar, would he offend the gods?"

When it came, the old emperor began to worry about this again.

Lan Shuang withdrew her respectful expression, stood in front of the bed, looked down at him and said indifferently: "Instead of worrying about the illusory gods, Your Majesty should worry about yourself. The mud bodhisattva crosses the river, and you will not be able to protect yourself."

The old emperor suddenly widened his eyes, blocked his throat, and coughed violently: "You... what do you mean?!"

The corners of Lan Shuang's lips curled slightly, her smile was cold, and her tone was ethereal, "The auspicious time has come, is Your Majesty ready to go?"

The old emperor opened his mouth wide in fear.


A black-faced and burly general came striding forward, his eyes lit up when he saw Jiang Mu, "The last general, Cang Lan, led an army of [-] to help Your Highness put down the chaos!"

Sun Changyi's eyes widened, and he covered his neck in disbelief, "Ho ho..."

"The auspicious time has come, please ask Princess An to clean her hands and burn incense to pray."

"Your Highness naturally led the troops into the palace and went to Lord Qing."

"Looks like a herd of horses?"


Jiang Mu suddenly made a sound, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and the soldiers who rushed in couldn't help but paused, not daring to look at her.

Sun Changyi didn't even look at him, "What are you? Come here - surround this place. Before the end of the Qing Dynasty, the aggrieved adults will stay here for a while. When the second prince ascends the throne, he will come to preside over the sacrifice."

The carriage stopped outside the arch, and Jiang Mu supported Xu Yunzhou's hand to get off the sedan chair.

"Princess An is here—"

Sun Changyi was startled, and quickly looked around, but he didn't see anyone for a long time.

Xu Yunzhou took a step forward, flicked his thumb, and pointed the dagger straight at Sun Changyi, "Presumptuous."

Jiang Mu went out from the princess mansion, accompanied by Xu Yunzhou. This time, he changed from his romantic attire of wide robes and wide sleeves to a black tight-sleeve dress.

"is it?"

I wanted to say something, but my body tilted and I fell off the horse.

As he said that, his eyes swept across Jiang Mu's body maliciously, as if he was peeking at the scenery below through the thick palace attire.

"what happened?"

Jin Yiwei followed closely behind and escorted her to the altar, Jiang Mu didn't look sideways the whole time.

The long skirt was trailing behind, and the golden phoenix fluttered its wings, raised its neck and sang, lifelike, it was clearly a dead thing, but everyone seemed to hear the phoenix calling from the sky.

The prime minister was the first to stand up and point to Sun Changyi to question.

He clamped it between two fingers, and threw it out quickly with his backhand. Before everyone could react, he stuck it straight into Sun Changyi's throat.

The eunuch's sharp voice pierced through the clouds, instantly suppressing the ministers' arguments, and everyone turned around to look at it.

Jiang Mu chuckled, and slowly pulled out a golden hairpin from his head, and his unfettered black hair immediately fell to his shoulders, dancing with the wind.

Jiang Mu didn't answer, he looked around, and suddenly raised his arms and called out: "Come on, take down this group of rebellious officials and thieves!"

The prime minister stared wide-eyed, looking at the group of menacing people behind him, suddenly thought of something, his face changed suddenly, "Are you ordered by the second prince? Where is the second prince?"

Sanxi gave an order, and the maids in white came forward one after another with jade pots and handkerchiefs. Jiang Mu was about to put his hands in when he heard a sharp shout from below: "Slow down!"

Sun Changyi frowned: "Why, what does the princess want to do?"

They boarded the sedan chair and drove straight to the south of the city.

Jiang Mu nodded slightly: "How is it in the palace?"

When she stood still on the high platform, the eunuch Sanxi shook her head and said, "Bye——"

He was dressed in a palace attire with black background and red border, his complexion was as frosty, and the pearl and phoenix crown swayed slightly as he walked, which caught people's attention.

Jiang Mu held the dagger, stretched it in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "Those who surrender, let the past go, and those who resist, the nine clans will all be destroyed."

There were exclamations one after another, and all civil and military officials thought for a while that there was something wrong with their ears.

The sound was so sudden that it sounded like a thunderbolt, which made the hearts of the ministers tremble, and even the first reaction in their minds was: Here we come!
The sound of horseshoes came galloping from far to near, and soon a group of people broke through the defense line of the imperial forest army at the gate and rushed in. The leader was dressed in silver armor and looked arrogant. , was later implicated by the second prince and was demoted, looking at it now, it seems to be the opposite.

Everyone came back to their senses, and then knelt down and shouted: "The princess is a thousand years old——"



The chest is flat, the figure is tall and straight, the eyes are indifferent and majestic, and there is no trace of tenderness.

When passing by Xu Yunzhou, Xu Yunzhou knelt down on one knee, held up the dagger with respectful hands, and said loudly: "The First Prince—"

"Sun Changyi, what are you doing? Leading troops into the altar without authorization, are you desperate?"

Jiang Mu walked down the altar step by step, removed the phoenix crown on his head as he walked, and flung it casually on the ground, his hair was full of black hair fluttering in the wind, matched with his clothes, he seemed to have crawled out of hell for a while No one dared to approach the deadly ghost.

The people who were still clamoring one moment, died so unrepentantly the next moment, everyone was shocked.

A moment later, a group of heavily armored soldiers stopped outside the altar, and archers rushed in and lined up, aiming at the people inside.

"Stop! Anyone who dares to take another step will be punished as treason!"

Sun Changyi sneered disdainfully, "Damn it? What's the point of being ridden on the head by an eunuch and a woman?"

The soldiers from the Kyoto camp he brought ran in immediately.

As the voice fell, the ground suddenly trembled.

"This is what happens when you disobey the king. Does anyone else want to try?"

Sun Changyi was riding on the horse, looking very majestic. He raised his knife and pointed at Jiang Mu on the high platform from a distance, speaking frivolously: "Princess, be sensible and come down now and catch him without a fight. Naturally, we won't do anything to you, but if you resist , don’t blame us for having no eyes.”


"Thank you, Your Highness."

The ministers were greatly shocked and remained silent for a long time.

Jiang Mu raised his hand and pulled it, and the fiery red belt rose and fell in the wind, and finally fell together with the palace attire, revealing his snow-white robe inside.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Jiang Mu's mouth, and he raised his hands flat in front of him, and said loudly: "Ping body."

He snorted coldly, "Princess, stop bluffing. The people in the capital camp are under my control. Who else can you mobilize?"

Cang Lan said: "Deputy General Liu has led [-] troops to surround them."

"it is good."

Jiang Mu finally showed a little smile, "Quick battle and quick decision."


(End of this chapter)

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