Chapter 369
The ministers were always unwilling to be ignored by the new emperor, and they always wanted to make things right. Even if Jiang Mu clearly stated that there was only one queen in the harem, they were still ruthless and tried every means to put people in front of Jiang Mu.

Today, the king of a certain county entered the palace and brought his sixteen-year-old little daughter with him, calling it a greeting to the empress.

However, Lan Shuang waited in her palace for a long time but did not see anyone.

She was bored, so she went out to see if the legendary county lord was lost.


In the imperial garden, a girl in a pink dress and white clothes stood among the flowers, holding a round fan in her hand, and with the most innocent smile on her face, she asked the maid beside her stiffly: "Didn't you say that Your Majesty will pass by here?" ? How long has it been? Why haven’t you come yet? My face is about to freeze from laughing.”

The maid looked around and said in a low voice, "Wouldn't the magistrate take a rest first? Your Majesty is talking with the county king, so I'm afraid he won't be here so soon."

"Hey, waste of emotion."

The county magistrate straightened up, and shook the round fan vigorously, even the step shakers swayed.

Lan Shuang, who was walking around the corner, just heard this sentence, her eyes lit up, and she quickly gestured to the people behind her to keep them silent.

The county lord thanked Lan Shuang happily, and exchanged a tacit look with Lan Shuang.

Empress, this is the little elf who came to rob Your Majesty with you, what are you so excited about?Are you not worried at all? !
Facts proved that Lan Shuang was not worried at all, she looked at the master and servant with great interest.

"The life in the palace is too boring. It's hard to break into something fun. Of course I want to watch the show."

Lan Shuang hid behind the rockery and quietly looked at the county lord a few times.

Jiang Mu's face darkened, and he was about to refuse when he heard a burst of laughter not far away.

The county magistrate was startled, and hurriedly turned around, and saw Lan Shuang wearing a light blue palace dress, standing in the sunlight, full of water, without complicated jewelry embellishments, only a few jade hairpins were randomly inserted on her head, but there was a sense of completeness. Tiancheng, the beauty of water hibiscus.

Lan Shuang glanced at him with a half-smile, and said to Jiang Mu: "I think I'm quite close with the county magistrate, and I want to keep her in Beijing for a longer period of time. I don't know what the county magistrate wants?"

The maid wanted to persuade her a few words, but she didn't know what to say, so she finally shut up.

"The county lord... If you really enter the palace, you and the empress are rivals in love. Do you think she will tell you this?"

Jiang Mu said coldly, "Excuse me."

The palace people behind Lan Shuang were hostile towards her at first, but seeing her ignorant appearance, they couldn't help laughing.

The maidservant changed her face and hurriedly said: "The county lord is careful!"

The county king's waist is a little stiff.

The king of the county was also very happy. He ate a few more bowls of rice when he left Beijing, and went back overnight to tell his family the good news. Then he rebuilt the palace and waited for the order.

After she had an idea, she straightened up and Shi Shi ran out, smiling and said: "I thought the county lord was lost in the palace, so I came out to look for it, but I didn't expect to see the county lord here."

The county magistrate was taken aback, and blinked his eyes blankly, "That's right... Actually, I don't really want to enter the palace, I just want to find a backer and stay in the capital, so that I don't have to go back."

These words were more or less presumptuous, but when she said them, there was a bit of ignorance and innocence, which sounded cute.

He paused, and guessed the identity of that person immediately, his eyes lit up, okay, this daughter is not in vain, and he has established a good relationship with the queen in such a short time, so it seems that letting her enter the palace is not a problem.

"Who are you? So beautiful!"

The maid and eunuch following behind: "..."

The two were talking and laughing when a smear of yellow floated not far away.

A trip to Beijing, not to mention the failure of the calculation, and the fact that the daughter beat the dog with meat buns, who can not be angry?
However, no matter how angry she was, there was nothing she could do, the deal was done, so she could only prepare a dowry, and at least she was marrying His Majesty's confidant, so it was not a loss.

The county magistrate was silent for a moment, wondering why: "I don't want to be a concubine, no matter how nice I say, I'm just a concubine, but I have no other choice. The empress has heard what you said just now. I don't want to go back and marry someone. I don’t want to be reduced to a tool.”

The king of the county heard it too, and after looking around, he saw his youngest daughter sitting and joking with a woman in blue.

Jiang Mu nodded, and the cold eyebrows and eyes softened all of a sudden, "I'm done talking, I want to come and see you."

"Don't you want to enter the palace to be a concubine?" Lan Shuang teased her.

After hearing this, Lan Shuang understood that the little county lord's heart was not bad, but she just wanted to use the excuse of entering the palace as a concubine to get rid of her father's control. It was understandable, and she could show her a clear way.

"There's no other way."

The king of the county thought that she wanted to open the harem to His Majesty, and immediately agreed happily: "It is her blessing to be favored by the empress." He turned to his daughter: "Why don't you hurry up and thank you?"

No wonder the county king was so confident in bringing his daughter in.

Under the canopy, Jiang Mu walked in front, and the county king took half a step back to follow on the right, and said distressedly: "My daughter has been naughty since she was a child, this time she admires His Majesty, she insisted on wanting to enter the palace, but His Majesty has already let her go." In other words, there is only the empress alone, and I can't make Her Majesty embarrassed, Your Majesty will just take a look, if it's okay, I'll keep it for the empress, if it doesn't work, I will take her away and never return to Beijing."

When the county king couldn't help but want to go to Beijing to have a look, the imperial decree finally came, but instead of making their youngest daughter a concubine, they married her to Xu Yunzhou, the commander of Jin Yiwei.

Lan Shuang smiled: "I am the Empress Empress you speak of."

She spoke so frankly that the county magistrate was stunned for a moment, and then laughed crisply, "The empress is really interesting, and my daughter likes you very much."

The county king's eyes darkened and he almost fainted.

The servant girl who followed the county master was startled, she quickly gave the county master a hand, knelt down first and said: "The slave girl didn't know that the empress is coming, please forgive me, the empress!"

Beautiful like an orchid growing in an empty valley.

The county head was overjoyed: "Really?"

Lan Shuang held her hand and squeezed it, and said earnestly: "This world has strict requirements on women, if the marriage is hasty, it will delay you for the rest of your life."

Lan Shuang turned her head when she heard the voice and saw Jiang Mu coming, she got up and smiled: "Why is Your Majesty here? Are you done talking about business?"

The king of the county winked at the county magistrate in embarrassment. The county magistrate looked at the sky, the ground, the leaves, and the bugs, but he just didn't look at him, which made him very angry.

Jiang Mu didn't speak, just walked over.

Lan Shuang held her hand and led her into the octagonal pavilion, "If you just want to get rid of your father, it's easy to handle. I'm the master. I'll keep you in the capital for a while. During this time, you can take care of yourself." Looking at men of the right age, if you are in love with each other, I ask His Majesty to give you a marriage, even if your father is dissatisfied, you can't refuse."

He walked over and took Lan Shuang's hand, and then looked at the county magistrate.

The county magistrate was slightly moved, "Your are so kind."

Lan Shuang nodded: "It's pretty pretty."

The county magistrate snorted, turned around and walked towards the rockery, and said, "I heard that Your Majesty said that there is only one empress in the harem. I don't know how beautiful this empress is, who can make the king of a country say such things in public. Come on, to be honest, I am quite envious of her, if I meet her today, I will ask her for advice on how to capture a man's heart."

The county magistrate raised his hand and lightly touched the tassels on his temples, smiled lightly, covered his face with a fan, and said in a low voice: "I heard that His Majesty was born extremely handsome, I don't know if it's true or not."

Maid: "..."

The county magistrate also reacted, knelt down to salute and did not forget to sneak another glance at Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang thought it was funny, so she reached out to give her a hand, but unexpectedly, she grabbed her hand and said with a smile: "The empress is really beautiful. For ordinary people, it's no wonder that His Majesty only favors you, if I were Your Majesty, I wouldn't be able to get enough of seeing each other day and night."

Jiang Mu pulled Lan Shuang to sit down, completely ignoring the county king behind him.

"Of course you can't fake it. I heard that His Majesty pretended to be a daughter at the beginning. If she looks ugly, I'm afraid you can't pretend to be?"

"I don't have anything good. Firstly, I am a woman and I don't want you to enter the fire pit. Second, if you enter the palace, won't you add trouble to my palace?"

"Your Majesty, it looks like the empress and the minister's little daughter are having a good time talking."


The county lord is only sixteen years old, she is a young girl, fair and beautiful, petite, and looks pitiful, with watery almond eyes, the most attractive appearance to look at.

"What were you talking about just now? Have such a happy chat?"

"of course."

888 looked at her sneaky look, and asked suspiciously, "What are you doing, host?"

The county lord was looking at them gossipingly, and was stared at by Jiang Mu suddenly, his whole body got goosebumps, and he knelt down to salute quickly: "My daughter has seen Your Majesty, Your Majesty is safe."

She said distressedly: "Father just wanted to use me to win over his subordinates. He doesn't even like ordinary nobles in Kyoto. He will definitely not agree to marry me. He only brought me out when he said he wanted to enter the palace. This is me. The only chance."

"That's right." The magistrate's eyes showed a bit of longing, "Then do you think he will like me? Will he take me into the harem? If it doesn't work this time, my father will take me back to marry someone. I don't want to marry a bunch of rough guys, all black and unhygienic."

The county lord was stunned for a while, his eyes lit up.

However, one month passed, two months passed, and the gate of the palace was covered with cobwebs, and the imperial edict did not come.

Later, Jiang Mu placed a row of guillotine knives at the gate of the palace. Those who wanted to send their beautiful daughters into the palace had to see how much their heads could withstand the knives. Can go in alive.

Seeing that Jiang Mu was not joking, the officials immediately stopped thinking about giving away, and dared not mention it again.

Lan Shuang, wins.

——The end of this world——

(End of this chapter)

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